Women and porn (question for the ladies)

M's girl said:
I see.... I know what I did wrong....! Forgot the 0... stupid.
Will send e-mail again, well, the second one. Prefer e-mail to PM if you don't mind.

Works for me! :)
Chi-Guy31 said:
Works for me! :)

On it's way (sorry... this must be so boring to anyone else.... oh well, just bare with us a sec and we'll be gone.... about this).

Darn, I go away on business for 3 days, come back, and this great thread is still untouched. What the heck? Are there no more ladies on Lit with opinions or comments on porn? Say it ain't so! :(
Chi-Guy31 said:
Darn, I go away on business for 3 days, come back, and this great thread is still untouched. What the heck? Are there no more ladies on Lit with opinions or comments on porn? Say it ain't so! :(

My thoughts exactly ... ;) So maybe I should add another question.... "what was the first porn movie you ever saw"...? Must say I don't remeber which one that was, let alone a title, but for some of you it may be a shorter while ago. What I do remember is that the first ones I saw included the so called "Tiroler" films. They originate in Austria, Europe, and in them they wear the traditional Austrian clothes and fuck in haystags etcetera, haha. But it was 'real' porn all the same. Looking back they were awful! They are dated too I guess, you don't see them anymore, like in video-rental-places etcetera. I gues because they had this 'funny' element to them people thought it was more acceptable to tell you watched them somehow... don't know.

So ladies... what was your first porn movie you watched... (well you can share it with us if there is something to tell about the first one you DID, but that's a whole different story, haha!). What do you like to see in porn movies and is that what you find out there? What do you think about "women friendly porn"? Is it out there and does it work for you? Do you always watch porn together with your SO? It's things like that (please also check initial/first post) we would love to know! Thank you.

And thanks Chi-Guy for bumping my thread... ;) :rose:
Dangerous Vixen said:
I don't watch porn so I guess I can't be of much help here ... aww fiddlesticks ...

Well.... that's an answer to "do you watch porn" too, so... And I don't say you should... not at all, but will you tell us why you don't watch porn? Doesn't it appeal to you? Are you single at the moment and only feel comfortable watching porn with a SO? Do you find porn awfull and degrading to women? Or would you like to watch porn but are you shy of getting a film from a video rental, for instance, especially being a woman and maybe alone? I'm just curious to know. And you don't have to answer...... of course...!

I don't remember the first porn I ever saw. I do remember getting incredibly horny watching Les Voyages de Gwendolyn or something the like, and getting aroused by some scenes in A Clockwork Orange.

Come to think of it, I think the first movie I saw (or the first worth rememberging) was Josephine. I really should see that one again and make sure it's still good...
SlyKitten said:
I don't remember the first porn I ever saw. I do remember getting incredibly horny watching Les Voyages de Gwendolyn or something the like, and getting aroused by some scenes in A Clockwork Orange.

Come to think of it, I think the first movie I saw (or the first worth rememberging) was Josephine. I really should see that one again and make sure it's still good...

Must watch "A Clockwork Orange again" then..... see what's in there that was arousing... must have missed that one... ;) Sure I had seen some movies or other material before my first porn that aroused me. I guess it made me want to see what else there was. I can also imagine for some people that's enough to determine they don't want or need to see more...

Something else... I remember talking about TV at work one day ages ago. I was around 24 I think. There was this younger woman at work who was a bit of the tom-boy kind. I think she was 19 maybe and still a bit innocent, almost childish. She lived with her parents still but had her own room with TV and everything. They had this special channel with porn movies. We joked a bit about this with some of the colleagues and then she blew our minds stating that she didn't believe that what she was was true. It had to be all like stunts or anything. She was quite serious too. We could not convince her eighter! It was very funny. Hope she 'got it' in the meantime.... ;)
M's girl said:
Are you watching porn (movies) and if so, what genre do you prefer (or even which porn stars, what kind of 'action' etc).

No, not porn per se. Actually, I've never seen a porn movie. I have a pretty fertile mind, so I guess my attitude is that I can conjure up anything I want, so why pay for it?

If you don't like watching porn movies yourself, do you mind if your partner does so; do you feel comfortable with that?

No qualms with him watching, unless it became a substitute for me.

What do you think about the women (and men) who are working in the porn industry? Would you be friends with them and feel comfortable enough to tell other friends who they are and what they do?

I'm neutral on the first part of the question, I don't have an opinion or value judgment about *them* as a class of entities. Friendship? My friendships are based on the usual mutuality of value, enjoyment of their company, etc. As long as they're not violating the rights of others and acting in their own rational, long-term self interest, the specifics of their fiscal livelihood is immaterial.
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Just to add detail to my first answer that I don't watch porn per se is that I find so much erotic suggestion in mainstream fare -- and life in general -- that my daydreams (and nightdreams) have sufficient content to fill volumes. (Volumes of what I don't know; I'll get back to you on that. <g>)

Also, I've heard that porn is pretty sterile and boring, and that generally seems like a big turn-off and rather depressing. But a choice scene from, say "The English Patient" or "The Thomas Crown Affair" (remake) or the Red/White/Blue trilogy and it's like, "Hello! Bookmark that for future perusal." And I do. Believe me, I do .... and do and do and do. :D

I dunno, maybe I've missed my calling as an erotica writer or screenwriter???

Nah, I'd rather teach philosophy. I'll save the writings for my lover's eyes (only). ;)
eudaemonia said:
Also, I've heard that porn is pretty sterile and boring, and that generally seems like a big turn-off and rather depressing. But a choice scene from, say "The English Patient" or "The Thomas Crown Affair" (remake) or the Red/White/Blue trilogy and it's like, "Hello! Bookmark that for future perusal." And I do. Believe me, I do .... and do and do and do. :D

Sterile and boring..... Hmmmm, maybe.... I'm (almost) sure that your imagination makes far better pictures than the average porn flick. I have a very vivid imagination that can (and does) produce the wildest fantasies. Still, sometimes it's nice to just be entertained and let another fantasy surprise you. Depressing? Well, yeah... sometimes. Because so much is the same. Because the porn is still aimed towards men 95% of the time. It is my believe that if women would turn their fantasies into porn movies they would still be hot as hell but more sensual. I also believe that porn movies come a heck of a lot closer to men's fantasies. But although I would like to see different things in porn movies sometimes, that does not mean the ones out there now do not turn me on....

Oh, and I agree on the scenes from the movies you mentioned. Wonderful movies! Not that I wanted that for the jewels you mentioned but imagine them going a bit farther and showing the sex in XXX style. Of course the story would have to be adjusted a bit because it would be porn, but what I'm trying to say is that if you would have that sensuality and setting etcetera.... would you be tempted to watch an XXX version then?
M's girl said:
Oh, and I agree on the scenes from the movies you mentioned. Wonderful movies! Not that I wanted that for the jewels you mentioned but imagine them going a bit farther and showing the sex in XXX style. Of course the story would have to be adjusted a bit because it would be porn, but what I'm trying to say is that if you would have that sensuality and setting etcetera.... would you be tempted to watch an XXX version then?

Um ... yeah.

No, make that hell, yeah!
eudaemonia said:
Um ... yeah.

No, make that hell, yeah!

:D Well..... there you go! ;)

I'm still not saying you should watch porn, but if you find the right stuff it can be quite entertaining .. ;)

Finding the right stuff is hard though... there's so much porn out there and so much is the same. M and I joke about this sometimes. We download porn movies and then print the accompanying covers, just so we can choose what we want to watch. Then we realize that the covers don't say very much. If you compare very quickly all pics at the back are sort of the same. The titles are very exciting and original too most of the time. Okay, I know, it serves it purpose.... I guess...

But that's what this thread is about.... I wanted to know what turns women on in porn movies. I found that there are certain directors that create porn movies that are very well looked after. The sets look nice, the people are dressed smart (before they - partly - undress) and things like that. As far as I can see those movies also take better care of the women (by which I mean the men actually pay attention to some foreplay and sensuality). I also found those movies usually been made by .... women. Like Suze Randall (and her daughter) and Jill Kelly for instance. It's hardcore porn just the same, but it looks nicer. I think it's a misunderstanding that women-friendly-porn or porn that women are supposed to like would be softcore....

I would like to hear from women what porn movies they really liked and why. So others could compare and maybe find a nicer range of porn movies to look at?
Sometimes I think if a porn movie is done well, it's neither gender specific. It should have gloriously hot men and women going off at it and be mighty arousing.

I've never been a huge fan of the movies where the guy is some total brute about sex- that's not to say rough sex can't be sexy, but at least treat your co-star with a measure of respect.

Porn- it's a wonderful thing!
Lust Engine said:
Sometimes I think if a porn movie is done well, it's neither gender specific. It should have gloriously hot men and women going off at it and be mighty arousing.

I've never been a huge fan of the movies where the guy is some total brute about sex- that's not to say rough sex can't be sexy, but at least treat your co-star with a measure of respect.

Porn- it's a wonderful thing!

You are right. There are porn movies that are done with consideration and style. I was just wondering, in my first posts/questions if women thought that porn especially made for women would work and how they thought that had to be then. I must say that whenever I saw porn that was considered to be female-friendly I thought it was boring, and mostly considered it just softcore.

I also think it's a misconception that women always want (to look at) gentle sex. But what I don't like is when the first thing I see in a scene is a wide-open-ass with no one attached... or at least that's what it looks like for the first few minutes. That's not my style. After the seduction and teasing though, a little playful rough-play can be quite exciting, I agree.

Porn - It's a wonderful thing! (famous words by LustEngine ;) )
And that it is.....
M's girl said:
Porn - It's a wonderful thing! (famous words by LustEngine ;) )
And that it is.....

Geez... I'm getting seriously quoted now! I'm honored, but then I really like my porn as well.
Lust Engine said:
Geez... I'm getting seriously quoted now! I'm honored, but then I really like my porn as well.

And what is your porn.... if I may ask? (I mean.... the women are letting me down a bit here ;) ... so might as well ask the guys... :p )

Good titles or even nice scenes from movies... recommendations please! Or favourite pornstars and reasons why...

I will have to check in ( :D ) with our porn and share some why, where, when + titles if you like...
I've been reviewing porn for a few years, the topic is a big, bigger than I have time to post about right now but it sure is an interesting one. There are quite a few women directors, some already mentioned, others like Candida Royalle, Veronica Hart, Nina Hartley,Mason, Estelle Joseph at Stella Films, Maria Beatty, the folks at SIR video and a whole bunch of others whose names I'll dig up.

Some female directors make very hot stuff, others fall into the same old tired cliche dreck, yet others make big assumptions about what women want to see or not.

Toys in Babeland do a nice overview/intro sheet.


Here's another girl review group at tribe - http://clitcritique.tribe.net/

My friend Tony Comstock and his wife at Comstock Films make sexy, explicit films featuring real life couples, they are our favourite films. Like Lust Engine, I'm not convinced that the sex of the director makes a huge difference, perhaps who the intended audience is and how it is assumed they will watch has a bigger impact. For instance, in Tony's films the male is given equal camera time, that's not the case in most adult material. This equal time feels very natural if you're viewing with your lover (I'm doing a het couple assumption here).The solo male masturbator watching alone usually isn't so interested in seeing the guy, the disembodied cock is mostly fine and he doesn't want to see any more man ass than strictly necessary, he wants the camera on the girl.

Nina Hartley's "Guide To" movies are pretty much fun.

Some of my favourite porn is made by Roy Stuart, very sexy, intriguing little vignettes.

I have a few reviews up at the review section of my blog and at Adultdvdtalk, there are 11,000 reviews there!

I have links to many articles about women and porn, stats on watching, sales etc. I think someone asked earlier if there were numbers.
Thank you herecomestherain...! Wow, you've given me some stuff to look into and read.... great. Will get back to you once I've explored your blog and links.
M's girl said:
And what is your porn.... if I may ask? (I mean.... the women are letting me down a bit here ;) ... so might as well ask the guys... :p )

Good titles or even nice scenes from movies... recommendations please! Or favourite pornstars and reasons why...

I will have to check in ( :D ) with our porn and share some why, where, when + titles if you like...

Two fo my favorites over the last dozen or so years have been some of the EARLY Andrew Blake films Night Trips and Hidden Obsessions. They had wall to wall sex with all sorts of topics (ranging from mild bondage, lesbianism, group sex, etc.). Blake also managed to grab some decent looking stars as well. And there was even an actual plot line in both of these movies AND the sex that went along with the plots wasn't so gratuitous.

I've always recommended these two as far as a primer for the person new to porn and to couples who want to see something that isn't too hardcore.
Lust Engine said:
Two fo my favorites over the last dozen or so years have been some of the EARLY Andrew Blake films Night Trips and Hidden Obsessions. They had wall to wall sex with all sorts of topics (ranging from mild bondage, lesbianism, group sex, etc.). Blake also managed to grab some decent looking stars as well. And there was even an actual plot line in both of these movies AND the sex that went along with the plots wasn't so gratuitous.

I've always recommended these two as far as a primer for the person new to porn and to couples who want to see something that isn't too hardcore.

I have Hidden Obsessions.... still on tape, haha. Yes, that was a nice one. Any new material you like to watch now? (I think so). I must say I hardly watch an entire movie. Will start watching together with M but we tend to .... uhm... drift off a little, somewhere (mostly) halfway scene #2, haha. We joked about that and promised ourselves that once we were through with the whole collection (not a change in this world, but hey!) we would start over watching each film starting at scene #3!

So, titles from me, based on the first few scenes... ;) :

"Crack her jack #4" / John Leslie / Evil Empire (looks real good, funky sex)
"Three's Cumpany" / Suze Randall / Pure Play Media (Paola Rey is hot and the first scene is very sensual in my eyes)
"Fashion" (Italian) / Pleasure Productions (the scene in the club or fashion show where several couples have sex; fav for M and me)

Would have to go through our collection to see what else... if anyone is interested.
Another one that I liked was Racquel Darrian's Intimate Journeys. It's no blockbuster by any stretch but did have some intersting couple's appeal to it.

There's the starting scene where Racquel gets it on with her guy (real life husband at the time) only to be walked in upon by that guy's wife. The wife gets all snippy about it and then joins in the threesome. It was shot in a fun quirky and believable way and the sex itself wasn't too bad. There were some other hot scenes in it as well but that one opening scene I thought was acted out so well, it took porn to a slightly elevated level- which is a rarity!

And not to mention Racquel Darrian is absolutely hot & stunning in any of her flicks.
I might also need a refresher to see what's in my collection to see what hot, hot & even hotter. It's been awhile!
Here's a question, after reading the informative post by herecomestherain and her mention of Tony Comstock's films - have you heard or seen anything from Shot At Home Video? I discovered them this week through a review at AdultDVDTalk.com (bless them!) and they sell only through ShotatHome.com. They seem to have impressive little library building for amateur produtions, a number of which with extensive anal content (my favorite!). How much of Tony Comstock's films feature anal? I guess I should just check out the site! :)
M's girl said:
Thanks for your reaction. I have never seen a Hentai or full animation porn movie but maybe you can recommend one? I'm not sure if it would be my 'thing' in the end but if you advise on a real good one? Who knows?

I'm sorry. I feel like I did a hit and run. I post one thing and never check back for the response. :eek: Sorry.

As far as recommendations: Cool Devices is a pretty good series. The movies run the gamut from vanilla sex to s&m to fetish.

I agree with you on the last part of your comment (about the porn stars) too. I have seen some documentaries, TV shows and "making of" footage which shows them as they are in real life, so to speak. This puts them in a whole different light sometimes and although I never looked down on them to start with I even sometimes am very smitten with the way they act in real life. Besides that I just imagine it's very, very hard work most of the time.

I remember watching a talk show, once, in which a pair were being interviewed about the fact that they were married and working in the industry. The audience was giving them a lot of flack, saying that they were pretty much cheating on each other on a daily basis and that there was no way they could possibly love each other. The woman was trying to explain that when they had sex with each other it was different than "work" but the audience didn't want to hear any of that. I thought 'what a bunch of @ssholes'. How the heck do they know anything? I think the audience was just mad because these people were making bank off of their family members :devil:

I wonder is you all would comment on this one then? Could you do the job? Could you be a porn star? What would be the pro's and con's for you? Would you do it for the money if you were given the opportunity and you really needed it bad?

I am very self concious about my body so I don't think I could do it. Would I do it for the money? It would have to be a lot of money and I would have to need it really bad and really quick. On the other hand, I think I could stand to be on the other side of the camera and direct a porn movie. In fact, I wonder how one would get into the biz on that side?


P.S. Don't feel bad about the waterworks comment. I didn't know, until a few years ago, what it meant either. :D