With dessert or after dessert?

she who laughs last....

Quasimodem said:
Don't know why, but the term "eggplant" always makes me smile ;)

'Course, that might just be my fowl background :eek:

I am mortified to admit that I just got your pun, Quasi. :eek:

I read that post MANY times... :rolleyes:

Having re-read this thread, I now see that you have no excuse not to do a collaborative story... Attack of the Slug Uglies is posted!

And your excuse of not having a sufficient food fetish, just doesn't cut it... Slug Uglies was one big food fetish story! :eek:

driving me nuts

Please, bring back the joy in Christmas dinner for us all! Put the nuts in a dish by themselves. Is that so difficult to do?
While I like nuts, I have to echo your sentiments.

My husband is severely allergic to nuts. I have spent more evenings in ER's during the Christmas season than at parties.

There is nothing that will make the season more festive than a shot of adrenaline and benadryl. :eek:

I did some baking today and left nuts out of everything.... But, since my husband doesn't like chocolate... don't worry WSO, we went through pre-marriage counseling and worked through this issue... I will be putting walnuts into the Ghiradelli brownies that I bake tomorrow.

DVS, stick to the poppyseed loaf and lemon bars, they're nut-free.:nana:
Re: driving me nuts

bridgetkeeney said:
DVS, stick to the poppyseed loaf and lemon bars, they're nut-free.:nana:
That reminds me...when did Banana bread end up being Banana NUT bread? Fiends!
DVS said:
... Please, bring back the joy in Christmas dinner for us all! Put the nuts in a dish by themselves. Is that so difficult to do?

What! :eek:

Both Aunt Nick and Sister Fred in the same bowl? :(

- What's this? :confused:

- Nuttin' Honey! :rolleyes:
Originally signatured by Quasimodem
What My Mother Taught Me About Behavior Modification:

"Stop acting like your father!"

Quasi dearest, I'm not sure you want to know this but our mothers must be the one and same being.

anyhow, you can keep your nuts to yourselves, i loathe them... even have trouble with coconut! :p and just at this moment, i refuse to discuss publically the merits of bananas.

bridget, he doesn't like chocolate and you still married him? wow he must really have something going for him ;)
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wildsweetone said:
... our mothers must be the one and same being...

Well, she DID get around a lot, once she mastered riding dad's Harley-Davison. ;)