Would anyone recognize you as a Dom/me or sub in a casual, everyday atmosphere?

Richard49 said:
If you are a submissive or had the thoughts you proably would guess I am a Dom. When I walk into a room/meeting/etc. I "take over" without attempting to.

Just say I give off vibs

Sounds like my BF. He says the worse thing he did for his ex was be controling and domineering. I could bet thats why she left him. He says he doestn want to be how he used to be again. he says he tries to control the fact that he knows he cant control everything with logic.. I didnt want to break it to him that hes still that way.. which means.. he used to be worse. I wont complain he always has a good reason for the things he tells me to do. Frustrates me thought. He can be that way sexualy but sexualy is more viseversa.

its funny.. most people really dont know me. They never believe I am shy. most people think I am very confident so not true.

also.. I wonder why I attract this so much. At least bf gives and gets.

But all the men Iv'e been interested in.. for some reason I just attract this and I do not know why. maybe its because I'm disabled.

my "Ex" never met him but anyways thats beside the point. he wanted me to tie him up and smack him around. I was like ummm ooooookkkkkkk LOL whatever LOL a man I met at the bar he keept asking me to smack his ass. I was like.. I dont know you.. hes dead now he was charged with rape and he killed himself. well so they say. He gave me the creeps. and then there is the other guy in the bar who literaly was crushing my hand (I have fragile bones I told him ouch but he wouldnt let go) and then he decided to bite me! left marks! LOL I should have gotten my rabis shots. Now he seems me while sober an blushes LOL geez.

Just for some reason I seem to attract this behavior
Pixie Mischief said:
Sounds like my BF. He says the worse thing he did for his ex was be controling and domineering. I could bet thats why she left him. He says he doestn want to be how he used to be again. he says he tries to control the fact that he knows he cant control everything with logic.. I didnt want to break it to him that hes still that way.. which means.. he used to be worse. I wont complain he always has a good reason for the things he tells me to do. Frustrates me thought. He can be that way sexualy but sexualy is more viseversa.

its funny.. most people really dont know me. They never believe I am shy. most people think I am very confident so not true.

also.. I wonder why I attract this so much. At least bf gives and gets.

But all the men Iv'e been interested in.. for some reason I just attract this and I do not know why. maybe its because I'm disabled.

my "Ex" never met him but anyways thats beside the point. he wanted me to tie him up and smack him around. I was like ummm ooooookkkkkkk LOL whatever LOL a man I met at the bar he keept asking me to smack his ass. I was like.. I dont know you.. hes dead now he was charged with rape and he killed himself. well so they say. He gave me the creeps. and then there is the other guy in the bar who literaly was crushing my hand (I have fragile bones I told him ouch but he wouldnt let go) and then he decided to bite me! left marks! LOL I should have gotten my rabis shots. Now he seems me while sober an blushes LOL geez.

Just for some reason I seem to attract this behavior

maybe it's just the bar where you hang out :p

anyway, for me, i think people would think i'm more Domme than sub (though it's the other way around), mostly from the way i dress. i wear big black docs and a long black trenchcoat...probably seem scary or threatening to some people :p but the clothes have nothing to do with what i'm like. i just like the look and feel more confortable wearing that sort of stuff.

i dont think people would think i'm into bdsm because of my clothes though. if they new about it, they would probably pick up subtle jokes and looks my SO and i exchange when certain things are mentioned :p
But its not only at bars!!!! LOL its everywhere.
I have no idea.
BF looks like a biker but without leather (he dresses conservative) LOL 230 lbs.. long hair tied in a pony tail... can be quiet intimidating.. hehe my body guard! :D
Originally posted by Richard49

Adorable monster?

#smiles# yes he's 11 has severe Dyslexia, Dispraxia and is hyperactive but I would'nt be without him or the other two.
trainee_sub said:

#smiles# yes he's 11 has severe Dyslexia, Dispraxia and is hyperactive but I would'nt be without him or the other two.

sounds like hes a little handful hehe
I love kids. I have a 2 year old little cousin shes so adorable.
Pixie Mischief said:
Sounds like my BF. He says the worse thing he did for his ex was be controling and domineering.

To me there is a big difference between being A dom and being domineering and controling. I am comfortable being a Dom. Iam not comforatable with the other two in my self or in others around me.

I find domineering and controling being abusive
Richard49 said:
To me there is a big difference between being A dom and being domineering and controling. I am comfortable being a Dom. Iam not comforatable with the other two in my self or in others around me.

I find domineering and controling being abusive

Hes not abusive. He always has a reason for everything he tells me to do or not do.
but I'm not his ex. I dont know how he was with her. But since then hes had to spend 6 months in bed and had alot to think about.
I agree with Ebony, I look like me.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I do seem to look like a soccer mom, which is interesting because I have no children.
I am confident and self-assured most of the time and it shows.

Only once have I been recognized as a Domme. It was a case of using the Mistress Voice without thinking first. I did learn My lesson with that, though. ;)

Helena :rose: