Young Girl wants good fuck

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for Anne42

You're a 'virgin' until you make 30 posts. Then you're 'experienced', woohoo.

OK, I helped you out. Now tell me, please, what does 'kotc' stand for? You can boost your post count, anyway. :)
KOTC = Kiss On The Cheek ... Yes, I've been on the internet too long when I can translate stuff like this. haha
Most people here do not understand what Miranda is really doing....everyone is trying to figure out what she wants...dirty talk, exotica, funny lines, well I finally read through her posts, analyzed them, and read between the lines and here is the result....
If you read her first post she is a psych major, what she is doing some kind of research into the personalities of people who read and post into boards like this one and how the they respond to certaind stimuli. All she is probably doing is gathering data for one of her Social Psych or Abnormal Sexual Psych class. It seems to me that she's getting all the research info she needs just by placing a little, small post.
Kudos to you Miranda and hope you get an A+ in your paper.

P.S. I would love you to suck my dick....<eg>
an A+?

...but she can't spell! And it's not a typo because she makes the same mistake in two separate posts. She's probably emotionally immature (she refers to herself as a young girl, but she doesn't look very young in her pics), sneaking around on the internet, getting thrills doing something she feels is very naughty. She didn't know what she was getting into. We have probably scared her away...she hasn't posted in awhile, so she's probably abandoned her own thread. I don't blame her, this is getting pretty played quickly.
Want to play with a fit, muscular Boulder man? I am 34, 5'11 195 and don't think you would be disappointed mmmm...Let me know if you would like a pic or two :)
This is hilarious! I'm a psych major, yes. But I have no use for any of this in school. I'm going into art does this relate??? I'll be honest, this has gotten to be fun just to read the replies. I have met a really cool guy that reached me via this personal. I simply want a good fuck and to get to know more people online. So keep the replies coming!
To justmiranda

Hello, hunn
I'm also from Colorado aprox.100miles from Denver, South in the town which use to be known as the steel city. not any more though...its kinda funny I've been search'en the web for some one to talk to for a long time. and I'm hopen your the one. I too have been all over some what. and sure would like to tell you about that, but later. ok? right now I would like to know where your at in life?
how old are you?
how tall are you?
what color is your hair? is it long or short, currly or straight?
and the color of your eyes?
and then what would you consider to be too old for you?
please send a reply
at my e-mail or in here.
sincerely Old Uncle Nasty
Art therapy??? what kind of therapy is that?? you get your patients to draw you nasty pictures?? hmmmm, I guess I'm more the old fashion type guy who likes to hear about them. I think that's why I tend to like Freud and/or Masters & Johnson...hehehe
Besides, most people can't draw too well, and I can't seem to get off on looking at stick people doing the horizontal mambo...muahahaha (call me an old fashion, sentimental pervert, what can I say).
this thread is 5 flipping pages long..


I forget what I was going to say on here, but like.. I'm just replying because everyone else is. How cool would it be if EVERYONE on literotica posted something here. Then you see, Miranda's thread could be a link right on the literotica homepage. Or wait, maybe even a complete different site. yessssssss... oh man, this is great. I think I'm going to register the domain name right now, and then you all can chip in and buy it off me.. over ebay. So then we all can just keep replying and replying and REPLYING!! Yeah, I'm tired. Hey Miranda... uh, right, I'm going to bed. You can come if you want. Damn that was smooth of me.


WE did it Miranda!See My Advice to you
worked! Your paper would go well!
To all of you guys who answered the title of the paper was"Reverse roles:
Why strong men gravitate towards the
weaker sex in nonface encounters"
Good luck!
oh my god...

Desert Fox, you're so wierd! One minute you're totally ragging on me and the next you're being cool. I don't get you! I'm not doing any fucking research in psychology. This would be a horrible paper or research assignment. Get off it!
Oh Brave New World- that has such creatures in it!

Hey Miranda- you crack me up. Congratulations on finding what you were looking for. Its funny - I have often thought about doing what youdid (I think most men would be amazed at what women think- but there is definetly a side to me that just wants to skip the dinner an a movie and get well laid). Your personal ad took courage and I for one hope that both it and you are for real. If nothing ele, this thread was very entertaining to follow.

Happy loving,

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black, eh Desert? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It's one thing to "beg for attention," but to accuse people and put them down for doing the same thing that you're doing in a pathetic attempt to make yourself look better than them is just irritating and pathetic. And can the "International Man of Mystery" bull, we all know you're a regular 007.
Idjones Comments

Iam sorry you feel this way
Quit having this "holier than thou:
attiude to get into Mirandas pants
and her thong underwear!
But I do agree that you have a right
to free speech even if you are wrong.
I know Miranda likes me a lot but afraid to fall in ;ove!
Than yo for your time and attention.
This is actually getting to be too much, I actually find myself looking forward to loging in and heading straight here to read the latest posts. Miranda - since you are a psych major tell me... is there something wrong with that??
I hope not, but those stupid voices keep telling me to stop coming in here, not that I ever listen to them though....Hold on, let me put my shinny foil hat on...there now they won't be able to get through, and I'll be able to read and write in peace....
So, what do you think, anything wrong with this???

moneyguy13 said:
So, what do you think, anything wrong with this???

Hell, no! It sure beats watching Survivor.

I'm quite a fan of 'Young Girl wants good fuck'.

....Hmmm...quite the attitude for such a young thing...don't make me CUM down there.....i have an assortment of little tools to change your domineering ways in a hurry honey. I can smell a battle of the wills...and i NEVER lose. My girlfriend and I would love to show you a thing or two. After you watch us FUCK for a few hours all tied up, I am sure you would go from BOSSY to desperate. We are some couple...she like you is petite and blonde...I am a large man of color...with a special surprise that SHE loves to show off......EMAIL ME....i am not asking you...I am TELLING you...MT
no one lately...

I haven't heard from anyone in a long time. I'm still looking for that hard man to satisfy my needs.

If all you're looking for is a "hard man" I'd think it should be a fairly easy find. You've got like.. 5 pages of hard guys mir. I think you're just trying to seduce us into posting so you can laugh at how pathetic and weak we are.. shit.. I fell for it again..
hi there

well Colorado ssems to be a bit far. I m in NYC. Still u definetly sound interesting. You got it.
what's ur e-mail id ? I will mail u a pic of mine.
mine is
Live Life Kingsize.
how's this miranda?

We bumped into each other on the boardwalk at Ocean City. We were both vacationing alone, as we just wanted to get away for a while by ourselves. After almost knocking your packages from your arms, I turned to apologize, when our eyes met. We stared briefly into each others eyes, and then smiled as I apologized for my clumsiness. You grinned, and said "If you were truly sorry, you would make up for it by taking me to dinner tonight."
Your boldness excited me, and I agreed. I offered to carry your packages for you and you accepted.
We walked for a ways, introduced ourselves, and made plans to meet at a resturaunt near my hotel. I told you it was somewhat fancy and if you could, to wear a nice long dress.
I arrived early at the resturaunt, and chose a table in a dim corner. As you walked through the door, I could feel my cock stiffen. You were more beautiful than today, and I didn't think that possible. We ate slowly, and chatted. After several glasses of wine, I suggest we call it a night and maybe meet tomorrow.
I ask you if you were up to a walk on the beach, and you smile and nod yes. We walk hand in hand, holding our shoes as we head for your hotel. It is a beautiful night, the stars are bright, the moon is full, and the slight breeze is warm. Suddenly you stumble, and as I reach out to catch you, my left hand cups your breast. Your arms go around my neck and you moan into my shoulder. I slowly begin to knead your firm, tender flesh and your knees buckle as you drop to the sand. I lean in and kiss you, gently at first, then with more enthusiasm. My tongue invades your mouth, and searches every corner of it. At this point you are lying on your back, with me leaning over you.
My hand slides down from your breast and over your stomach, and I feel a small shudder, shake your body. I slide my hand down over your warm mound to the hem of your dress near your ankles and slowly work it up, exposing your legs, until it is finally bunched around your waist. Much to my delight, you ar ewearing no panties!!! My hand cups your pussy, as I rub the palm of my hand over you. Your legs part slightly, and I run a finger up your wet slit, brushing your clit. You suck my tongue deep into your mouth, and as I slide my finger inside you, you gasp loudly.
You reach down to my crotch and feel my stiff cock. You fumble with my belt and zipper with one hand, as I continue to pump my finger in and out of your quivering cunt. You quickly sit up, opening my pants, saying,"I want you inside me..... please,,,,"
I stand, drop my pants and pull your head to my throbbing cock.
Your lips part and you take the head in your mouth, running your tongue all arund it. Suddenly I grab your head and ram my cock deep in your throat. You moan and suck, never missing a stroke, as your tongue sneaks out to lick my balls. I reach behind you and pull down the zipper of your dress, pulling it off your shoulders, exposing your firm breasts and hard nipples. I reach down and begin pulling and twisting your nipples, making you moan around my cock. I pull back and tell you to get on your hands and knees, which you do without thinking. I kneel behind you and place the swollen head of my cock against your wet opening, and using my hand I rub it up and down the length of your slick slit. You try to back in against me, but I slap your ass cheek with my hand and tell you to be still. I enter you an inch at a time, stopping to let you feel me inside you. When I am fully buried in you, you grind your hips hard against me. I pull out slowly, and then without warning slam into you hard, causing your tits to shake, and you to scream with pleasure. I continue this slow withdrawl and hard entry till I feel your pussy begin to squeeze my cock. I wet my thumb with my mouth and slide it deep in your ass, as your orgasm overtakes you. I pull out of your sopping pussy, and slide my hard cock into your now primed asshole...... You begin to pull away, but I slap your ass again which brings another sharp moan from you... I let you get used to the feel of the head inside your tight rectum, and slowly you begin to push back on me...... I reach around and massage your very hard erect clit, causing you to scream....
"Oh yes ...... fuck my tight ass..... fuck me hard" I piston in and out of you, the sounds of the waves mingling with your screams of pleasure. Unknown to us, high tide is approaching and as your orgasm nears, the waves wash over us sending you over the edge as your cum runs down your legs and is washed away by the salty ocean water...... as the tide recedes, I flip you over and suck up your remaining cum, mixed with the salty ocean water.
We head back to your room, and finish the night, with uninterupted animal passion........
Reply to your post

I know from the sound of your article exavtly what you mean. All the girls at my school (Central Michigan University) are either too into their studies to go out or are too stuck up to care. I'd really love to see some pictures of you. Let me know your e-mail and I'll send you mine!
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