Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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Thank you, it was really good to hear that. :) If anything, I can now brag that my thread has taken your virginity 😁
I really hope I can get back in the saddle when it comes to writing, but if I manage to do it, I promise the wait will be worth it. As I've said, when/if I start re-uploading my corrected old stories, which should also contain a couple of new scenes and nuances, I will quickly follow it up with uploading not one but hopefully 3-4 new chapters. Fingers crossed.
A major downside to you reposting the stories in the future will be their ineligibility for contests since they had been posted previously.

I don't know to what degree you would have to make them significantly different for Laurel to accept them as "new", but definitely different titles and possibly combining chapters into larger works of submission. I recommend that you start a chat with her about this before you get too far along in your reworking of them.
A major downside to you reposting the stories in the future will be their ineligibility for contests since they had been posted previously.

I don't know to what degree you would have to make them significantly different for Laurel to accept them as "new", but definitely different titles and possibly combining chapters into larger works of submission. I recommend that you start a chat with her about this before you get too far along in your reworking of them.
I can say with a reasonable amount of confidence that I won't be participating in any contests under present conditions, so yeah, no loss there ;)
I have independent reasons for believing they were the same person, but I don’t want to share details. I would put the odds at about 90% that they were, partially based on comments made during a long flame war that the mods completely nuked the day before Tilan’s sockpuppets went away and he (probably) caught a temporary ban.
I thought so for a bit, but after wasting some time on the matter now know they're not the same person.
But I think Tilan saw their style and thought he could play into it. Super trolls Scouries and Freddie from way back in the day would do the same, they'd feed off each other.
I thought so for a bit, but after wasting some time on the matter now know they're not the same person.
But I think Tilan saw their style and thought he could play into it. Super trolls Scouries and Freddie from way back in the day would do the same, they'd feed off each other.
If that’s the case, then they were enough of an abusive shithead to get banned on their own merits. Impressive in only something like 50 posts.
Must put a new nom-de-plume on iggy?
I've been here for years, and I'm concerned about the recent trend of people being maliciously accused of horrible things without any evidence. They are then banned for trying to defend themselves or simply for expressing their opinions. This disturbing development will have a chilling effect on free speech.
Must put a new nom-de-plume on iggy?
Long time ago if you put someone on iggy, and their alts were created from the same place, their alts would automatically go on iggy, meaning there was no question of it being that person.

Somewhere along the line that changed and its too bad.
Long time ago if you put someone on iggy, and their alts were created from the same place, their alts would automatically go on iggy, meaning there was no question of it being that person.

Somewhere along the line that changed and its too bad.
So, easy no more.
… There is no point in trying to have serious conversations with overinflated balloons; only to pop them and grin viciously as small fish futilely fight their own reflections in a confined aquarium.
Not just the bizarre metaphors, but the laughing/glee/victory celebrations at their own replies. Sure feels familiar.

But what a key to happiness that must be! I’m jealous. Even when proven to be in the wrong (which happens/happened often), they just say something they think is witty, laugh at their own joke, and celebrate, convincing themselves that they won! Delusion must be grandiose!
I never put anyone on ignore. I just ignore them the old fashioned way. Maybe I'll change one day. Lol
Believe me, your forum feed page is much tidier, yet you know you're not missing a thing, from the responses that go on around them. They're all playing broken records.
Well, holy shit on a cracker.
I have exactly one person here on ignore. A dude who, after talking to me normally for a while, sent me a message out of the blue asking me to detail the "rough childhood" I mentioned in a post so he could fap to it.

I don't think I've ever hit ignore faster.

I've talked to a guy who believed rape was a necessary threat to keep women scared so men stay in control of society. I have a pretty high "WTF" tolerance, lol.
NoTalentHack said:
Tilan has a certain... style to his critiques, but he's not wrong in pretty much any of them.

So...Tilan is okay, but yet you attack and cry about all the people who are his alts? Explain how that makes any sense. If they're the same person then....I don't think I have to even finish the point here.

But being you're both LW obsessed, I guess it falls under the like minded people sticking together.

Being we had some private conversations about this I'm getting fed up with your picking and choosing the story the forum is getting, and what an AH hero you are for going on a massive little girl reporting spree on alts, but not the original poster, and Stacnash is not an alt, and truth be told they have the same nasty abusive review style as awkwardMD does, but for some reason people are okay with her, but not someone new doing the same thing.

Why don't you tell the class who was really removing the posts of people who were giving Tilan his crap back at him, while defending his spew? Spew you just admitted you're fine with.

No, you wouldn't dare do that, you're self righteousness only comes out when there's no risk involved even if said risk is getting people to reply "No way!" to you as they circle the wagons.

In the end, although I'm not a fan of his Tilan and his alts were done dirty because I can tell you there is far worse that has gone on in this forum with nowhere near the outrage or site involvement.

Whole forum is being catfished, and that doesn't seem to be an issue because no one wants to publicly state it.

But yeah, this Hetero guy is a real problem(sarcasm)
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