~Zen Mountain~


My Erotic Tale said:
have you ever noticed how you walk
in step with the beat of your heart,

at least you still have a [heart] <<< posted by Templeminded
I couldn't walk with out one <wicked grin>

shuffling earth grids
let the stars fall where they may
nothing locks sacred hearts
which is which...

bluerains said:
shuffling earth grids
let the stars fall where they may
nothing locks sacred hearts

shuffling earth grids
stars falling into darkness
nothing locks sacred hearts
templeminded said:
you were in my thoughts to.just popped in to say good morning my love
nin- :kiss:

this raises a question for me, and not knowing either of you, i will just say your words raised it...

what about zen and love?

most real teachers i know are monks...not much about love there, not in the romantic sense...
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Zen and the art of love....


The obstacle is the path.
--Zen Proverb

"If he comes we welcome,
If he goes we do not pursue"
Zen saying

She told the Zen Master, "I can't bear losing even one more person."
"You will lose many," the Zen Master said.
Rena gasped.
"What can I do about it?" Rena shot back.
"Do nothing,: the Zen Master said.
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arctic-stranger said:
this raises a question for me, and not knowing either of you, i will just say your words raised it...

what about zen and love?

most real teachers i know are monks...not much about love there, not in the romantic sense...

hey artic,
i will answer this in my way then knowing my husband he will give his view when he gets off of work............................after 16 yrs. of being together i can say that yes, he is more of a monk than anything. him being alone, with his peace and quite is what makes him happy. (kinda hard to always have peace when you have 3 kids and at the time their ages were 1,3 &19 ) ages now 3,5, &21. we do love each other more than words could ever say, we try to go our seperate ways but something always brings us together again (love?).
and heard opposites attract? well there's night & day here. i am a "people person"
noise doesn't bother me (unless i'm sleeping lol) and art had rather be alone and hear nothing but the crickets and birds outside (them are the sounds that brings him peace). so yes, artic, in many ways he is a monk. he just met someone that he couldn't help but fall in love with me because i'm just such a loving lady. lol
hey i know why he isn't a monk........he enjoys making love to much...lol
hope you have a blessed day,
My Erotic Tale said:
have you ever noticed how you walk
in step with the beat of your heart,

at least you still have a [heart] <<< posted by Templeminded
I couldn't walk with out one <wicked grin>

if it can help me to keep my heart
i'll walk in any beat from the start
at least i keep my heart up at the top
not having to wait, for my blue balls to drop (grin and wink)
nin- :kiss:
yep my lustfull little head gets me every time <grin>
I promise there is not a moments peace and quiet with
this cat <grin>

templeminded said:
hey artic,
i will answer this in my way then knowing my husband he will give his view when he gets off of work............................after 16 yrs. of being together i can say that yes, he is more of a monk than anything. him being alone, with his peace and quite is what makes him happy. (kinda hard to always have peace when you have 3 kids and at the time their ages were 1,3 &19 ) ages now 3,5, &21. we do love each other more than words could ever say, we try to go our seperate ways but something always brings us together again (love?).
and heard opposites attract? well there's night & day here. i am a "people person"
noise doesn't bother me (unless i'm sleeping lol) and art had rather be alone and hear nothing but the crickets and birds outside (them are the sounds that brings him peace). so yes, artic, in many ways he is a monk. he just met someone that he couldn't help but fall in love with me because i'm just such a loving lady. lol
hey i know why he isn't a monk........he enjoys making love to much...lol
hope you have a blessed day,
arctic-stranger said:
this raises a question for me, and not knowing either of you, i will just say your words raised it...

what about zen and love?

most real teachers i know are monks...not much about love there, not in the romantic sense...

Does a monk love the beauty of a flower?

<good question arctic>
My Erotic Tale said:
Does a monk love the beauty of a flower?

<good question arctic>

A monk may love the beauty of a flower...does the monk PICK the flower? That is my question.

arctic-stranger said:
A monk may love the beauty of a flower...does the monk PICK the flower? That is my question.
I think a monk would pick a flower to impress the spirit of one who needs to be impressed....
arctic-stranger said:
A monk may love the beauty of a flower...does the monk PICK the flower? That is my question.

I have eaten a few flowers in my day <grin> (Looks at the temple)
but I believe zen correctness
as far as flowers go ...
no, you don't pick a flower
but observe it's addition to the whole.

I will research, for I recall a monk tale of love <smile>
bluerains said:
I think a monk would pick a flower to impress the spirit of one who needs to be impressed....

well, aint that clever...hehehe

perhaps the flower root and all?
so that the love will grow as the flower does.
My Erotic Tale said:
yep my lustfull little head gets me every time <grin>
I promise there is not a moments peace and quiet with
this cat <grin>

yeah but you enjoy every min. of it lol
i know how the cat is and i never heard him say to much
he was quiet then...lol :kiss: :heart:
Silent focus onto the self,
vaporizing thoughts into the quietude,
Fading me........... emerging MORE........

Du Lac said:
The obstacle is the path.
--Zen Proverb

"If he comes we welcome,
If he goes we do not pursue"
Zen saying

She told the Zen Master, "I can't bear losing even one more person."
"You will lose many," the Zen Master said.
Rena gasped.
"What can I do about it?" Rena shot back.
"Do nothing,: the Zen Master said.

enjoy what is there while it is there, to let go is always the hardest part...
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templeminded said:
yeah but you enjoy every min. of it lol
i know how the cat is and i never heard him say to much
he was quiet then...lol :kiss: :heart:

well it is shy around other people, now
it won't be quiet for meditation<grin>

here's a story that caught my eye and had a tad bit
of time trying to figure out <grin>

A Tibetan story tells of a meditation student who, while meditating in his room, believed he saw a spider descending in front of him. Each day the menacing creature returned, growing larger and larger each time. So frightened was the student, that he went to his teacher to report his dilemma. He said he planned to place a knife in his lap during meditation, so when the spider appeared he would kill it. The teacher advised him against this plan. Instead, he suggested, bring a piece of chalk to meditation, and when the spider appeared, mark an "X" on its belly. Then report back.
The student returned to his meditation. When the spider again appeared, he resisted the urge to attack it, and instead did just what the master suggested. When he later reported back to the master, the teacher told him to lift up his shirt and look at his own belly. There was the "X".
My Erotic Tale said:
well it is shy around other people, now
it won't be quiet for meditation<grin>

here's a story that caught my eye and had a tad bit
of time trying to figure out <grin>

A Tibetan story tells of a meditation student who, while meditating in his room, believed he saw a spider descending in front of him. Each day the menacing creature returned, growing larger and larger each time. So frightened was the student, that he went to his teacher to report his dilemma. He said he planned to place a knife in his lap during meditation, so when the spider appeared he would kill it. The teacher advised him against this plan. Instead, he suggested, bring a piece of chalk to meditation, and when the spider appeared, mark an "X" on its belly. Then report back.
The student returned to his meditation. When the spider again appeared, he resisted the urge to attack it, and instead did just what the master suggested. When he later reported back to the master, the teacher told him to lift up his shirt and look at his own belly. There was the "X".

i do not have superior physical powers
but i do have the desire
to reach for spiritual enlightment
nin- :kiss:
My Erotic Tale said:
well it is shy around other people, now
it won't be quiet for meditation<grin>

it's not that he's shy
you're so quite he has to hear some noise
to keep from going insane!

meditation brings relaxation
nin- :kiss:
great morning to all!!

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it"
Ninon de Lenclos quotes (French courtesan, Her beauty and wit attracted famous men of the day; wrote La Coquette Vengee (1659). 1620-1705) :rose:
bluerains said:
"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it"
Ninon de Lenclos quotes (French courtesan, Her beauty and wit attracted famous men of the day; wrote La Coquette Vengee (1659). 1620-1705) :rose:

some days everything seems to be just right.....
Am I Repeating Myself?

The Secrets of Heaven and Hell

The old monk sat by the side of the road. With his eyes closed, his legs crossed and his
hands folded in his lap, he sat. In deep meditation, he sat.

Suddenly his zazen was interrupted by the harsh and demanding voice of a samurai
warrior. "Old man! Teach me about heaven and hell!"

At first, as though he had not heard, there was no perceptible response from the monk.
But gradually he began to open his eyes, the faintest hint of a smile playing around the
corners of his mouth as the samurai stood there, waiting impatiently, growing more and
more agitated with each passing second.

"You wish to know the secrets of heaven and hell?" replied the monk at last. "You who
are so unkempt. You whose hands and feet are covered with dirt. You whose hair is
uncombed, whose breath is foul, whose sword is all rusty and neglected. You who are
ugly and whose mother dresses you funny. You would ask me of heaven and hell?"

The samurai uttered a vile curse. He drew his sword and raised it high above his head.
His face turned to crimson and the veins on his neck stood out in bold relief as he
prepared to sever the monk's head from its shoulders.

"That is hell," said the old monk gently, just as the sword began its descent.

In that fraction of a second, the samurai was overcome with amazement, awe,
compassion and love for this gentle being who had dared to risk his very life to give him
such a teaching. He stopped his sword in mid-flight and his eyes filled with grateful tears.

"And that," said the monk, "is heaven."

By Fr. John W. Groff Jr.
from A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen