Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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Someone has me on ignore because he didn't like me pointing out his sick games with his "imaginary friend" he posted as for awhile or the fact I know about some creepy behind the scenes behavior. I don't ignore him, its too much fun to laugh at how they think they're so talented and important and they're obsession with their own genitals.

They also once posted a nasty personal attack about my wife here once, then deleted it, but not before someone here snapped a shot of it and sent it to me. Quite contrite he was in the PM I sent him. Because even with the net between us he didn't like being told what a tool he is.

I have two people on ignore, and if I said their names I think most people would be "Huh?" because they're not what I would call trolls, but they're the type to play "The card" if someone doesn't agree with what they say or give a meh review on one of their stories. We're all different and I would rather deal with a head on rude troll like Tilan and just give them their own act back at them, then listen to the "woke" who thinks they're a protected species because of skin tone or sexual preferences/identity.
Perhaps their remarks stemmed from one's proclaimed affinity for firearms, shooting, and hunting, lack of genuine empathy, a fascination with violence as portrayed in narratives that exalt cruelty, torture, and rape, and a predilection for protagonists exhibiting psychopathic tendencies.
Perhaps...? But I doubt it. Stacnash gave Eldritch Pact the highest score that I've seen from her reviews, and that story features both rape and vengeful murder.

I don't support either of those things in real life, but within fictional narratives, I find them compelling. (Also, I don't remember talking much about hunting. I've done it, but it isn't really something I particularly enjoy).
Seeing that somehow the OP posting about being unhappy with reader support here and pulling their stories has turned into a discussion about a troll and ignore, I'll share a story.

Years ago when Stella Omega was active on the boards, we had a fun relationship. We'd bicker on the boards as both of us could take as much crap as we could deal out, but we respected each other and had a lot of PM conversations mostly about BDSM/Consent and some other things. At one point she told me I was much nicer and well spoke in private and should be that way all the time because...

"You have to know several people have you on ignore."

My response was "Your point?"

She replied "Well, okay then, as long as you don't care"

When it comes to writing we always say a lot of things are subjective one person's "I love it" is another "That sucks" and I think its the same with interaction here. We're all different personalities and as such we have different limits or views on what we will or won't put up with. I use the perspective of having been through so much real life BS, is something a faceless moron on the net says going to bother me?

But like cars mileage will vary here
Perhaps...? But I doubt it. Stacnash gave Eldritch Pact the highest score that I've seen from her reviews, and that story features both rape and vengeful murder.

I don't support either of those things in real life, but within fictional narratives, I find them compelling. (Also, I don't remember talking much about hunting. I've done it, but it isn't really something I particularly enjoy).
The Rapesploitation genre is huge with the original I spit on your grave being the grand daddy of them all

In a similar vein, many "male revenge" movies like Death Wish and that genre involve their family being murdered.

Something bad has to happen to a good person in order to set up that person(or someone close to them) going after and killing people in glorious and gory fashion.

It justifies to the reader that its okay to root for someone to die because they have been shown as being so awful they deserve it, so the reader doesn't feel bad.
NoTalentHack said:
Tilan has a certain... style to his critiques, but he's not wrong in pretty much any of them.

So...Tilan is okay, but yet you attack and cry about all the people who are his alts? Explain how that makes any sense. If they're the same person then....I don't think I have to even finish the point here.

But being you're both LW obsessed, I guess it falls under the like minded people sticking together.
The quote that "hetero" cherrypicked there is taken completely out of context, given that, again, it's a troll trying to start fights. The context (which took me like 30 seconds to find with the search feature) was here:

It's a response to someone coming on and being an arrogant asshole, Tilan slapping them down, and them throwing a little shitfit about "guess I touched a nerve!" The quoted part, in context, was me saying "Tilan's an asshole, but he's not wrong with any of the critiques he gave you." It also comes from an entirely separate thread two and a half months ago.

But, like I said: out of context quote to stir shit up. You know, because troll.

Being we had some private conversations about this I'm getting fed up with your picking and choosing the story the forum is getting, and what an AH hero you are for going on a massive little girl reporting spree on alts, but not the original poster, and Stacnash is not an alt, and truth be told they have the same nasty abusive review style as awkwardMD does, but for some reason people are okay with her, but not someone new doing the same thing.
I did report the original problem, i.e., Tilan. I reported him and his likely alts. For whatever reason, two of the likely alts caught permabans and Tilan only caught (I think) a temporary one. But thanks for bringing a private discussion onto the forums. Shows exactly how far you can be trusted. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

Why don't you tell the class who was really removing the posts of people who were giving Tilan his crap back at him, while defending his spew? Spew you just admitted you're fine with.

No, you wouldn't dare do that, you're self righteousness only comes out when there's no risk involved even if said risk is getting people to reply "No way!" to you as they circle the wagons.
I literally have no idea what you're ranting about here. I'll happily say, "yes, I'm the one who reported him and his alts, and I'm glad I did it." And since I guess our private conversation no longer is, are you sure you're not mad that the mod finally did something after someone else complaining and not just you?

In the end, although I'm not a fan of his Tilan and his alts were done dirty because I can tell you there is far worse that has gone on in this forum with nowhere near the outrage or site involvement.

Whole forum is being catfished, and that doesn't seem to be an issue because no one wants to publicly state it.
Then fucking say it? You keep dancing around the subject, but if you think there's someone catfishing, say it, post any kind of proof you might have, and let the cards fall where they may. Because, honestly? I have no fucking clue what you're talking about, other than a rumor I've heard from several different people with no actual evidence ever presented to me.

But yeah, this Hetero guy is a real problem(sarcasm)
Yeah. He is. Because he's Tilan and/or a troll stepping up to take his place. It was blessedly quiet here for the last week and a half while he was licking his wounds, but in less than a dozen posts, he's already got you dancing like a puppet on a string again. People like you are the reason trolls manage to succeed, internet tough guy.
Yeah. He is. Because he's Tilan and/or a troll stepping up to take his place. It was blessedly quiet here for the last week and a half while he was licking his wounds, but in less than a dozen posts, he's already got you dancing like a puppet on a string again. People like you are the reason trolls manage to succeed, internet tough guy.
You're the one yapping about him, but I'm dancing like a puppet? And internet tough guys are the ones who run around and get people banned because you can sit and cackle behind your keyboard.

How about you grow a pair and be able to handle someone saying dumb crap on an internet forum?

The op is bummed out and pulling his stories and you have made this entire thread about your heroic crusade against a troll, very considerate of you. Or is it just whining?

Wahhh, someone just said something! I must report them! They must be stopped! I stopped them once and I can do it again, because I'm super tough!(on the keyboard)

Meanwhile, you post stories in the biggest troll infested category on the internet, and that doesn't bother you, but this guy does?

I'd say you're setting yourself up for a serious bombing, but going back to the sentence above you might not notice.
The irony of all this drama over a blatant troll who's obviously mucking shit and yanking chains while someone here is playing a much sicker game is so funny its worth it for me and the others in the know to never make all the proof public.

Like Phoenix says to De Nero in Joker. "You know what you get? You get what you deserve."

Eventually it will come out and a lot of people are going to look and feel like fools. Some I'll feel bad for, most I won't.
You're the one yapping about him, but I'm dancing like a puppet? And internet tough guys are the ones who run around and get people banned because you can sit and cackle behind your keyboard.
Yeah. I got them banned. I did the thing I was supposed to do, reporting obvious trolls doing obvious troll shit instead of tilting at windmills like the wannabe white knight. Which one of us actually got the board to be quieter for a bit?

How about you grow a pair and be able to handle someone saying dumb crap on an internet forum?
LOL as you pointed out, I post in LW regularly. Why don't you? Oh, right, you posted two stories there, got torn to shreds, and dipped. You know, vitamin E is supposed to be good for helping thin skin.

The op is bummed out and pulling his stories and you have made this entire thread about your heroic crusade against a troll, very considerate of you. Or is it just whining?
Since, again, you apparently can't consider context, the OP literally brought up Stacnash in the first paragraph of their post! I said something specifically because they tied Stacnash to the 1-bombings they suffered. Reading comprehension, LC. I know it isn't your strong suit--especially since you can't seem to understand the words "LW isn't just an erotic category"--but at least try to follow along that much.

Wahhh, someone just said something! I must report them! They must be stopped! I stopped them once and I can do it again, because I'm super tough!(on the keyboard)
Yes. Yes, that's exactly true. They were stopped once. We should do it again. That's what grownups do: they use whatever tools they can to help their community instead of showing what super duper tough guys they are for internet cred.

Meanwhile, you post stories in the biggest troll infested category on the internet, and that doesn't bother you, but this guy does?

I'd say you're setting yourself up for a serious bombing, but going back to the sentence above you might not notice.
"Serious bombing." Good luck with that. One of the nice things about posting in "one of the biggest infested categories on the internet" is that I have enough votes to cushion any attempts at one bombs. And beyond that? I don't care if I get one-bombed. I don't care about the ratings except as a rough metric. I don't care if my stories are HOF or have a red H, other than a minor bit of pride at a job well done.

This is a hobby. At best, it'll only ever be a minor sideline that provides beer money. I treat it like that. Maybe do the same?
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The irony of all this drama over a blatant troll who's obviously mucking shit and yanking chains while someone here is playing a much sicker game is so funny its worth it for me and the others in the know to never make all the proof public.

Like Phoenix says to De Nero in Joker. "You know what you get? You get what you deserve."

Eventually it will come out and a lot of people are going to look and feel like fools. Some I'll feel bad for, most I won't.
You keep saying that, and yet your "I'm super tough, no one threatens me!" self won't actually name names. Do it, big guy. We're all just dyyyyying to know what kind of juicy gossip you have. Post it and be the center of attention! What was that about "growing a pair?"
It was unnecessary to have brought @AwkwardMD into this rant, especially without notifying them that they're being talked about rudely. I dislike that sort of thing.

Stacnash is not an alt, and truth be told they have the same nasty abusive review style as awkwardMD does, but for some reason people are okay with her, but not someone new doing the same thing.
It should be obvious why. Stacnash gave unsolicited reviews. The reviews were phrased as stone-cold fact instead of a subjective opinion. Stacnash also gave stories a numerical value out of 100, refused to explain the scoring system and defended their nastiness with more nastiness. AwkwardMD doesn't do this. Writers have to ask for a review, which makes all the difference. I've also never seen AwkwardMD score stories out of a 100. Get it now? No? Then read it again, as slowly as you need to.

I would rather deal with a head on rude troll like Tilan and just give them their own act back at them, then listen to the "woke" who thinks they're a protected species because of skin tone or sexual preferences/identity.
Another guy screaming in terror about "wokies" ruining his ability to talk smack about people of other races and orientations. You sound like a stellar human being.
and Stacnash is not an alt, and truth be told they have the same nasty abusive review style as awkwardMD does, but for some reason people are okay with her, but not someone new doing the same thing.
I would like to chip in on this part as for the rest I am clearly not in the loop 😉

I agree about the reviewing style of AwkwardMD. I have even stated some reservations about her and Omenainen or pretty much anybody here being able to give a valid review of every possible story type. I simply don't believe anyone here can give a quality review of every single story type we have here. I will also say that I believe that the review of the kind they both are giving would require both of them being a whole class or even two above the writer whose story is being reviewed. Maybe they believe it is so, I don't know, but that is my opinion when it comes to these, as you've said, very harsh and borderline abusive type of reviews. If you are giving such reviews you should be damn sure you know what you are talking about. Again, maybe they do believe it is so. It is certainly their right to think so.
That being said, there is a metric ton of difference between them and Stacnash. They are both writers with a presence on Lit, with a respectable amount of stories on both of them, thus giving a writer whose story is being reviewed a chance to see for himself their skills as writers. Also, they are only doing it on explicit request by the author of the story. I have also never seen them "rank" their fellow authors publicly. So yeah, there is a lot of difference between them. Believe me, after a total of one exchange with AwkwardMD I am the last person who would rush to her defense, but in the interest of fairness I will say that I still believe what they are doing is useful for the community. Any writer should be selfconscious and mature enough to know if that type of review would help him or not and to be able to take a potentially very harsh review without falling apart. Even in the harshest of reviews, there is something useful to be seen, but yeah, it requires a specific mindset.
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I simply don't believe anyone here can give a quality review of every single story type we have here.

I agree. The problem is that it's very difficult to give a good review. Most reviews say a lot more about the reviewer than about the story being reviewed. A year ago I offered to start my own review thread in the feedback forum, but the more I thought about it the more difficult I realized it would be, and I never got around to it. I don't want to just tell people, "This is what I do and don't like," because who cares? It's very difficult to write a helpful and insightful review that goes beyond simply letting people know what one's own biases are. There's a skill to it, and it's not common.
I would like to chip in on this part as for the rest I am clearly not in the loop 😉

I agree about the reviewing style of AwkwardMD. I have even stated some reservations about her and Omenainen or pretty much anybody here being able to give a valid review of every possible story type. I simply don't believe anyone here can give a quality review of every single story type we have here. I will also say that I believe that the review of the kind they both are giving would require both of them being a whole class or even two above the writer whose story is being reviewed. Maybe they believe it is so, I don't know, but that is my opinion when it comes to these, as you've said, very harsh and borderline abusive type of reviews. If you are giving such reviews you should be damn sure you know what you are talking about. Again, maybe they do believe it is so. It is certainly their right to think so.
That being said, there is a metric ton of difference between them and Stacnash. They are both writers with a presence on Lit, with a respectable amount of stories on both of them, thus giving a writer whose story is being reviewed a chance to see for himself their skills as writers. Also, they are only doing it on explicit request by the author of the story. I have also never seen them "rank" their fellow authors publicly. So yeah, there is a lot of difference between them. Believe me, after a total of one exchange with AwkwardMD I am the last person who would rush to her defense, but in the interest of fairness I will say that I still believe what they are doing is useful for the community. Any writer should be selfconscious and mature enough to know if that type of review would help him or not and to be able to take a potentially very harsh review without falling apart. Even in the harshest of reviews, there is something useful to be seen, but yeah, it requires a specific mindset.
I was just comparing the style, AMD has been here a long time and had a lot of success as a writer. her and I clashed in the past a bit about her attitude she wrote the book on consent/NC and is never wrong about it, but that's a personal thing, in general, she's always been an asset to the site. I just see a similarity in the borderline abusive reviews if its something she doesn't care for. Like AMD Stacnash will also give a glowing review as well, aside from that there's no comparison between the two
I agree. The problem is that it's very difficult to give a good review. Most reviews say a lot more about the reviewer than about the story being reviewed. A year ago I offered to start my own review thread in the feedback forum, but the more I thought about it the more difficult I realized it would be, and I never got around to it. I don't want to just tell people, "This is what I do and don't like," because who cares? It's very difficult to write a helpful and insightful review that goes beyond simply letting people know what one's own biases are. There's a skill to it, and it's not common.
Indeed. That is why I loved the idea of the book club we intended to start, as it would be a place where many people would be able to say their opinions about a story that would be voluntarily put forward. From so many different points of view, it is likely that something more solid would emerge once you compared all those opinions. If only that little slacker @EmilyMiller would move her butt ;)
It was unnecessary to have brought @AwkwardMD into this rant, especially without notifying them that they're being talked about rudely. I dislike that sort of thing.

It should be obvious why. Stacnash gave unsolicited reviews. The reviews were phrased as stone-cold fact instead of a subjective opinion. Stacnash also gave stories a numerical value out of 100, refused to explain the scoring system and defended their nastiness with more nastiness. AwkwardMD doesn't do this. Writers have to ask for a review, which makes all the difference. I've also never seen AwkwardMD score stories out of a 100. Get it now? No? Then read it again, as slowly as you need to.

Another guy screaming in terror about "wokies" ruining his ability to talk smack about people of other races and orientations. You sound like a stellar human being.
I have a feeling she is well aware of how some of her reviews are perceived. In fact, if I recall back when she started her review thread she warned of how harsh she was and people were lining up to get taken down like it was a fun game, and it is in a way and to where I think its become a schtick. I'm going to hazard a guess she gets a kick out of it. But on both notes, I've been here longer than she has and have 'known' her in a sense from day one. Your account started this month and you have 18 posts so I think I know the background better than you.

But welcome, and please be prepared for NTH to call you an alt because you're new and he's seeing them everywhere he looks right now.
Indeed. That is why I loved the idea of the book club we intended to start, as it would be a place where many people would be able to say their opinions about a story that would be voluntarily put forward. From so many different points of view, it is likely that something more solid would emerge once you compared all those opinions. If only that little slacker @EmilyMiller would move her butt ;)
I-and others here-can tell you that as well intentioned as this idea is? Its drama waiting to happen.
How it works is people say, here's my story review it, and can you review mine...and where it goes is

One person will review the other won't, a bunch of people will review a popular member's story while someone gets no reviews, and the worst is when someone leaves a not so stellar review-even a well worded and legit one-the butthurt is big and the arguing starts.

Falls under sad but true, but fact is many writers, despite claims otherwise, are vain and thin skinned. Recipe for disaster with a history to prove it.

The infamous "Cabin" group formed off site to discuss writing on a more series level than lit and totally exploded when a couple of members became upset others wouldn't worship their perceived greatness.
But welcome, and please be prepared for NTH to call you an alt because you're new and he's seeing them everywhere he looks right now.
It's really nice to know that in this brief time, I'm already living in your head rent-free.
I was just comparing the style, AMD has been here a long time and had a lot of success as a writer. her and I clashed in the past a bit about her attitude she wrote the book on consent/NC and is never wrong about it, but that's a personal thing, in general, she's always been an asset to the site. I just see a similarity in the borderline abusive reviews if its something she doesn't care for. Like AMD Stacnash will also give a glowing review as well, aside from that there's no comparison between the two
I remember the argument you are talking about, and that wasn’t the point I was trying to make. It frequently comes up, from writers of fringe kinks, that "oh, it's just too this or that, you don't write this, you wouldn't know." And there is certainly some truth to that. I haven’t written everything, but I clap back when it comes to NC stories because I have written some pretty dark stuff. Darker than most, in my opinion. I've written about systematic dehumanization through the lens of forced pet play, and it doesn't pull punches.

That being said, I've never argued that my way is the right way, or the most correct way. I was trying to assert my credentials on the matter as a way of delegitimizing the "you just wouldn't understand" defense with @Enchantment_of_Nyx, and I deeply regret that the dogpiling she got after my review sent her packing. I've never felt good about how that went down (it's all still there on, like, page 20 of my thread).
Yeah. I got them banned. I did the thing I was supposed to do, reporting obvious trolls doing obvious troll shit instead of tilting at windmills like the wannabe white knight. Which one of us actually got the board to be quieter for a bit?

LOL as you pointed out, I post in LW regularly. Why don't you? Oh, right, you posted two stories there, got torn to shreds, and dipped. You know, vitamin E is supposed to be good for helping thin skin.

Since, again, you apparently can't consider context, the OP literally brought up Stacnash in the first paragraph of their post! I said something specifically because they tied Stacnash to the 1-bombings they suffered. Reading comprehension, LC. I know it isn't your strong suit--especially since you can't seem to understand the words "LW isn't just an erotic category"--but at least try to follow along that much.

Yes. Yes, that's exactly true. They were stopped once. We should do it again. That's what grownups do: they use whatever tools they can to help their community instead of showing what super duper tough guys they are for internet cred.

"Serious bombing." Good luck with that. One of the nice things about posting in "one of the biggest infested categories on the internet" is that I have enough votes to cushion any attempts at one bombs. And beyond that? I don't care if I get one-bombed. I don't care about the ratings except as a rough metric. I don't care if my stories are HOF or have a red H, other than a minor bit of pride at a job well done.

This is a hobby. At best, it'll only ever be a minor sideline that provides beer money. I treat it like that. Maybe do the same?
I have four stories in LW over the years, one even has an H. Unlike you, its not my thing so I post when I have something that fits. As for the scores? Yeah, they're killing me, its why I publicly mention them and have posted some of the funniest comments on threads here. But I'll never succeed there because when I post its never with the intentions to appease the weak little men who populate the category, I write women do what they want and the men deal with it. That style did better there years ago before the insecure men invaded the site, and it sells very well in the market(not so much for me because I don't do much of it, but writers who focus on it are making bank and on nasty cuck humiliations stories because its a better class of reader when a couple of bucks are involved)

In general I think you need to look back in this thread. I have not replied at all to this person. Hence, I'm not on a string, its another in a long series of alts/trolls we've seen over the years. You're the one who keeps talking about them, Tilan, Stacnash and the others, so you need to look in the mirror when you're accusing anyone of playing into the game and feeding them.

Also, I live in RI, most places in NE I can drive to in a few hours, so if you're even in the area let me know. I'll be happy to have a little meet and greet, and if you want to talk 'tough' that's certainly on the menu, but only if you choose it.

I grew up before the net where if you said it, you best be ready for the consequences and I'm still that way in real life-although much less inclined to do stupid shit over it-but I'll never turn down a chance to let a detractor have their say to my face because I appreciate the dwindling number of people in this society of interwebz warriors who are capable of having an in person disagreement.

BTW, before you run and hit the report button, this isn't a threat, its an offer, and only because you want to start insinuating people only say things because its not face to face. I'm fine with a real life conversation.
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I-and others here-can tell you that as well intentioned as this idea is? Its drama waiting to happen.
How it works is people say, here's my story review it, and can you review mine...and where it goes is

One person will review the other won't, a bunch of people will review a popular member's story while someone gets no reviews, and the worst is when someone leaves a not so stellar review-even a well worded and legit one-the butthurt is big and the arguing starts.

Falls under sad but true, but fact is many writers, despite claims otherwise, are vain and thin skinned. Recipe for disaster with a history to prove it.

The infamous "Cabin" group formed off site to discuss writing on a more series level than lit and totally exploded when a couple of members became upset others wouldn't worship their perceived greatness.
That is certainly possible. Maybe it is even probable, considering human nature and the egos of all of us here. I would still like to give it a go. Maybe if we moderate it properly and if we keep it in smaller groups (I have a model in mind where if someone is one of the reviewers on your story, you wouldn't get to be one of the reviewers of that person's story - to prevent revenge reviews) maybe it will work. We can certainly pull the plug on it if it starts souring. I would like to believe we can be adults about this even if there is plenty of juvenile behavior to go around 😉
That is certainly possible. Maybe it is even probable, considering human nature and the egos of all of us here. I would still like to give it a go. Maybe if we moderate it properly and if we keep it in smaller groups (I have a model in mind where if someone is one of the reviewers on your story, you wouldn't get to be one of the reviewers of that person's story - to prevent revenge reviews) maybe it will work. We can certainly pull the plug on it if it starts souring. I would like to believe we can be adults about this even if there is plenty of juvenile behavior to go around 😉
I'd be willing to give it a go, and it could work for a time. The thing is it takes one unpleasant incident to taint the entire thing. But have at it, you never know
Although when you see a thread like in maturity is not exactly inspired.
Without diving into this too deep. I enjoyed your stories. I do hope you offer your titles again here
Thank you for your support. I hope I get some of my writing mojo back and I hope to publish my old stories and some new ones as well. I won't be publishing anything until I am able to produce at least a couple of new ones. Either way, I appreciate you writing here :)
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