~Zen Mountain~

simply marvelous Du, daffadil mountain

has any one heard of...
the Temple of Pennytitties

out of new mexico or arizona
mexicans sacrifice <kill> virgins

I was doing research for my novel and came across
this and about fell out of my chair <not grinin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I will be a stone one day
but for now I will be
the living clay

Chuang Tze was once asked to serve in the royal court. He refused.
The emperor sent some emissaries to convince him to come serve in the court. They found Chuang Tze sitting by the bank of a river.

They requested his presence at the court.

"I hear there is a turtle at the royal court," said Chuang Tze, as he gazed at a turtle in the mud.

"Yes," they replied. "It is kept in the great hall, in special glass case. It's shell is covered with royal jewels, and it is a very ornamental."

"Well then," said Chuang Tze, "I would rather be a live fat turtle, dragging my tail in the mud. Now go away."

They never bothered him again.
arctic-stranger said:
Chuang Tze was once asked to serve in the royal court. He refused.
The emperor sent some emissaries to convince him to come serve in the court. They found Chuang Tze sitting by the bank of a river.

They requested his presence at the court.

"I hear there is a turtle at the royal court," said Chuang Tze, as he gazed at a turtle in the mud.

"Yes," they replied. "It is kept in the great hall, in special glass case. It's shell is covered with royal jewels, and it is a very ornamental."

"Well then," said Chuang Tze, "I would rather be a live fat turtle, dragging my tail in the mud. Now go away."

They never bothered him again.

I enjoyed that AS

great tale~~
turtle power

ZMP~ Tomorrow's Sun

I will be
a stone one day
but for now I will be
the living clay

Like a drop I may
dry up in the sun
but for now I will
with the river run

I may be
a star one day
but for now I will
light my own way.

A leaf in the wind
blowing away
as I hold to a tree
till my leaving day.

Just another flower
under the sun
beauty is in living
until I'm done.

Like the wild grass
reaching high
spred my seed
then I lie.

I may not see
tomorrow's sun
but until then
I'll see it come!
My Erotic Tale said:

ZMP~ Tomorrow's Sun

I will be
a stone one day
but for now I will be
the living clay

Like a drop I may
dry up in the sun
but for now I will
with the river run

I may be
a star one day
but for now I will
light my own way.

A leaf in the wind
blowing away
as I hold to a tree
till my leaving day.

Just another flower
under the sun
beauty is in living
until I'm done.

Like the wild grass
reaching high
spred my seed
then I lie.

I may not see
tomorrow's sun
but until then
I'll see it come!

real cute my love, real cute :)
i am working on one that when it comes out don't think
i've lost it or anything. lol having problems with it cause'
i don't feel everything it says so still working on it :)
a.c. fixed yet? hope so! love you
ME :kiss:
arctic-stranger said:
pond lies still as glass
while insects buzz in the air;
mind moves in the Wind.

soft rain ripples the still pond
mist blankets the tree's
in the distance the river still flows
washing thoughts to the ocean
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
soft rain ripples the still pond
mist blankets the tree's
in the distance the river still flows
washing thoughts to the ocean

mist, rain, pond, lake, sea
from nothing into fullness;
actions, thoughts, mind: peace.
American Living

All thumbs from the start of the day,
Gray mists scream in my sleep,
Abundance of work crawls in bed,
A bedfellow, a mate,
Lover who wooes my brain stupid.

A moth who breeds under our skin,
Lying eggs of stress and discontent,
Anger and fear screams from the soul
24/7 life of running
Wrong in all that deems living.

working on it... from personal perspective..........
arctic-stranger said:
mist, rain, pond, lake, sea
from nothing into fullness;
actions, thoughts, mind: peace.

trickle of soft droplets
melt into earth
pool together
these thoughts
let them flow beyond my reach
to touch that which I cannot see
Du Lac said:
All thumbs from the start of the day,
Gray mists scream in my sleep,
Abundance of work crawls in bed,
A bedfellow, a mate,
Lover who wooes my brain stupid.

A moth who breeds under our skin,
Lying eggs of stress and discontent,
Anger and fear screams from the soul
24/7 life of running
Wrong in all that deems living.

working on it... from personal perspective..........

find your breath Du...concentrate on just that find peace in just breathing.

(hopefully you brushed already)
clean and sharpen fangs daily <grin>


When to engage the mind
and when not to~
building blocks...

erects self-importance from
Insignificance :rose:

Learning is finding out what you already know
Richard Bach

Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Author: Angelique Arnauld

Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.
Author: William Shakespeare

No good work whatever can be perfect, and the demand for perfection is always a sign of a misunderstanding of the ends of art.
Author: John Ruskin
Du Lac said:

Learning is finding out what you already know
Richard Bach

Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Author: Angelique Arnauld

Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.
Author: William Shakespeare

No good work whatever can be perfect, and the demand for perfection is always a sign of a misunderstanding of the ends of art.
Author: John Ruskin

If it is a Du write~

never give up your friends!!

a man saw a scorpion floundering around in the water.
He decided to save it by stretching out his finger, but the scorpion stung him.
man still tried to get the scorpion out of the water,
but the scorpion stung him again.
nearby a guy told him to stop saving the scorpion that kept stinging him.

Man said: "It is the nature of the scorpion to sting.
It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love
just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting?"

Don't up up your goodness
or your love
Even if others around you sting!!