With dessert or after dessert?

Food and sex have always gone together well. I never have, but have always wanted to try something a la Nine & 1/2 Weeks. That was such a sensuous story. Blind folding someone and using food in various ways to torment or excite or just feed them. In this, she also had her hands tied.

Of course, this was just one scene of the movie, but it was a nice one.
There are surely others like this, but I am not aware of them. Anybody got a favorite that is similar?
Ever since the days of "mind-expanding drugs" I have been teased by this idea of an experimenter who discovers that he has developed, or perhaps activated, taste buds all over his body. :(

Suddenly, clothes would not just have to look good, be clean, and fit properly. They would also have to taste good. And imagine how finicky he would seem when he passed up this really hot looking babe who wanted to shack up with him, for no other reason than she didn't taste right. :confused:

He'd finally have to settle for a not-so-hot looking chick who worked at the Aquarium, who was in the tank with the dolphins every day. She would have to be the one who also used food flavoured cosmetics: cherry lipstick, vanilla hair rinse, buttermilk pancake face powder, sesame oil and ginger root body oil, and chocolate mousse panty shields. :eek:

If anyone would like to take the idea off my plate, I would be happy to allow them. I have the stomach to try it, but not the palate to make it a success. Maybe some food aficionado like bridgetkeeney or DVS! :D
taste buds


Interesting premise.. not as far from reality as you might think, though...

I am very olifactorily sensitive and it has killed a couple of relationships-- one guy that I had had the hots for forever in college finally asked me out.... heart racing, sweaty palms... he makes "the move" and I freeze-- he's wearing my dad's cologne and it freaks me out... His mouth on mine, his fabulous body pressed against me and I am panicking because it feels like I'm making out with my dad....

Another guy I dated tasted bad... not bad breath or b.o., but his skin had a metallic taste to it... perhaps it was medication he was on, but while the rest of the package, so to speak, was really fine, the taste of him and his scent killed it for me...

The thought of tasting someone who had been in a tank with dolphins all day long is yech for me... salty from self is okay... tidal pool, not so much...

How about she works as a pastry chef... her whole being would be infused with kirsch, chocolate, butter, powdered sugar, strawberries....

Having made his dessert, he could eat her too...:)

*mouth watering, shifting image to a male pastry chef*

Definite possiblities for a story... want to collaborate?

Re: taste buds

bridgetkeeney said:
His mouth on mine, his fabulous body pressed against me and I am panicking because it feels like I'm making out with my dad....
An incestual nightmare?
bridgetkeeney said:
Another guy I dated tasted bad... not bad breath or b.o., but his skin had a metallic taste to it... perhaps it was medication he was on, but while the rest of the package, so to speak, was really fine, the taste of him and his scent killed it for me...
So, did you tell him, or what?
bridgetkeeney said:
How about she works as a pastry chef... her whole being would be infused with kirsch, chocolate, butter, powdered sugar, strawberries....
I can see the scene now. They get hot and heavy and soon there is a cloud of powdered sugar floating around them.
bridgetkeeney said:
Having made his dessert, he could eat her too...:)
*mouth watering, shifting image to a male pastry chef*
And, I would suppose this chef is wearing only his hat?

So, did you tell him, or what?
DVS- no, I didn't tell him... what could I say? "You're a wonderful guy, but you aren't the flavor of the month for me". I didn't want to come across as a psych case... I set him up with a sorority sister who wore the most hideous perfumes... figured she wouldn't notice. They got married after graduation and named their first girl after me...
And, I would suppose this chef is wearing only his hat?
Hmmm... industrial kitchen sex..... interesting idea... the vibrations from the hobart mixer, the pastry bag filled with strawberry mousse, chocolate fondant (really really good chocolate frosting for the gourmet challenged) being licked off of fingers and arms where it had been smeared.....

Who cares about the hat?


I hereby bequeath all my intellectual property rights to you regarding the Pillsbury Doh! Boy Story. :)

I have, for the past 8 months, been trying to conclude an original story, for which I can't find anyone to act as Editor. [ See Author's Hangout: Trying Something New! ] :(

This has recently become more imperative, because I should like to enter it into the Halloween Contest. That seems the only place it MIGHT belong. Otherwise, it could qualify equally for a dozen different categories ... including EXTREME, where I fear Laurel might stuff it, although I would be happier to see it labelled as Humour, where it would be equally mis-categorize. :rolleyes:

Probably, I should simply toss it out, but therein lies the problem. I have never encountered any story of similar plot in all of Literocity -- one may exist, but I have not encountered it -- and creating something even vaguely original is most seductive. :cool:

In regards to the Doh! Boy Story, I don't share a sufficient love of food -- especially sweets -- to do the story justice. [ I eat to live, rather than live to eat. ] :(

If you truly wish to collaborate, I suggest DVS or WSO. I may be wrong, but judging from their posts, they -- as do you -- seem to have the requisite food fetishes to make a proper meal of such a slender idea. :nana:

Good Luck, and happy gourmetizing!

For those of you in the States, I have just "discovered" the most incredible dessert that comes in a carton... Godiva Ice Cream by Edy's.. flavor: white chocolate with raspberry....

*salivating just thinking about it*

very creamy and smooth... husband got hard just watching me eat two spoonfuls last night...

yeah, yeah, food fetish.. what can I say? but it is really good, even if it isn't chocolate :)


forgive me, WSO

I will look for an equally debaucherous recipe for you... do you like raspberry flavor, or are you a chocolate purist?

MMMMM raspberries are delicious.....

however, chocolate is simply divine dear ;) *sigh*mmmmmmmm

(just whatever you tell me please do not include anything with nuts)
wildsweetone said:
MMMMM raspberries are delicious.....

however, chocolate is simply divine dear ;) *sigh*mmmmmmmm

(just whatever you tell me please do not include anything with nuts)
Growing up in a small town, we had a large back yard. That was cool, until it came time to mow it.:mad:

But, at the back of this yard, we had a raspberry patch. It was wonderful. I loved going back there and picking them off the bush and stuffing them in my mouth. Of course, you had to watch out for the thorns. Though, any blood was worth the effort. And as the years went by, I got very good at missing the prickly thorns.

But, one day, my parents decided to redo the landscape of our back yard, and the raspberry patch went to the dump. Yes, such a sad day, I thought.
Poplar trees ended up being in the place of the raspberries, along with some arranged flowery bushes. And I had another 10 foot length of grass to mow!
raspberry patches

But, at the back of this yard, we had a raspberry patch. It was wonderful. I loved going back there and picking them off the bush and stuffing them in my mouth. Of course, you had to watch out for the thorns. Though, any blood was worth the effort. And as the years went by, I got very good at missing the prickly thorns.
DVS- Thanks for the wonderful picture. :) We also had a raspberry patch to be raided. There is nothing sweeter than raspberries warm off the bushes in August. The pleasure in finding the perfectly ripe berry, contorting my arm through the thorny branches, taking it with my lips and smashing it with my tongue against the roof of my mouth was as good as it got for me as a child.

My parents also got tired of the scraggly bushes and pulled them out... only they waited until I left for college and wasn't around to pick the berries for them anymore.

I've bought raspberries in the store once or twice as an adult... they don't grow very well in the South... and they just remind me what they aren't....

So, now I go to the orchards and pick peaches, eating them hot from the trees and realize that I'd never really tasted a peach before.

*breaking out the ice cream*

Has anyone noticed how many foods/desserts there are that look like body parts?

Mother Nature has a kinky sense of humour.

Or maybe just a limited imagination.
mother nature, or the great chefs?

Has anyone noticed how many foods/desserts there are that look like body parts?

When I was considering my avatar, I definitely noticed the number of foods that had sexual images.... almost used glistening cherries or chocolate fondue with strawberries... had to stay away from cream splashing into the top of a peach.. a little too overt.

Re: raspberry patches

bridgetkeeney said:
There is nothing sweeter than raspberries warm off the bushes in August.-b
And those tell tale stains that told where you had been? Ah, the good ol' days.
tell tale stains

And those tell tale stains that told where you had been?
DVS- I got nailed by my mom several mornings when she sent me out to the bushes to get raspberries to go with cereal and came back with an empty collander and a stained mouth.... "No raspberries out there, mom," didn't fly too well. At four I hadn't mastered the concept of only lying when there wasn't evidence to indict me...

One of my favorite children's stories at that age was about two elves out picking berries. One elf kept eating all the picked berries while the other elf fussed. The uptight elf figured he needed a switch to stop his voracious companion from eating all the berries. He went through finding a stick that needed an axe to cut it that needed a stone to sharpen it that needed water to wet it..... by the time he had the switch his friend had eaten so many berries he had popped and disappeared.

hmmmm....I think there's a moral in there somewhere...

:) -b
Svenskaflicka said:
Has anyone noticed how many foods/desserts there are that look like body parts?

Mother Nature has a kinky sense of humour.

Or maybe just a limited imagination.
Sorry, all I can think of is the banana. Maybe it's my limited imagination or I am expecting exact examples.

Excite me...
steve miller


You disappoint me.... as a classic rock fan, how could you forget Steve Miller's line "really love your peaches, wanna shake your tree"? I guess melons and vine didn't have the same sound...;)

A couple hours from where I live, there is a water tower shaped and painted to look like a giant peach.... you can imagine the consternation in the Bible belt when it looked like a very rosy bottom...:eek: a leaf and stem were quickly added.

The obvious foods you missed were zucchini, corn and carrots... I worked in a health food store and we called those the orgasmically grown vegetables...

Many fruits with a "stem end" seem to resemble a crotch.. peaches, plums and cherries are high on the list.. pour cream onto them... voila!

The fuzz on a peach and the skin on a penis are similar to the point that I can't eat a peach without peeling it first... don't start on the Freudian impications.

What about that girl's 'maters or melons... depending on the size?

And the "climax" of a really juicy fruit into our mouths when we break the skin.

I have to admit, that I wasn't aware of many of these until I moved to the South... gives a potluck a whole new twist...

*reaching for a pulm*

Don't know why, but the term "eggplant" always makes me smile ;)

'Course, that might just be my fowl background :eek:
We have this scene in a Swedish movie, where an inspector is inspecting a vegetable vendor's booth at a market, and say it's too disgústing, with all the cucumbers laying around. My favorite part of that scene is where he holds up two cauliflower heads and says:

"and look what we have here! Dolly Parton! "
Svenskaflicka said:
We have this scene in a Swedish movie, where an inspector is inspecting a vegetable vendor's booth at a market, and say it's too disgústing, with all the cucumbers laying around. My favorite part of that scene is where he holds up two cauliflower heads and says:

"and look what we have here! Dolly Parton! "

OK, I am getting the jist of what you are all talking about. I was thinking more of the exact repoductions, I guess. You know, like the potato chip that looks like Charles DeGualle. Or the potato that looks like Jay Leno. No, I know these aren't sexy repoductions, but I was just misunderstanding, I guess. I am working on too little sleep for too many days, I guess.

Well, off to work!
Live by the sword...

Dearest Quasi,

Could not possibly let your delightful thread sink into miasma and off the board. :D

And, since it's the Christmas season, we have LOTS of desserts about which to post.

:rose: b
indeed! well done bridget!

christmas mince pies with icing sugar sprinkled over the top....
I'm sure there's good stuff out there, but I'm not the one to talk about them, I don't think.

I've said it before, but I don't think it can be said enough...I hate nuts, and this time of year (Thanksgiving included) is when everybody seems to try new dishes, adding nuts. And I know I am in the minority, not liking nuts.

But, I just can't see messing with a good pie or cake or casserole, or anything else for that matter with NUTS!

Cookies that are fantastic looking and probably wonderful to the taste buds except for that pecan sitting right in the middle. I don't understand the mindset that would put such a nasty tasting, varmitt looking thing so prominently in the middle of a cookie, of all things.

Or, hiding them in other dishes...mixed in the casserole, the salad, the damn green beans, of all things!!! And, then they give it an etible name...Green beans-Almondine. Come on, now! It makes you almost want to risk it, and give it a try. Why do they do that?? There HAS to be some deep dark hidden reason, but what could it be?

Like I said, I know I am in the minority here. I doubt if I'm getting my point across, eiher, because of this. But, PLEEEEEASE! Next time you try to make something "better" by adding nuts, please, oh please...STOP YOURSELF! Nuts might change it, but they will never make it better.

OK, I do see a reason for nuts, in some cases. Snickers is my favorite candy bar, Hershey's with Almonds (I choose them over the no almond kind), Cherry Mash and Almond Joy. I also like salted peanuts, but I know they are not a nut. So, why did they put NUT in the name? See how confusing this can be? No wonder I am losing my hair!

Please, bring back the joy in Christmas dinner for us all! Put the nuts in a dish by themselves. Is that so difficult to do?

Merry Christmas to you all, and to all a good night.
the ideal christmas dinner....

a bar-b-que on the beach - feel free to come and bring your own sausage ;)