writing all of the sudden passion suddenly discussion

*Catbabe* said:
I never write in straight lines. It's always back and forth with me so my first drafts may appear less passionate and more 'edited' than others. I assumed that as long as the poem was birthed in one straight session and was still shaped exactly the way it was at it's birth, then it qualified for the thread.

Anyway, it was never my intent to contribute to anyone's upset. My poems there are few and far between so it will be easy for me to avoid the thread entirely.
Cat, no one owns that thread. It's on a public forum. We try to keep it true to what the original poster wanted. You should not avoid it. Last night, I deleted the last few months worth of my poems because I felt they may not appear to be spontaneous enough, and that it may upset or irk someone... or one person. So, I'm going to be spontaneous or spontaneously combustible on my own freaking harddrive. ;)
Originally Posted by *Catbabe*

Anyway, it was never my intent to contribute to anyone's upset. My poems there are few and far between so it will be easy for me to avoid the thread entirely.

Tathagata said:
Everything everyone does here upsets someone
Don't stop posting things
or I'll make the trip north and bring the paddle...

I don't think anyone is upset-- it is just a point of discussion-- not everyone will agree about everything-- its up to everyone to make their own interpretations and decisions. The thread is so huge, it is obviously very popular-- I just think it is a good idea to think about it.

Cat--Don't stop posting. Or if you want to do something different, post in the construction thread if you want, that place is a chaotic ball of fun.


I just had a dream, and Doug spoke to me. He said, "choppa, choppa." I tend to agree with him. :rolleyes:
WickedEve said:
Cat, no one owns that thread. It's on a public forum. We try to keep it true to what the original poster wanted. You should not avoid it. Last night, I deleted the last few months worth of my poems because I felt they may not appear to be spontaneous enough, and that it may upset or irk someone... or one person. So, I'm going to be spontaneous or spontaneously combustible on my own freaking harddrive. ;)

girl- does not matter what appears to be or not to be
dont leave dont delete you are as much the thread as he iswaswhatevah

your dream will make me smile all day :)
annaswirls said:
girl- does not matter what appears to be or not to be
dont leave dont delete you are as much the thread as he iswaswhatevah

your dream will make me smile all day :)

We are all that thread and every other thread here. Like we are the world you know? It's all good. We should just write what we write how we write and not sweat it.

That's what I'm gonna do--like always.

Angeline said:
We are all that thread and every other thread here. Like we are the world you know? It's all good. We should just write what we write how we write and not sweat it.

That's what I'm gonna do--like always.

we are the world? hee hee hee
choppa choppa and a porkchop to Ange. :D
WickedEve said:
we are the world? hee hee hee
choppa choppa and a porkchop to Ange. :D

Pork???? You trying to kill me?

Sorry about we are the world. I got carried away.


Angeline said:
Pork???? You trying to kill me?

Sorry about we are the world. I got carried away.



tastes like Chicken... :p :kiss:

in the spirit of this discussion, I just tossed one in SP's passion thread,
copied off airplane etching, not a word changed, shot out of a canon, a syllabus of my own passion, that runs away with me wherever i go.
WickedEve said:
sorry about the pig. :eek:


I've been known to snarf down a blt.

And I've eaten Maine "reddogs," which not only have pork in them but are so red dye enhanced they look obscene. I've only had them two or three times, but every time I thought I was gonna glow from the toxicity.
Angeline said:

I've been known to snarf down a blt.

And I've eaten Maine "reddogs," which not only have pork in them but are so red dye enhanced they look obscene. I've only had them two or three times, but every time I thought I was gonna glow from the toxicity.
Hey, bitch. Why haven't you called me back? You stole my man and my porkchop! I want at least one back. (make it the porkchop.)

:D I just love this name. Frisky Vagina!
FriskyVagina said:
Oh, and look at my sig line. I actually have a Frisky Vagina poem!
It's brilliant. And you are a goddess. I'm going to go make us a cup of decaf tea since we seem to be a bit bored and hyper. By the way, what did you think of all those F.V. PMs? We forgot all about that guy back in 2002. He sure used "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" a lot. And those chainsaw PMs? :confused: Were we freaky in '02?
Hey, 18 more posts and I get an AV. Let's do our boobs. You use the right boob av and I'll use the left. We're quite a pair aren't we? :D (oh, I crack myself up.)
FriskyVagina said:
Hey, 18 more posts and I get an AV. Let's do our boobs. You use the right boob av and I'll use the left. We're quite a pair aren't we? :D (oh, I crack myself up.)
Who hid the dildo--the black one. I've looked everywhere for it.
And no more green tea. I'm going to throw up.
Welcome to the poetry forum Frisky. You seem oddly familiar to me. You want a man? Which one would you like?

FriskyVagina said:
Hey, bitch. Why haven't you called me back? You stole my man and my porkchop! I want at least one back. (make it the porkchop.)

:D I just love this name. Frisky Vagina!
WickedEve said:
You know the saying--boredom happens. Or something happens. Did you read self-centered?
Yes. It was nothing short of brilliant. What a marvelously multilayered piece. :D
Angeline said:
Welcome to the poetry forum Frisky. You seem oddly familiar to me. You want a man? Which one would you like?
Anything as long as it's not too porky tasting.
I want a man who can handle a frisky vagina. She's just a fluff of energy! I love her. Just wish she'd stop shredding the curtains.
FriskyVagina said:
Anything as long as it's not too porky tasting.
I want a man who can handle a frisky vagina. She's just a fluff of energy! I love her. Just wish she'd stop shredding the curtains.

Hmmmm. I'm thinking. Not the monkey--he's probably afraid of you already...

Where's darkmaas these days? lol.
Angeline said:
Hmmmm. I'm thinking. Not the monkey--he's probably afraid of you already...

Where's darkmaas these days? lol.
darkmaas? I'd tear that boy up. :D

I bet monkey is hiding under the bed right now.