Women of Lit: A Safe Place To Share

Out here in western Alaska, we just had a winter storm last night, snow , lots of wind, drifts.... it's pretty much looking glacial around here, and folks are getting cranky.
Hope spring starts soon
Our snow storms are smaller. I think they got maybe 10cm (my city got barely a dusting).
10cm of snow would paralyse the UK...
Any wise drivers still have winter tyres here. Also we have plows.

Actually 10cm at once is pretty much even with our standards, but it takes a lot more to paralyse the society. 20cm at once is already a problem, still not paralysing.
Owl wakes up, very groggy and tries to stretch the uncomfort away. She looks arounf and notices peculiar marks on the ground...

Bunny! The cute @SofiaLaFrench must have been around whilst the owl was asleep. Sorry Sofia, it was half past 2 am and I was finally asleep.
I was just stopping by to offer my gratitude for sharing those threads with me. I've read the first and am well into the second. I had no idea something like that existed.
I was just stopping by to offer my gratitude for sharing those threads with me. I've read the first and am well into the second. I had no idea something like that existed.
Hugs the bunny gently with her wings.

Just like me 23 months ago! And look at me now - I'm comfortably little to my Dom, and it's such a relief to be able to do that.
What threads?
Daddy's Little Girl. Anyone who feels the need to be taken care of might want to look at the threads 1-3, and to participate in the 4th. (For finding out if being a little, or perhaps a Mommy, resonates with you, the first 3 are the best I think.)

Edit. And that's a safe space especially for littles, too. Too hungry people are chased away.
Hugs the bunny gently with her wings.

Just like me 23 months ago! And look at me now - I'm comfortably little to my Dom, and it's such a relief to be able to do that.
I see a lot of aspects of the relationship I have with my hubs within those threads. I feel a need to share with him. Perhaps he will be open to exploring with me. I DESPERATELY HOPE SO!
Daddy's Little Girl. Anyone who feels the need to be taken care of might want to look at the threads 1-3, and to participate in the 4th. (For finding out if being a little, or perhaps a Mommy, resonates with you, the first 3 are the best I think.)

Edit. And that's a safe space especially for littles, too. Too hungry people are chased away.
The first thread was very eye-opening. I felt an immediate kinship with the littles. And the Daddies! Oh goodness, they are so wonderful.
I see a lot of aspects of the relationship I have with my hubs within those threads. I feel a need to share with him. Perhaps he will be open to exploring with me. I DESPERATELY HOPE SO!
If you already have some of it, sounds like a bit more could be had.

Remember - there's no single way of doing it. You can do it your own way. And the 4th thread has the ongoing discussion, it can be worthwhile writing there!
I'm so happy for you! The thing I learned from the first thread is that there are so many variations of DD/lg, and it really just comes down to what works for the individuals in the relationship! And that DDs have needs too.
I'm so happy for you! The thing I learned from the first thread is that there are so many variations of DD/lg, and it really just comes down to what works for the individuals in the relationship! And that DDs have needs too.
I'd send you a link to one good description of DDlg, but sadly it has disappeared from the Internet...
If you already have some of it, sounds like a bit more could be had.

Remember - there's no single way of doing it. You can do it your own way. And the 4th thread has the ongoing discussion, it can be worthwhile writing there!
Yes, I've mentioned him in this thread before, I think. He is a protector by nature, both in his personal and professional lives. He's who I go to when I need comfort, even more so than my female friends. The thing is, we're always in reactive mode as a couple, I have a bad day, I scurry to his arms, he comforts me. Wash, rinse, repeat. I feel the need need for someone who can help me be proactive, and show me how to slay my own dragons. I've met no better dragon-slayer than Him. We strive to be equals in our relationship, but I need someone who will tell me no. No Sofia, stop your stress eating. No Sofia, you can't hide, we are going out. But I also need someone to tell me yes. Yes Sofia, what you did was very good. Yes Sofia, you are brave. Yes Sofia, it's okay to feel that way. He's so focused on being a supporting husband, but I feel the need for what some on the thread have called a caretaker, or mentor, more of a daddy figure. I'm a badass most days, but some days I get stressed and I want someone I can disappear into, give up all control, and know I am safe. And maybe I need some of that in the bedroom too, but I don't identify with the ageplay. If that's what you need then good for you and I will NEVER judge you for it! I also don't want to be punished, I don't react well to that. Long story there that I just want to forget.
Ugh, sorry for the long rant. It makes me feel better, though my bunny brain hurts now.