Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

Respectful and calm? Buddy, if you think any of your unwanted interactions here have been anywhere near the vicinity of respectful and calm, then you're even dumber than you seem. And that's steep. Don't worry though, soon you & your delusions will be removed, since you're obviously too fucking bored to go away on your own. Even though you alluded to leaving. A real "no" means "yes" kinda guy.
I mean, does what you want even matter? You are just a woman.
Men of the PG - please leave this thread for the purpose explicitly intended in the title. I touted that this feels like a better forum for the thread than the GB, but could definitely be proven wrong. I hope I’m not wrong.

I won’t have any patience for white knighting or “nice guys” in here.
But this thread is NOT open for everybody - and she DOES own the thread. You've known it for many, many posts ago that you shouldn't have written in the first place.

The good guys understand to keep out, and they don't need to tell us they're good. You, in turn, are still here, in a thread EXPLICITLY stated to be for women only, and show post by post that you're not good.

But frankly, I don't even believe you can understand that even when it's been twisted in iron wire in front of you.

However, the moderator WILL see you out. Do you REALLY want to proove being such an ass that you don't leave before that happens?
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Who? I put him on iggy two pages ago.

Snow In April? I don't think we've had a dry day since September. People in the UK now have webbed feet.
Normally I love snow, but we've had so much this year, I'm hoping we are done with it until next fall. But I doubt it. Where I live, tucked up against some pretty big mountains, I've seen it snow in every month except August. Thus, I am not betting against seeing some more this spring... :rolleyes:
I'm hoping for good weather in Ohio on Monday for the eclipse.
We are supposed to have good weather here, but we are so far away from the path of totality that only the bottom third of the sun will be covered. I'm still going to have my class out there. We made pinhole projectors last week before going on spring break, and we will use those. Also, we have some folks from a local astronomy club bringing some telescopes with sun filters. It should be fun!
The trash has been taken out and banned from replying. Please let me know if he DMs anyone or tries to bring the drama elsewhere. I’ll recommend he be banned from the site.

I’ll go through and edit out quotes later when I’m home tonight.
We are supposed to have good weather here, but we are so far away from the path of totality that only the bottom third of the sun will be covered. I'm still going to have my class out there. We made pinhole projectors last week before going on spring break, and we will use those. Also, we have some folks from a local astronomy club bringing some telescopes with sun filters. It should be fun!
That sounds awesome!
Bunny exits the undergrowth and stands tall, nose twitching, ears on alert. She is looking for the wise owl, @Strixaluco.

She spies the owl high in a tree! The bunny runs to the base of the tree and stomps her feet to attract attention (a most unbunny-like action).
Owl wakes up, very groggy and tries to stretch the uncomfort away. She looks arounf and notices peculiar marks on the ground...

Bunny! The cute @SofiaLaFrench must have been around whilst the owl was asleep. Sorry Sofia, it was half past 2 am and I was finally asleep.
Snow In April? I don't think we've had a dry day since September. People in the UK now have webbed feet.
Southern Finland complained all yesterday about a new batch of whiteness. Though nothing exceptional yet. Might get some more for the weekend.
But we had a nice cold and white winter until mid-February, so we haven't suffered from rain like UK.
Southern Finland complained all yesterday about a new batch of whiteness. Though nothing exceptional yet. Might get some more for the weekend
Out here in western Alaska, we just had a winter storm last night, snow , lots of wind, drifts.... it's pretty much looking glacial around here, and folks are getting cranky.
Hope spring starts soon