Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

Here's something upbeat. You can humour me for being enthusiastic! Women's soccer ( UK = football ) and how it is providing a new focus for players and supporters. 4 or 5 years ago a big play-off might have a crowd of 6,000 but now we get ten times that number of family and women supporters.

After winning the Euros in 2022, the team pressured the government to provide £30 million funding for women and girls in England. 1500 new girl's teams have been registered since. I'd call that a win! :)
@InCNCestBangPie You’ve landed in the PG :)

Let’s stay in touch about the thread and make sure this feels like the right home.

Men of the PG - please leave this thread for the purpose explicitly intended in the title. I touted that this feels like a better forum for the thread than the GB, but could definitely be proven wrong. I hope I’m not wrong.
My concern with the Playground is there are a lot of white knight/'good guy' types here, and sometimes they have worse boundary issues than the asshats. Also, as others mentioned, it can get awfully cliquey. I mainly stayed away from the Playground all my years here until I made my own thread, and it still is kind of a 'meh: place for me. But hey, it might work out well for this thread and get more women to comment/share. That would definitely be a win. 😁
On a different topic, I found out the week before last that both twins are girls. Baby B was being modest before that ultrasound. Anyway, I think it may be one of the reasons I started letting my mind spiral to a dark place. I started worrying about all kinds of shit, including whether someone as fucked up sexually as I am has any business raising girls, which led me to feelings of worthlessness, which led me to try to fix it with sex, which took me deeper because on some level i wanted to be worthless... 😞

But even recognizing now what was happening, I'm still scared. What if I fuck them up, either because I am fucked up, or because I can't prepare them for the world? Or what if I over prepare them and they end up bitter and suspicious? I don't want them to need threads like this when they are adults, but I bet they will, and how do I get them ready without scarring them or transferring my scars to them?

I don't worry that much about my son. His father is a great role model. But my daughters will get me... and I am not a great role model, other than maybe as a cautionary take. And yeah, I know a lot of this is my own sense of inadequacy, but knowing is not always half the battle. 😠
On a different topic, I found out the week before last that both twins are girls. Baby B was being modest before that ultrasound. Anyway, I think it may be one of the reasons I started letting my mind spiral to a dark place. I started worrying about all kinds of shit, including whether someone as fucked up sexually as I am has any business raising girls, which led me to feelings of worthlessness, which led me to try to fix it with sex, which took me deeper because on some level i wanted to be worthless... 😞

But even recognizing now what was happening, I'm still scared. What if I fuck them up, either because I am fucked up, or because I can't prepare them for the world? Or what if I over prepare them and they end up bitter and suspicious? I don't want them to need threads like this when they are adults, but I bet they will, and how do I get them ready without scarring them or transferring my scars to them?

I don't worry that much about my son. His father is a great role model. But my daughters will get me... and I am not a great role model, other than maybe as a cautionary take. And yeah, I know a lot of this is my own sense of inadequacy, but knowing is not always half the battle. 😠
Hun, a few of my BFFs have girls too, some in their tweens and their approach is "do as I say, not as I do."
That could work for you, not too proud to be a hypocrite and your daughters don't need to know what life you lead when not with them or what you did before them.
I'm sure you'll do just fine!
Hun, a few of my BFFs have girls too, some in their tweens and their approach is "do as I say, not as I do."
That could work for you, not too proud to be a hypocrite and your daughters don't need to know what life you lead when not with them or what you did before them.
I'm sure you'll do just fine!
Thanks. That's what others have told me too. I'm hoping it will work. ❤️
Thanks. That's what others have told me too. I'm hoping it will work. ❤️
I will say that they probably have no hope when it comes to cursing, though. I try to control it around my son, but he already got in trouble in kindergarten for using bad words ('shit' and 'piss', but at least no 'f' bombs... yet), words he hears from me. And what makes it even worse is that he goes to the school where I teach, so... 😳
My concern with the Playground is there are a lot of white knight/'good guy' types here, and sometimes they have worse boundary issues than the asshats. Also, as others mentioned, it can get awfully cliquey. I mainly stayed away from the Playground all my years here until I made my own thread, and it still is kind of a 'meh: place for me. But hey, it might work out well for this thread and get more women to comment/share. That would definitely be a win. 😁
I won’t have any patience for white knighting or “nice guys” in here. And I can intervene if that shit happens in PMs, too, I just need to be looped in.
On a different topic, I found out the week before last that both twins are girls. Baby B was being modest before that ultrasound. Anyway, I think it may be one of the reasons I started letting my mind spiral to a dark place. I started worrying about all kinds of shit, including whether someone as fucked up sexually as I am has any business raising girls, which led me to feelings of worthlessness, which led me to try to fix it with sex, which took me deeper because on some level i wanted to be worthless... 😞

But even recognizing now what was happening, I'm still scared. What if I fuck them up, either because I am fucked up, or because I can't prepare them for the world? Or what if I over prepare them and they end up bitter and suspicious? I don't want them to need threads like this when they are adults, but I bet they will, and how do I get them ready without scarring them or transferring my scars to them?

I don't worry that much about my son. His father is a great role model. But my daughters will get me... and I am not a great role model, other than maybe as a cautionary take. And yeah, I know a lot of this is my own sense of inadequacy, but knowing is not always half the battle. 😠
Sweetie, there is no more of a fuck up than me. I was thrown out of the house because I was pregnant and my parents kept having to take me to the clinic.

I have raised two daughters single handedly, well with some help from my best friends parents. I swear, I have very loose morales, but I could not be more proud of my daughters who both go to university.

They have both kept out of trouble and value themselves highly. I feel they are more mature than me, more grounded than me.

I get in trouble for devaluing myself, because I am worthless. I feel loved having sex, I feel greatly appreciated when I am willingly abused. Though my partners have never done anything untoward to me. But, sex makes me feel appreciated.

I service my partners so that they are valued, and they want for nothing. My sex drive is high because of the reward feelings I get from the act.

You will do fine 100%. Your mothering nature will take over. They will do you proud and you will make them proud. You will have 20 years or so to care and look after them before they fly the nest. The caring won't stop there, but you will see what coaching, mentoring and mothering you have done.

Trust me you will be surprised by what you can achieve when you are caring for two beings dependant on you to provide. My two girls are my life, and yours will be to you. 💋
I get in trouble for devaluing myself, because I am worthless. I feel loved having sex, I feel greatly appreciated when I am willingly abused. Though my partners have never done anything untoward to me. But, sex makes me feel appreciated.

I service my partners so that they are valued, and they want for nothing. My sex drive is high because of the reward feelings I get from the act.
You could be describing me perfectly. I know my Hubby values me for more than sex... a lot more... but I can't believe it half the time. I need the sex as affirmation. And I need it from multiple people, at least from time to time... So I think I get you, and I think you get me... which is a great feeling, really. ❤️

As for the kid thing, I love my son completely in a way I didn't know was possible for me, and I know I'll love my daughters the same way. I just want to do right by them... and of course I'm scared I won't. But I'm sure going to fucking do the best I can.
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I'm not loyal I want to be loyal. I have only had girlfriends in my later life. I never had boyfriends or relationships with men. I've cheated in all of my recent relationships. The grass is greener and I prize monogamy highly, but I need sex which trumps all. My partner will bore of my sexual demands and I will look elsewhere when she does. But, I love her.

My loyalty is to my daughters. You've done a great job with your son, you will with your twins.❤️
@InCNCestBangPie You’ve landed in the PG :)

Let’s stay in touch about the thread and make sure this feels like the right home.

Men of the PG - please leave this thread for the purpose explicitly intended in the title. I touted that this feels like a better forum for the thread than the GB, but could definitely be proven wrong. I hope I’m not wrong.
Yay! We're here ladies 🤗💖!
Thanks so much @ToPleaseHim !
Hopefully, things go well here. We've got a very resilient and beautiful bunch of ladies here, no matter where we drop anchor. And we're ever growing.
I love it.

Fed up with hashtags! Don’t we have enough of them on any other social media platform.

By the way…. I don’t want preach or drum about how good I am!

By the way…. I just hash tagged your nickname so you get this post! Just for you!
Got it. You come into a thread for women, try to promote yourself, and then get upset.