~Zen Mountain~

uh oh?

let me know how
the wedding goes!

the wind blows to move stillness
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As intriguing as your
light might be to me
Just a motley sea
am I to thee
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Opening Bell

echoes from the canyon walls --
raindrops on the river.

The sounds of rocks bouncing off rocks;
the shadows of trees traced on trees.

I sit, still.
The canyon river chants,
moving mountains.

The sermon spun on the still point:
dropping off eternity, picking up time;
letting go of self, awakened to Mind.

- Michael P. Garofalo, Above the Fog
Morning meditations......

I have had a few moments for just hearing. It comes to me that during the time of primal man and that world of the Native Americans that life was full because they did not make problems. Living in harmony with nature learning her cycles and living within the NORM of the earth they found happiness even in struggling....

The problem now seems to be that we live in a world were Money has replaced the Creator and we create our own problems. Hence the rash of anger, destruction and unhappiness in this world. We have forgotten the old ways, that of living within the cycles of the Mother.

Listening to the earth we find out what is really important in this life..... living in a good kind way, gentle to all... including the earth and all that inhabit her space.... trees, grass, birds, mammals, toads, frogs, plants, rivers, oceans and other humans. When we tend to our land, cultivate it listen to it... we see our life fully. The answers lie not in preachers, pulpits or green paper.. the answer lies within us...

Are we willing to sacrifice everything in order to learn... or do we hold back still living in the material essence of what we have been socially conditioned as right living? I go now to mow my lawn, plant a flower and clear my mind... listening all the while to the whispers of quietude in which to learn...........

As we..

find ourselves upon the stage of this realm
have we chosen the right character for our true
fairy within or did we allow the stage director
to decide what's was best for us in this game we call life..

What better way to give up our magic but, to kill the
fairy and become a clone to the cast of consumerism
another extra in the borg collective... lets buy ,,buy,,,
consume more dream less...great message du...

Du Lac said:
I have had a few moments for just hearing. It comes to me that during the time of primal man and that world of the Native Americans that life was full because they did not make problems. Living in harmony with nature learning her cycles and living within the NORM of the earth they found happiness even in struggling....

The problem now seems to be that we live in a world were Money has replaced the Creator and we create our own problems. Hence the rash of anger, destruction and unhappiness in this world. We have forgotten the old ways, that of living within the cycles of the Mother.

Listening to the earth we find out what is really important in this life..... living in a good kind way, gentle to all... including the earth and all that inhabit her space.... trees, grass, birds, mammals, toads, frogs, plants, rivers, oceans and other humans. When we tend to our land, cultivate it listen to it... we see our life fully. The answers lie not in preachers, pulpits or green paper.. the answer lies within us...

Are we willing to sacrifice everything in order to learn... or do we hold back still living in the material essence of what we have been socially conditioned as right living? I go now to mow my lawn, plant a flower and clear my mind... listening all the while to the whispers of quietude in which to learn...........

ahhh... me thinks ya need a doodle...

My Erotic Tale said:
like I mind!

or its it a doodley du....

nimble words unbraid
life is drawn by heart’s command
thou art God complies
bluerains said:
or its it a doodley du....

nimble words unbraid
life is drawn by heart’s command
thou art God complies

speak english?
I fart cause my brain squeezed.
Zen is the moment in time
the time for the moment
may I please be excused?
My brain is full.

All must be quietly removed
in order to see nothing
within the mind's
unlimited resevoir of thought.

Inhale simple slow serenity
Exhaling heart restricting jealousy
I move them one by one
but too often struggle to let go

Darker than a moonless night
I stumble over doubt
Jerking me back to start again
to empty out my mind

Inhaling slow serenity
Exhaling resignation

bluerains said:
find ourselves upon the stage of this realm
have we chosen the right character for our true
fairy within or did we allow the stage director
to decide what's was best for us in this game we call life..

What better way to give up our magic but, to kill the
fairy and become a clone to the cast of consumerism
another extra in the borg collective... lets buy ,,buy,,,
consume more dream less...great message du...

Thank you blue...
et am glad words has no odor...

feelings from the heart create words
to express the desires or fears
nimble the mind creates images in light
the God within comlies...

My Erotic Tale said:
speak english?
I fart cause my brain squeezed.

"Man is not body.
The heart, the spirit, is man.
And this spirit is an entire star,
out of which, he is built.
If therefore a man is perfect in his heart,
nothing in the whole light of Nature is
hidden from him." - Paracelsus
lovely pen~~

ruminator said:
Zen is the moment in time
the time for the moment
may I please be excused?
My brain is full.

All must be quietly removed
in order to see nothing
within the mind's
unlimited resevoir of thought.

Inhale simple slow serenity
Exhaling heart restricting jealousy
I move them one by one
but too often struggle to let go

Darker than a moonless night
I stumble over doubt
Jerking me back to start again
to empty out my mind

Inhaling slow serenity
Exhaling resignation

meditation should be this to refocus the real us...neither from one pole to the next are we..but still ...but, to meditate into hypnosis is to loose the real here/now...and after much learning I have realized that we are to overcome and be a lamp to this world here/now...not to be too heavenly minded to be earthly good or letting fear be drive our car...the breath and being still allows one to see the images created by our emotive ego that plays upon our desires in this time space...and we can choose the way in balance and thats it ..balance...to balance is a good thang...
...... :rose:
bluerains said:
feelings from the heart create words
to express the desires or fears
nimble the mind creates images in light
the God within comlies...


"Man is not body.
The heart, the spirit, is man.
And this spirit is an entire star,
out of which, he is built.
If therefore a man is perfect in his heart,
nothing in the whole light of Nature is
hidden from him." - Paracelsus

just beautiful blue..
I sit in the silence of stillness
rolling 66,000 miles per hour through space
perched on a big rock
enjoying the ride!
uh I know english...sorry...am just a weird kinky lady...

destination' s path is
Liberation melting all that is
being all there is appearing
in disguise expressing being.. :rose:

My Erotic Tale said:
I sit in the silence of stillness
rolling 66,000 miles per hour through space
perched on a big rock
enjoying the ride!

thats off my 144 arc grid... :mad:
bluerains said:
destination' s path is
Liberation melting all that is
being all there is appearing
in disguise expressing being.. :rose:

very thoughtfull.

This next is either someone else's stuck in my mind or maybe mine from another day to know that the purpose of time is to keep everything from happening at once

ruminator said:
very thoughtfull.

This next is either someone else's stuck in my mind or maybe mine from another day to know that the purpose of time is to keep everything from happening at once

somewhere I learned along the way that gravity was the brake that keeps everything from happening all at once...must be same thang...thanks for the comment...and du u2 :rose:
bluerains said:
thats off my 144 arc grid... :mad:

I sit and meditate in silence and stillnes perched on a rock called earth flying, hurled or jetting 66,000 miles per hour through space and never would have known it if I hadn't been told it., neat trick huh?...<grin>