Your Top 5 List is...

Your Top 5 Fried Foods (That Aren't Chicken) (What's with the chicken hate?)

Diples (Greek Pastry with honey and nuts)
Cheese Curds
Halibut (or rockfish) - fresh. Very fresh.
Vada Pav (a potato fritter on a bun)
Your Top 5 Favorite Comic Characters

1. Wolverine. Unabashed, unashamed Wolverine fanboy since about 1982.
2. Calvin and Hobbes. (Need to be together).
3. Ghost Rider. First horror comics I ever loved. Also Agent's of SHIELD. Not Cage.
4. Mockingbird. Love her since her team up with Hawkeye. See also, Agents of Shield, though they should have had her know Barton.
5. Linus Van Pelt. Wise, flawed, wonderful.
2. Ben Reilly aka the Scarlet Spider, aka Spider-Man
The clone saga was my introduction to Spider-Man.. Bought loose issues with my allowance back in the 90s. It went on for so long, and I missed so many issues due to money problems, but, it really was fantastic. Got me reading in Swedish, which helped immensely since I was an immigrant.

Original Scarlet Spider costume is hands down my favorite Spider-man costume
The hoodie is great, but I've always had a soft spot for Spider-Man Noir!


Top 5 comic characters, huh...

1) Iremy, from the korean manhwa Magician by Kim Sarae. Certified badass, complex, lovable, strong. An incredible character in an incredible story.

2) Sailor Moon. My introduction to anime. Spent so many morning during my childhood's summer vacation getting up at 6am just to catch the re-runs.

3) Luffy from One Piece. Because he's chaotic good personified.

4) Mr Freeze after he got his Batman: TAS backstory re-write. Turned a janky and one dimensional character into a broken man with a complex mind. He will do anything for love, including that.

5) Spider-Man, for being my aforementioned two-dimensional Swedish teacher.
I haven’t made my list yet but as soon as I saw the prompt I thought of Cathy!! (And Calvin & Hobbes)
There was another one I liked that was a little yellow dog.... And I don't remember his name...
And no, not Odie from Garfield....
He was scragglier and had smaller ears and bigger eyes....
Life has been scary, random, and hectic lately, so I missed last week but I'm back for more. Here's the new topic:

Your Top 5 Favorite TV Sitcoms
My Top 5 Pasta Dishes (that I make):

1. Linguine w/ pesto & shrimp
2. Cacio e Pepe
3. Spaghetti Bolognese
4. Angel hair with crab & roasted tomatoes
5. Any pasta with my sauce and meatballs
I am narrowing this down from 27 people. This list could change, but for now... *sighs*

I'm leaving out cartoons because... just... no. Ok?

Your Top 5 Favorite TV Sitcoms:

50's: I Love Lucy 1951
(if this isn't on your list, I feel sorry for you)

The Andy Griffith Show 1960

The Mary Tyler Moore Show 1970

The Cosby Show 1989

The Vicar of Dibley 1994

why are you still reading? stop... please...
00's: Tie! 30 Rock 2006/Parks & Rec 2009
10's: Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2013
20's: TBD
Top 5 Favorite TV sitcoms
My sole criteria for this list is just the shows I've rewatched more than others. That's it.
Does that mean that it's going to be heavily skewed towards more modern shows that are more readily available on streaming? Yes.
Do I care? No.

1. Schitt's Creek
2. Parks and Rec
3. Arrested Development
4. Community
5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine