Yet another "underage" question

Well I don't know what a plot bunny is, and my principal reference site doesn't help; so I thought I'd fudge it. If it's a reference to amorous prowess then I've never heard that the Tykes are any more nor less adept than others of us.

pauses to think of who deserves the title Latin Lovers of England...

(Good lord, "plot bunny" gets 3360 hits.)
What difference?


I've wanted to use the following in a story for ages but couldn't find a decent excuse.

Can you remember you're first kiss? Did you ever have that experience when you really didn't think you would wake up in the morning for some reason? Can you recall how ecstatic you were when you did? Do you remember that time when you were so overcome with emotion that you cried together after you had sex? The biggest, ugliest, unseamliest row (arguement) you ever had, remember that? and how hurt you were and how hurt they were? The relief when you made up?

What about the time when you were seven and you fell and grazed your knee and your mum or dad made it better with a hug or a kiss?

Do you remember how you felt when your mum died? Does the rage still sweep through you? Have you been shocked by your own mortality?

Do you recall the pain of child-birth? Can you still feel how completely helpless you were watching your spouse in that much agony? Can you remember the unutterable joy on seeing your child? Their first tentative steps? Their first word? Their first break-up with that boy/girl who wasn't any good for them any way and how sad you were for them?

What about the very first time you saw the sea? The raw naked power of nature? Where you hid the first time thunder sounded so close it hurt your ears?

Remember all those times when you cry with joy at remembered sadness and the fear of not having one for the loss of the other?

Your first drunk? Your last rib-sore, throat dry peal of laughter?

Do you remember all those things? Now?

That's what it's like to be Yorkshire. All The Time.

very seriously now,

Thank you dear, dear Gauche. I want to say publicly that your exquistely beautiful response made me feel like laughing and crying at once. You made me want to answer each question, if only silently, in detail. As I read I vividly recalled each thing you mentioned.

You make me want to "see" Yorkshire, and all this time the only bit of England I thought of visiting was London.

This post was the best thing I've read in a long while.

with new affection, Perdita :rose:
Yorkshire - Nothing to do with underage

(I'm trying to look back and see what this thread originally was, so I'm not taking it even more off-topic...)

Yorkshire is a must. Stuff London. If you come from a big city you've got your own museum and galleries and already know what Assyrian wall sculptures and Degas look like. There's nothing else in London. England is countryside, it's parish churches and the Yorkshire dales and the North Yorkshire moors and the Tan Hill Inn, and similarly things in other counties: and frankly if you spent your entire holiday in the one county and did it thoroughly and never saw the rest, you'd have done well.

(still looking for thread topic...)

Found it: "Yet another underage..." - How the f* did we get to this?
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Re: Yorkshire - Nothing to do with underage

Rainbow Skin said:
(Found it: "Yet another underage..." - How the f* did we get to this?
Rainbow, thanks for the travel tip; very wise of you.

I find posts run out of the orig. topic and then people pick up some barely related item and it goes on from there. There's some logic to it sometimes. Flicka posted back on the subject of personal penis AVs, which came out of some other unrelated item, then Gauche posted plot bunnies, then I asked about Yorkshire and here we are.

It's only when a thread gets sidetracked in the beginning or mid-discussion that a plot bunny or its parent gets irritated. After a while they seem up for grabs. I like that it works that way, some people don't. Saves starting another thread that will only go the same way.

best, Perdita

Rainbow Skin said:
. . . (still looking for thread topic...)

Found it: "Yet another underage..." - How the f* did we get to this?

Since the tread was underage, they sent it to live with its guardian in Yorkshire, until it comes of age. :(

Or is it. "cums of age" :eek:

Like all children it keeps pets . . . plot bunnies ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
I still fail to see the connection between plot bunnies and Yorkshire, though.:confused:
Flicka, it doesn't matter really; stay in the moment - you do it so well. P.
Re: Re: Urrghh

Rainbow Skin said:

Like Alex756, who's just passed 100 posts and we can now see that lovely horsey. Much more appealing.

Thank you, and actually it's the coolest thing i saw on vacation last year.

Its a VERY rare full leopard appaloosa mini mule.

He's also a total sweetie and a total slut for apples. If you will notice from the people standing next to him he is VERY small :)
Re: Urrghh

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
Please don't encourage him. It's already bad enough, having to look at the same set of genitalia every time I get on here. I sure wish he had a nice doggie or something else to be proud of.


Bitches get flees, how about my amazing good looks?

I meant for me, cutie. I don't get any of that head, so I'll have to settle for the fruits of the bigger one.
Hi Gauche and Perdita,

Gauche, your issue with (disregard for) topicality is noted.


//It's only when a thread gets sidetracked in the beginning or mid-discussion that a plot bunny or its parent gets irritated. After a while they seem up for grabs. I like that it works that way, some people don't. Saves starting another thread that will only go the same way.//

I use your quote only as convenient. You didn't originate this problem, but I assume your sentiments are shared, hence I quote, but without any special desire to single you out, or make you especially responsible.

I don't think I agree with the 'up for grabs' idea. One reason is that threads 'die' then get picked up again sometimes. That's because someone reads them and says, oh, interesting. If the thread ended with 20 miscellaneous things, I think that's less likely. The 20 are the nails in the coffin.

I don't see what the issue is with starting another thread. it "will only go the same way"? Well, you're not charged by the thread.
What's the problem with a 'joys of Yorkshire' thread? If people exhaust the subject, it dies, same as anything else. Is it that
'you've gone to all the trouble to start a new thread'? That extra 3 seconds.?

I think everyone's a pretty decent sort, around here. Not much malevolence. But, even among fine folks, there can be a heedlessness, unwitting acts that are taken a certain way by the splenetically sensitive. Sorry to say, this incident--assumed unintentional-- reminds me of other similar discourtesies. Like a bunch of old folks who get tired of a movie they're attending and start talking about their pensions. All they needed to do was leave and find a convenient spot to yak, but why be bothered, the movie (in their opinion) wasn't so good anyway.


Pure, you're right. I was plainly thoughtless. I really have been trying to keep in mind your and Mlle's and other lesser-in-number recent opinions; will keep working at it (maybe put a sticky on my screen and read it each time I think I'm ready to hit 'submit reply').

Frankly, I haven't started more than a few threads; always think the reaction will be a total ignoring of it or a 'what the hell is this?' Now is that ironic or what?

pax, Perdita
Sometimes, great friendship is born out of heated arguments about thread hi-jacking.

Like with me and MG.
It's too bad that we can't just get together and come to some reasonable conclusion, or screw for it.

Gotta go home now. Getting too horny...:devil:
One conclusion is obvious. There's no rational, coherent and sensible way to formulate--regarding real or faked depictions of teens-- an 'underage' rule (at literotica) or law about obscenity (text), or even pornography (photos).

Indeed all codification of censorable materials or criteria for identifying them may be internally incoherent.
