Wtf, Ca?

Openly gay Mark Leno was elected into CA State Senate. It was 79-21. :D

Right now, prop 8 is 53-47. :eek:

WTF!?! So they want a gay man to represent them and their state, but they don't want him to have the chance to get married? :mad: WTF!?!
We are a bipolar state with craizes from both sides of the spectrum. The reason Mark Leno was elected is that we elect our state senators by regions and I would bet the region that elected Leno also voted against prop. 8
At least you have a great republican governor who will fight for gay marriage, even though his own view upon marriage is between a man and a woman. And it looks like you Cali´s :kiss::kiss::kiss: will maybe get a second chance :)
At least you have a great republican governor who will fight for gay marriage, even though his own view upon marriage is between a man and a woman. And it looks like you Cali´s :kiss::kiss::kiss: will maybe get a second chance :)'s great that the people can vote on the issue,decide NO,then gays march in protest around the country and interrupt church services yelling "Jesus was a homo" tossing pamphlets in the air,and file a motion to the supreme court to overturn the outcome of the vote.
if the supreme court overturns this vote,what's the point on voting for any issue if it can be over-ruled by black robes?

this is a dangerous precedent for all.
okay...flame me like I'm on a Weber grill-'s great that the people can vote on the issue,decide NO,then gays march in protest around the country and interrupt church services yelling "Jesus was a homo" tossing pamphlets in the air,and file a motion to the supreme court to overturn the outcome of the vote.
if the supreme court overturns this vote,what's the point on voting for any issue if it can be over-ruled by black robes?

this is a dangerous precedent for all.
okay...flame me like I'm on a Weber grill-

Mob rule does not necessarily make proper laws. Why do we not vote on every issue?

Iraq war: Yes____ No_____
Nationalise Oil: Yes____ No____
Bail out GM: Yes____ No____
Spend $300 Billion on Defense: Yes____ No____

We elect representatives and judges to make decisions for us. The ballot issue is merely another method of activism - passing control to the lobby with the best advertising firm.'s great that the people can vote on the issue,decide NO,then gays march in protest around the country and interrupt church services yelling "Jesus was a homo" tossing pamphlets in the air,and file a motion to the supreme court to overturn the outcome of the vote.
if the supreme court overturns this vote,what's the point on voting for any issue if it can be over-ruled by black robes?

this is a dangerous precedent for all.
okay...flame me like I'm on a Weber grill-

Nah, you're obviously trolling. Not worth responding to.
Forgive me if I'm repeating, but I doubt it.
I don't care who wants to do what. For me; it's not about gay marriage or historical matrimony. It's about a human being making a sound decision. If you want to marry the same sex, then who am I to tell you anything about it? I am so glad we live in this great nation. We are given all these freedoms that so many men and women died to protect. Rather than appreciate that, we choose to exercise our feedom to take away someone else's [freedom]. And yeah, this is about religion.
Mob rule does not necessarily make proper laws. Why do we not vote on every issue?

Iraq war: Yes____ No_____
Nationalise Oil: Yes____ No____
Bail out GM: Yes____ No____
Spend $300 Billion on Defense: Yes____ No____

We elect representatives and judges to make decisions for us. The ballot issue is merely another method of activism - passing control to the lobby with the best advertising firm.

We don’t elect the judges that would decide this, and lest we forget who has been placing judges recently... the only good thing here is they wont hear it I am sure they wont want to take this on.

I think the fact that this went to vote is crazy, I don’t understand how the vote is legal since it seems to be contrary to what we are as a country but it is the will of the people, not mob rule as some suggest. For now prop 8 is passed and as utterly shameful as that is it is what it is.

We need to remember that this is a country where things can change, that things do change, and just hope and fight for that change never give up never surrender, fight for what you think is right even if you are the only one fighting.

or at least so says a straight married man from Iowa