Yet another "underage" question

Pure said:
One conclusion is obvious. There's no rational, coherent and sensible way to formulate--regarding real or faked depictions of teens-- an 'underage' rule (at literotica) or law about obscenity (text), or even pornography (photos).

Indeed all codification of censorable materials or criteria for identifying them may be internally incoherent.


Not to pick on you, but that sounded like this sales guy I called Mr. Acronym. He sounded like he knew what he was talking about but when I bet him that he could explain what a DBMS was he shut up. Rule number one of effective communication talk so that you are understood by your audience.

The person making the decision on what stories will be accepted don't have a clear understanding why they reject some stories over another. Is that what you were trying to get across?
//The person making the decision on what stories will be accepted don't have a clear understanding why they reject some stories over another. Is that what you were trying to get across?//

I suppose that's suggested by what I said. Essentially censors, in my view, throw together lists of what offends them. It's not a principled choice (a choice from principles). It's "I know it when I see it [objectionable material]." The practical result is that for a new thing, one can't tell whether it belongs on the list or not.

The direct thing I said though is that the criteria will likely always be incoherent; there will be cases which one criterion says is censorable and other criterion says is not.
Pure said:
... Indeed all codification of censorable materials or criteria for identifying them may be internally incoherent.
A study of violence on TV in the UK found that by their criteria, which included the number of violent one-on-one acts (hitting, knifing, shooting, etc.) per hour the most violent program was:

Pure said:

The direct thing I said though is that the criteria will likely always be incoherent; there will be cases which one criterion says is censorable and other criterion says is not.

So, if the author makes a good enough case then there's a chance for a reversal.
snooper said:
A study of violence on TV in the UK found that by their criteria, which included the number of violent one-on-one acts (hitting, knifing, shooting, etc.) per hour the most violent program was:


guess they don't show the Roadrunner.
sirhugs said:
guess they don't show the Roadrunner.

Ahh but this should come as no surprise that T&J is themost violant .... afterall which cartoon is parodied in the Simpsons?

Itchy and Scratchy ... Tom and Jerry .... Cat, Mouse, death adn violance ... ahhh

As a dear friend of mine once said, You can work the Simpsons into anything.

But seriously, T&J is MUCH more violant than a few falls and running into fake tunnels.

My best friend's 4-year-old LOVES Tom & Jerry. Today, when we wew in the mall together, he was hitting his mother's hands because he was angry (I don't remember why, I think it was because she had refused to buy him candy), and she snapped at him that if he was going to be mean, she'd take him back to the car and not let him be with us inside the mall anymore that day. He crawled up onto her lap and hugged her for a long time.

I think that it's always a matter of how kids are raised; by their parents, and the rest of the village.;)
I've never seen a parent more strict than my best friend, and I've never seen such a harmonious and happy kid than her son.
Re: What difference?

gauchecritic said:
...That's what it's like to be Yorkshire. All The Time.


In my best Yorkshire voice... Bollocks.

Sorry, Gauche. That all sounded a bit southern poncey to me.

I'm obviously not you after all.

Oh, and underage doodah... Reception theory is a dangerous minefield of vacuity. Maybe best we stay out of it and just agree to abide by the rules because they're the rules, huh?

Must be just me then:rolleyes:

But apart from that, do you like The Beautiful South? Did you get pissed off with the Labour Party after only two years? Does my sig line strike a chord? Did Shakfberd write his plays in the only true English language?

Answer yes or no.

Gauche: you probably want to wait for Cahab's reply, but I want to know what the 'ell you're talking about. Really. Purr :rose:
sirhugs said:
guess they don't show the Roadrunner.

"Mighty Mouse" has long been banned from Saturday morning kids TV cartoon shows. Too violent. Too bad. The characters often sang in fairly good operatic voices.
MathGirl said:
"Mighty Mouse" has long been banned from Saturday morning kids TV cartoon shows. Too violent. Too bad. The characters often sang in fairly good operatic voices.

Mighty Mouse isn't as violent as Tom and Jerry, and it's not "banned" so much as it is a terribly dated cartoon with some very politically incorrect characters.

Tom and Jerry cartoons are without doubt the most "violent" cartoons when measured by the number of "violent acts." There are more "violent acts" in a 15 second promo for Tom and Jerry on the Cartoon Channel than in most hour long TV shows.
Gauche said,


Must be just me then

But apart from that, do you like The Beautiful South? [blah, blah, blah ] Answer yes or no.

Yes, the South has fewer with boorish manners.

My own questions: What is it about the soil of Yorkshire--its mineral deficiencies--that causes the high incidence of congenital imbecility in males?

though they are understandably shunned by the Yorkshire belles, what draws these woebegotten males to American porn sites?
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Pure said:
Gauche said,


Must be just me then

But apart from that, do you like The Beautiful South? Did you get pissed off with the Labour Party after only two years? Does my sig line strike a chord? Did Shakfberd write his plays in the only true English language?

Answer yes or no.

Yes, the South has fewer with boorish manners.
No, but I was pissed by Yorkshire boors after only two days.
Yes, it certainly does; reminds me of the pettiness of the bearer.
Yes, the only true English, with words such a craven, simple, paltry, knave.

Discuss: What is it about the soil of Yorkshire, its mineral deficiencies, that often linked with congenital imbecility?

Why's it common for Yorkshiremen to suck their thumbs right after withdrawing them from their assholes?

Does or does this not ameliorate the said mineral deficiencies, and mitigate the occurrence of imbecility?

Pure, you just managed to kill off any credibility as an itellectual force in one stroke. Well done. You commented on a subject you obviously know next to nothing about with a series of schoolboy insults. Pure idiocy.

To answer Gauche properly:

Yes, of course (The Beautiful South are a group from Hull, famously once referring to themselves as 'everyone's second favourite band'; try downloading a few, they're wonderfully harmonic and deeply cynical at the same time), No (but then I'm much more distrustful of democracy than most anyway), Yes, kind of (but then I am better than some, and a socialist if not a communist), and no (wasn't he a brummie?).
Cahab, I take it you also have a problem with manners (avoiding thread hijacking)?


No Longer "an itellectual force"
Pure said:
Cahab, I take it you also have a problem with manners (avoiding thread hijacking)?


No Longer "an itellectual force"

Oh, for heaven's sake, if you read back through properly you'll see that this thread was hijacked long before the subject of yorkshire came up. The original post was dealt with and disposed of within the first few posts.

All this back and forth aabout pedophilia is just the same old ground again and again. If you want to start a free speech thread, do so.

Threads are like conversations. The starter has no control over which direction it goes. If the conversation starts to get dull, withdraw and go talk to someone else, you don't just stand in a circle of people bitching because they've go on on to talk about something else.

A thread keeps going if people are posting things that are worth replying to. Replying to complain is counter-productive. if you don't like it, vote with your feet and go somewhere else. Here, look, I'll even start a thread for you.
She is irked and ignored by many.

Apologies for the next ladies.


You girl.

Re: She is irked and ignored by many.

gauchecritic said:
Apologies for the next ladies.
Such abject crawling makes you a big girl's blouse.

Footnote for those in the rebellious colonies in the west. This phrase is considered less than complimentary in some parts of England.
Re: Re: She is irked and ignored by many.

snooper said:
Such abject crawling makes you a big girl's blouse.

Footnote for those in the rebellious colonies in the west. This phrase is considered less than complimentary in some parts of England.

Oh well thanks.

Go! Yorkshire

Cahab and Gauche: you've made a new addition to my desirability column on my table of ideal traits in men (despite your gender C., in my mind it doesn't matter, and I'm simply turned on by the Yorkshire ways). BTW, very personal listing, don't ask for the rest.

swooningly, Purr :heart:

p.s. being Mexican and born in Detroit I'm a natural commie-femme (but mostly poetically, I'm done with activism).
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p.s. to Cahab

snooper said:
Such abject crawling makes you a big girl's blouse.

Footnote for those in the rebellious colonies in the west. This phrase is considered less than complimentary in some parts of England.
Can't wait to use this. gratefully, Perdita
Ridin' the cotton pony

Pure said:
No, but I was pissed by Yorkshire boors after only two days.
Does or does this not ameliorate the said mineral deficiencies, and mitigate the occurrence of imbecility?
Dear Pure,
It seems to me that you have been on the rag for about a month. Possibly you should see someone about that.