Your best "Quote"

Also Mae West:

"It's better to be looked over, than over looked."
Re: I'm Obsessed With Dialogue

Ulyssa said:

"Still, I'll bet these big nipples of yours could nurse a lot more babies."

"Not if that gun goes off and blows a hole through one of them."

Rucker laughed. "It isn't the gun you have to fear. It's this other loaded barrel that I'm liable to shoot off inside you that you should worry about."

"Is that so?"

"Um-hmm--Danger! Live ammunition."

"Should I be frightened?"

"Aren't you?"

"Let me think about it." My body was becoming more and more enraptured surrounded by the sinewy grip of his mahogany arms, the smooth, muscular feel of his chest contrasted by the tiny prickles of his chest hair, and the surprisingly gentle probing as he bathed his fleshy thickness in my warmth, repeatedly driving for the perfect slide of his penis within the happily wet clasp of my body. "Frighten me some more."

This Ullysa, is my favorite yet. Darkly sensual thought provoking eerie brilliance. While material of this nature is not usually my taste, I could not help but fall in love with this brilliant piece of writing!! I am on my way to go read more of your stuff!!!
Three favorites of mine:

From the movie Animal House :

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

From a Mickey Spillane novel:

"She was as smooth as silk sliding across glass."

And one of my own:

"I'll drop you faster than a handful of waterbugs."
Thank you so much, M.A.Thompson!!

You said such wonderful things--I went all squishy in places I probably shouldn't have [like my favorite chair].

You have a Private Message.
So appropriate.

Svenskaflicka said:
"Supple like a cow, graceful like a refridgerator"

Wait until you're about 5 months pregnant, Svenskaflicka, that image will be totally accurate.
I'm watching "Robin Hood - Men In Tights" right now, and I just GOTTA tease you yankees with a quote from that film:

"Unlike other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent."
From Stephen King...

......and behaving like King Shit of Turd Mountain.

You gotta love it!!
Re: So appropriate.

Ulyssa said:

Wait until you're about 5 months pregnant, Svenskaflicka, that image will be totally accurate.

Sometimes, like when I look at my sweetheart's photo, that image doesn't seem so intimidating...

How you're doing, Ulyssa? Any kicks yet?
Jumped right in...

don't see how this can be used in a story yet but,

"stale cheese squeaking over my teeth like wet sneakers on tile."

Oh, and that "out like a fat kid" is too funny.
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"Lugn och fin som en flygmaskin." = Calm and nice, like an airplane.

Though maybe that's a word I shouldn't mention today???:devil:
From The Soon-To-Be-Posted Story: Chloe's Obsession

The curtain opens, and...

From the moment that Chloe steps out of the taxicab in front of the elegant little boutique hotel, it seems as if every man is staring at her. Men scanning her face - their unabashed, envious gazes roving over her body. Eyes checking out her tits, her ass - sizing up her smile as if measuring her for a blowjob.

Coming soon on a screen near you......(if you aren't careful).
Thank you all for the superb Quotes. Especially the self-penned ones!!!!! While I have been busy with other projects, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this thread continues to live on.

Let's keep it going!!!!!

Favorite (gross) quote: "How would you like to run a couple of fast laps with those sexy lips around the snotty end of my fuckstick?"

Favorite quote (from good old Yogi): "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

Another from Yogi: "It's so busy here that no one comes here anymore."

Favorite stupid quote: "How long is a piece of string?"

Pick-up line: "Those tits real?"
From the movie, The Quiet Man , a romantic comedy (nominated for 5 Academy Awards, including Best Picture) starring John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Victor McLaughlin, and Barry Fitzgerald:

John Wayne has bought some land (called White'a'Mornin') that Victor McLaughlin wanted to buy:

McLaughlin (to the seller of the land):
"Is it true that behind my back, he stole White'a'Mornin right from under my nose?"

McLaughlin vowing revenge against John Wayne:
"He'll regret it to his dying day -- if ever he lives that long."

Feeny (McLaughlin's lackey) trying to talk McLaughlin out of a fist fight with Wayne:
"Don't do it, Squire, don't soil your knuckles on the man!"
He powered into her like a train, slowing down to a dead stop just before the station, and sitting there for twenty minutes with the sperm unable to leave but starting to look up from their newspapers and mutter uncomfortably about when they would be able to leave.

I loved this train quote, Rainbow! Weird Harold's faucet metaphor is also ingenious!

In fact, I love all kinds of unusual analogies in the description of sex. It's what makes or breaks a sex scene for me. A long stage direction-style description (he put his hand here, her lips there, her right leg swung over his left shoulder, his left toe in her mouth) bores me to no end.

Though I've read many descriptions that I love, I haven't been diligent enough to keep a list of them. I think I'm going to start!

I modestly submit a quote from one of my stories:

"Their bodies tightened together as if on cue, the soles of her feet pressed against his ridged arches, their shins slanting together, the tops of their tense thighs in frantic friction and their united groins intense suns growing brighter and brighter. Now! They both screamed in their minds and her high-pitched squeal echoed the cawing gulls circling overhead and his low moan the shifting pebbles on the shore as the waves broke on it, oblivious though they were to these sounds now."

The Dance They Knew

Fireworks on the Beach

A Spy in the House of Friends

The Conductor
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A few...nice thread by the way.

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw."
"I didn't bite and claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat tofu."
Somebody asked me once what love was. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. "Now who's asking the questions?"
From "Mallrats"

Brody: My cousin had to go to the hospital the other day to get a cat removed from his ass.
I saw him yesterday and he was buying another cat. I asked him what the hell he was doing. Didn't he realise that he would end up in hospital to yet another cat removed from his ass?
He looked me in the eye and said, "But Brody, how else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?"
True story.
Callia said:

I modestly submit a quote from one of my stories:

"Their bodies tightened together as if on cue, the soles of her feet pressed against his ridged arches, their shins slanting together, the tops of their tense thighs in frantic friction and their united groins intense suns growing brighter and brighter. Now! They both screamed in their minds and her high-pitched squeal echoed the cawing gulls circling overhead and his low moan the shifting pebbles on the shore as the waves broke on it, oblivious though they were to these sounds now."

The Dance They Knew

Fireworks on the Beach

A Spy in the House of Friends

The Conductor

After reading her stories, I asked my new friend Callia to add one of her favorite quotes to this thread. Thank you.

If I may, I would like to add one of hers that I love!!!

"Perhaps if they had shared the same love of words, they could have found the right ones to describe what bound them, but they didn’t. The only thing they shared was their love of lovemaking."
from "The Dance They Knew" by Callia

Everyone, please do yourself a favor and read her stuff. It is great!!!!!
Wow! Thanks for the plug, MA!:kiss:

(he gets a 20% commission, but don't tell anyone!;) )
I wish....

People would describe the story links in their sig a bit and not leave it to readers to guess. I, for instance, would like to know what category the story falls into before I read it. :?
That's not very adventurous, phatcat.

Fortunately, when you click on a story, it will say in the upper left corner of the page what category the story falls in. For the record, the top link in my sig is for my author's page, the second is to a poem (non-erotic).
adventurous I may not be but...

... at least I know what I'm getting myself into. =)

Oh, and thanks for that tip - that helps.
I have had plenty of people write down things I have said, as if they were pearls of wisdom, but I can't for the life of me understand why:)

I don't really have any quotes to offer, somehow that would be to vain for me.

Hopefully my sig is enough.:)