You guys are lame

twelveoone said:
Do you see a logic break here? Really Ange.
"a disservice to some wonderful people who aren't here to defend themselves."
And you rushed in...because I said she lives? To defend what?
Think about it.

No. Really YOU need to give it a rest once in a while and not be forever so combative. It's not good for the forum. It's certainly not good for me.

I want to write poetry. That's why I'm here. How many poems have you written compared to the number of posts you've written attempting to prove you know more, have more staying power, arguing power, whatever than the other guy? What do you get from that?

Wouldn't you be happier writing poetry? If not, why are you here?

Oh. It's not about YDD. Not to me.
Angeline said:
No. Really YOU need to give it a rest once in a while and not be forever so combative. It's not good for the forum. It's certainly not good for me.

I want to write poetry. That's why I'm here. How many poems have you written compared to the number of posts you've written attempting to prove you know more, have more staying power, arguing power, whatever than the other guy? What do you get from that?

Wouldn't you be happier writing poetry? If not, why are you here?

Oh. It's not about YDD. Not to me.
I read the thread, I feel your post was uncalled for. You saw what I wrote, what were you reacting too?
twelveoone said:
I read the thread, I feel your post was uncalled for. You saw what I wrote, what were you reacting too?

I'm a nice person, so I'll say this nicely. I just got home from work. I want to relax, read and write some before I go to bed. I don't want to fight. That's unproductive to me.

I wasn't disrespectful to you and I expect to be treated in kind--your language in the other thread was uncalled for. If you can't deal with me respectfully, I'll put you on ignore. I don't need the hassle.
Angeline said:
I'm a nice person, so I'll say this nicely. I just got home from work. I want to relax, read and write some before I go to bed. I don't want to fight. That's unproductive to me.

I wasn't disrespectful to you and I expect to be treated in kind--your language in the other thread was uncalled for. If you can't deal with me respectfully, I'll put you on ignore. I don't need the hassle.
I'm sorry Ange, what I read was three people did not find the thread funny. I responded to the Rainman. Took no one to task. I did not find the thread funny but did not say so, Here are your two posts:

Angeline said:
Remember when this forum had a sense of humor? It was fun then, wasn't it? :)
Angeline said:
Your thread is sweet, Rybka, and you know I think that. I just remember a time when the forum wasn't filled with endless arguing about criticism, when it rarely got personally nasty, when there wasn't a subtext of "one right way to do it and you're no good if you don't do it that way." There were some wonderful writers here like Unmasked Poet, Daughter, Sweetwood, Karmadog, Eve, Judo--and yes smithpeter. And these people cared about poetry, very much. Some of them could be quite stringent in their expectations for the quality of one's writing, but they were unfailingly kind and good-humored about it. They made people feel welcome. When they laughed, it was with everyone. And they laughed a lot--over silly, goofy stuff. They didn't care if writing a goofy poem made them look silly.

They made me feel welcome, as they did others. They supported each other without goading if the poem written by Poet A differed in style or form from Poet B.

If they thought someone had talent and wanted support, they gave it. If it was clear someone else just wanted to write porny poetry because this is Lit, they respected that and let those people do their thing without making them feel they weren't "serious" enough.

You remember that forum, I know.

Maybe I'm too much of the old guard to fit here anymore, but I don't feel this is the same place at all anymore. It makes me sad.

And I kind of hate to say it, but I think a lot of that tone was set by smithpeter. I think maybe when we lost him, we lost the heart of what this place once was.

I know I won't win any popularity contests for espousing this opinion, but you know I've never much cared about that.

And sure there were always people here who harbored resentments that there was a clique that didn't include them, but it was nothing compared to now because no one attacked those people--if anything they tried to make them feel welcome. Remember when Zell first came here and everyone banded together because we cared? Could that happen here now?

I keep looking to replicate that forum somewhere else, but if it's out there I can't find it. I know it's not here anymore--not for me, anyway. And for what it's worth, I don't think I'm the only "old timer" who feels this way.

I don't expect it to change here, to go back of course. Maybe I just miss my old friends from here, but I don't feel the artistic freedom here I once did.

Just my opinion, of course.

:rose: :kiss:
What do you think? A total misread?
Respectfully submitted.
twelveoone said:
I'm sorry Ange, what I read was three people did not find the thread funny. I responded to the Rainman. Took no one to task. I did not find the thread funny but did not say so, Here are your two posts:

What do you think? A total misread?
Respectfully submitted.
twelveoone said:
I'm sorry Ange, what I read was three people did not find the thread funny. I responded to the Rainman. Took no one to task. I did not find the thread funny but did not say so, Here are your two posts:

What do you think? A total misread?
Respectfully submitted.

It just doesn't matter.

An argument takes two sides. One side just stepped aside and said she no longer wants to talk about this.
WickedEve said:

Look, Eve. For weeks I leave. A certain someone tries to tie me to anonymous activity. I get my response invaded, threads moved and deleted. READ THE GODDAM threads. Villainized because I leave fours sometime. Sorry Eve, don't either see much justice or logic in it.

Note also, I ask for an explanation, I get none, but psychological attributes are impugned. Seems to be a standard defense around here.

I stop now.
Have a nice day.
anonamouse said:
Look, Eve. For weeks I leave. A certain someone tries to tie me to anonymous activity. I get my response invaded, threads moved and deleted. READ THE GODDAM threads. Villainized because I leave fours sometime. Sorry Eve, don't either see much justice or logic in it.

Note also, I ask for an explanation, I get none, but psychological attributes are impugned. Seems to be a standard defense around here.

I stop now.
Have a nice day.

a thought just occurred (yeah i do have them once in a while)... anonamouse if you changed your nickname and got rid of this one i.e. didn't use it any more, then perhaps misunderstanding might no longer occur as it is not always easy to spell the word anonymous correctly.

anonamouse said:
I stop now.
Have a nice day.

stop (stĹŹp) pronunciation

v., stopped, stop·ping, stops.

1. To cause to desist or to change a course of action: stopped us from continuing the argument.
2. To prevent or restrain: stopped him from going.
7. To discontinue or cease: He stopped his complaining.
*Catbabe* said:
stop (stĹŹp) pronunciation

v., stopped, stop·ping, stops.

1. To cause to desist or to change a course of action: stopped us from continuing the argument.
2. To prevent or restrain: stopped him from going.
7. To discontinue or cease: He stopped his complaining.

good grief. was that really in there?

*Catbabe* said:
stop (stĹŹp) pronunciation

v., stopped, stop·ping, stops.

1. To cause to desist or to change a course of action: stopped us from continuing the argument.
2. To prevent or restrain: stopped him from going.
7. To discontinue or cease: He stopped his complaining.
Is that the Female Dictionary of English? :D
wildsweetone said:
good grief. was that really in there?



You aren't saying I would add that in there? Moi? Okay, yes I would.

However, in this case, it was already in there. I just shared. :)
Quinn71 said:
Is that the Female Dictionary of English? :D

Hey, now what's that supposed to me? ;)

Wanna argue about it? I can call you names and hound you incessantly despite the fact that I have no idea who you are. Are you game? Doesn't it sound like fun? No?

Okay, you win. :)
*Catbabe* said:

You aren't saying I would add that in there? Moi? Okay, yes I would.

However, in this case, it was already in there. I just shared. :)

i've always enjoyed sharing time.

*Catbabe* said:
Hey, now what's that supposed to me? ;)

Wanna argue about it? I can call you names and hound you incessantly despite the fact that I have no idea who you are. Are you game? Doesn't it sound like fun? No?

Okay, you win. :)
LOL, I think I was right the first time
wildsweetone said:
i've always enjoyed sharing time.


Me too!! Wait a minute...are we talking 'bout the same thing here? I dunno about you WSO, I am starting to think there is a reason wild comes before sweet in your nic. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
Me too!! Wait a minute...are we talking 'bout the same thing here? I dunno about you WSO, I am starting to think there is a reason wild comes before sweet in your nic. ;)

are we talking about the same thing? i have absolutely no idea what's on your mind.

Quinn71 said:
It would be

Welcome to the poetry forum then. :rose: I was just being silly up there.

WSO is being bad and dragging me into the badness with her. My mind, WSO, is a dangerous place. ;)