~Zen Mountain~

Du Lac said:
if that french girl can't sew you what you need I can always share how to do it , so you may journey on the trail of creating with fabric yourself...
du lac!

very nicely put DU-
and with AS son, i agree
nin- bows to son with smile
nin- :rose:
When we talk of karma or action, it entails action committed by an agent, in this case, oneself, in the past. So what type of future will come about, to a large extent, lies within one's own hands and can be determined by the kind of initiatives that one takes now. Not only that, but karma should not be understood in terms of passive, static kind of force, but rather in terms of active process. This indicates that there is an important role for the individual agent to play in determining the course of the karmic process. Consider, for instance, a simple act like fulfilling our need for food. In order to achieve that simple goal one must take action on one's own behalf: one needs to look for food, to prepare it, to eat it. This shows that even a simple act, even a simple goal is achieved through action.
-- from Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective
My Erotic Tale said:
Old man:
"Meditate, sit still and think of nothing at all!"

Little boy:

Old man:
"Because it's good for you. Helps you learn about your spiritual self."

Little boy:
"Okay!" <closes eyes> ... this is like 'Time Out' ...huh?"

I had to hunt this down because it seem to fit <grin>
Du Lac said:
When we talk of karma or action, it entails action committed by an agent, in this case, oneself, in the past. So what type of future will come about, to a large extent, lies within one's own hands and can be determined by the kind of initiatives that one takes now. Not only that, but karma should not be understood in terms of passive, static kind of force, but rather in terms of active process. This indicates that there is an important role for the individual agent to play in determining the course of the karmic process. Consider, for instance, a simple act like fulfilling our need for food. In order to achieve that simple goal one must take action on one's own behalf: one needs to look for food, to prepare it, to eat it. This shows that even a simple act, even a simple goal is achieved through action.
-- from Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective

is the glass half full or half empty
when all you have for a tool in life is a hammer
all your problems look like nails
I stand as tall as the red woods form my Bonsai bowl

it's all in how you see your world and your path
for each see the same trail differently.
My Erotic Tale said:
is the glass half full or half empty
when all you have for a tool in life is a hammer
all your problems look like nails
I stand as tall as the red woods form my Bonsai bowl

it's all in how you see your world and your path
for each see the same trail differently.

when all you have for a tool in life is a hammer,
and you smash the glass
is there nothing left ...emptiness
or opportunity for total fullfillment?
ZMP~ different leaves

Even twin trees
see the world

Or a tree with a 'Y'
one root and trunk,
two trees rise high.

A tree has many leaves
like when they fall
each having individuality.

Rain drops may all
look the same, but
where did they fall?

A multitude of blades
in a field of grass
each differently laid.

In a patch of clover
one has four leafs
among all the others.

A grain of sand
lay on a beach
in perfect blend.

For where there is one
there shall be more
like the stars and the sun

In our sister and brother
we recognize difference,
siblings are siblings to others.

A man is just a man
till he reveals his name
different but the same

Things may seem
to be the same, till
a difference is seen.

The one thing different
from all the others
is where you sit.

The forest is green
the jig saw complete
of different leaves.

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Du Lac said:
when all you have for a tool in life is a hammer,
and you smash the glass
is there nothing left ...emptiness
or opportunity for total fullfillment?

buy some silicone and glass
and tap the glass in with the hammer carefully...laughing my ass off
ZMP~ different leaves

A tree has many leaves
like when they fall individualy.

.....It is not done in an instant
.....but one by one they all leave.

Their rebirth is just as slow
one by one they slowly grow

.....so many trees growing leaves
.....one color green brightly glows.

When a forest tree falls
an opening is given for another

.....a new sprout reaches
.....as high as the others.

Trees don't all topple and fall
at the exact same time,

.....they tumble here and there
.....like syncrinized chimes.

Things may seem the same,
till a difference is seen.

.....an old tree lay fallen
.....near a two year sapling.

We all will one day leave
from our own family tree

.....the jig saw stays complete
.....with the different leaves.
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My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ different leaves

A tree has many leaves
like when they fall individualy.

.....It is not done in an instant
.....but one by one they all leave.

Their rebirth is just as slow
one by one they slowly grow

.....so many trees growing leaves
.....one color green brightly glows.

When a forest tree falls
an opening is given for another

.....a new sprout reaches
.....as high as the others.

Trees don't all topple and fall
at the exact same time,

.....they tumble here and there
.....like syncrinized chimes.

Things may seem the same,
till a difference is seen.

.....an old tree lay fallen
.....near a two year sapling.

We all will one day leave
from our own family tree

.....the jig saw stays complete
.....with the different leaves.

hidden words and hidden meaning but i know you :)
love you,
nin- :kiss:
Du Lac said:
When we talk of karma or action, it entails action committed by an agent, in this case, oneself, in the past. So what type of future will come about, to a large extent, lies within one's own hands and can be determined by the kind of initiatives that one takes now. Not only that, but karma should not be understood in terms of passive, static kind of force, but rather in terms of active process. This indicates that there is an important role for the individual agent to play in determining the course of the karmic process. Consider, for instance, a simple act like fulfilling our need for food. In order to achieve that simple goal one must take action on one's own behalf: one needs to look for food, to prepare it, to eat it. This shows that even a simple act, even a simple goal is achieved through action.
-- from Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective

shalom aleichem/ welcome to peace
I was passionate

I was passionate,
filled with longing,
I searched
far and wide.

But the day
that the Truthful One
found me,
I was at home.

By: Lalla

From: Women in Praise of the Sacred
Translated byJane Hirshfield

this one resonates so well...good day all!!
ouy...this weekend was just delightful on the inlet...John caught all the good fish though...he was up at 5 am ...said a snook was waiting with his name on it...and he
finally caught it...as well as a nice redfish and two pompano...of course the zen in this is...I caught all the lady fish, catfish, and jacks...what can I say......later/blue
he he he , "Hidden words and hidden meaning"

what ever do you mean ...??? (lmao)

hey blue,
were thos blue catfish??? <grin>

teach a man to Fish
feed him for life

teach a man about the Net
...he'll be mesmerized by the web.

A worm slowly inches by
not very attractive
to the human eye.

Struggling with gravity
while climbing to it's destiny

weaving life from instinct
not knowing
what tomorrow will bring

to withdraw from the world
wrapped in itself
to slumber or death?

to arise
as a butterfly
like ...
opening your eyes
in the morning time.
Leaf on the wind
floats and dips
falling to the ground.

Mind on the wind
floats and dips
falling to the ground.

No mind, No wind.
No Ground.
All is One.

Edited to add; After i wrote this i remembered the Zen story about two monks watching a flag blow in the breeze. "Is the flag moving, or is the breeze moving?" asked one monk.

"Your mind is moving," the older monk replied.
My Erotic Tale said:
he he he , "Hidden words and hidden meaning"

what ever do you mean ...??? (lmao)

well let's see.......i guess you do what you do best-
talk in circles and code instead of saying what you have to say-

search for truth and then practice it :rose:
cat fish ugh!

My Erotic Tale said:
he he he , "Hidden words and hidden meaning"

what ever do you mean ...??? (lmao)

hey blue,
were thos blue catfish??? <grin>in the lagoon catfish are slimy critters even other fish won't eat...the sail cat are ok but the slime the slime...I can't even take them off the hook ...make John do it for me...and anything with teeth...he he....

drooping willow tree
scatters its summer altar
upon holy ground

hug a tree today!!!!!

teach a man to Fish
feed him for life

teach a man about the Net
...he'll be mesmerized by the web.
yawn...good morning all.

hey there Art, you should look at the spelling again before you go get your dictionary... :cool:


or was it the meaning you sought?

<ohhhh....I am a little firey this morning> :catgrin:
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bluerains said:
thought I might pass this along in further study of trees water structures and heath...it has a lot of info about our make up and tetra patterns of our existence...smile :cattail:


I must be working on too much tacky erotic prose and poetry, when I first read that, it looked like www.[B]tubesteak.[/B]com/Advanced_Medical_Awareness.html

Maybe a site for male porn stars medical issues. ;)

<climbs back into the gutter>

Zanzibar said:
I must be working on too much tacky erotic prose and poetry, when I first read that, it looked like www.[B]tubesteak.[/B]com/Advanced_Medical_Awareness.html

Maybe a site for male porn stars medical issues. ;)

<climbs back into the gutter>
I must admit...when someone sent me the link ..I thought it was about male tatoos...u know where...u r funny.... :devil:
templeminded said:
My Erotic Tale said:
he he he , "Hidden words and hidden meaning"

what ever do you mean ...??? (lmao)

well let's see.......i guess you do what you do best-
talk in circles and code instead of saying what you have to say-

search for truth and then practice it :rose:

to answer a question with a question
is seeking truth <grin> ....always

with no mind of course...
My Erotic Tale said:
templeminded said:
to answer a question with a question
is seeking truth <grin> ....always

with no mind of course...

was we having a "girly mood" (big grin)

ok yeah i'm sick and mind not working to good right
now.......i'll get ya with a good one when my mind is
back working correctly :)
love you,
templeminded said:
My Erotic Tale said:
was we having a "girly mood" (big grin)

ok yeah i'm sick and mind not working to good right
now.......i'll get ya with a good one when my mind is
back working correctly :)
love you,

your gonna get me <snickerin'>
with a good one!!! ... ??? <BIGrin>
I found emptyness in a whole

tranquility in a storm

frustration in dripping drops of water
and a cats meow
good day~


life's imperfection
chaotic introspection
perfecting itself
