~Zen Mountain~

Queen Bee

the bee's the bee's

honey bee's have taken me
made me their queen
such a novel thing to do

reformed my body
they sugared me sweet
combed betwixt honey
i am the heavenly treat

my mind they keep a-buzz
with all the news
slow words they twitter
flying me so-high

combining nectarous longings
with a sinful pollination
sniffling their legs of prey
i am tied with the glue of life

i do not budge
from behind my kingdoms door
thinking i shall stay here
forever more...

RhymeFairy said:
the bee's the bee's

honey bee's have taken me
made me their queen
such a novel thing to do

reformed my body
they sugared me sweet
combed betwixt honey
i am the heavenly treat

my mind they keep a-buzz
with all the news
slow words they twitter
flying me so-high

combining nectarous longings
with a sinful pollination
sniffling their legs of prey
i am tied with the glue of life

i do not budge
from behind my kingdoms door
thinking i shall stay here
forever more...


that was cute...hehehe
When young time ticks by slowly
aging and wisdom teaches us that time is a frame of mind
Mortality is the end to the beginning...

What are you doing with your life today?
Is time mentoring your actions?
Or is your spirit free to explore the limitless potential of all that is?

Release the mind so the heart may sing.
Speak in the ancient voice that flows from silent lips
Here the answer lies.

Du Lac said:
When young time ticks by slowly
aging and wisdom teaches us that time is a frame of mind
Mortality is the end to the beginning...

What are you doing with your life today?
Is time mentoring your actions?
Or is your spirit free to explore the limitless potential of all that is?

Release the mind so the heart may sing.
Speak in the ancient voice that flows from silent lips
Here the answer lies.

nice words du~ you made me stop and listen..thanks for the moment...

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true." —James Branch Cabell :rose:
Thank you.......

blue and Art.. I am in this deep mystic moment thing right now lol... inner wisdom surfacing through automatic writing.... I write a little and then boom there are these words that I need to learn from...

so busy.. and confused in some ways ... they want me to become the manager at the restraunt I work at.. and I just want to be a little indian lol.. bartend and go home...

trying to get rid of all my clutter of stuff.. because I am suppose to move to Utah before the snow flies...

write my book...

clean up my finances...

just be happy that I am loved by the man whom I have waited all my life for...

never mind relationships are hard as hell!!!!

l i s t e n...
so I do..
and now all is good
love you two
du~ :cattail:
Gracious Du, you have a lot on your plate.
Good Luck to you~!!!
Lots of Huggs, and hearty be wells'

May all your dreams come true....


I mean that~!!!

*applauds you*
lots to ponder du~

Du Lac said:
blue and Art.. I am in this deep mystic moment thing right now lol... inner wisdom surfacing through automatic writing.... I write a little and then boom there are these words that I need to learn from...

so busy.. and confused in some ways ... they want me to become the manager at the restraunt I work at.. and I just want to be a little indian lol.. bartend and go home...

trying to get rid of all my clutter of stuff.. because I am suppose to move to Utah before the snow flies...

write my book...

clean up my finances...

just be happy that I am loved by the man whom I have waited all my life for...

never mind relationships are hard as hell!!!!

l i s t e n...
so I do..
and now all is good
love you two
du~ :cattail:

having been in the resturant business in the past ..can relate.. but, I quit to go to school and became of paraprofessional librarian ..did that for 6 years ...lots of responsibility..now I want to make my home life more fulfilling...am just working part time..
I really never wanting to manage ...in this field .takes away from the home relationship...and bartending is a fun and rewarding job...I have had several ...in really nice places...private yacht clubs..once a large plantation and even the dodgers...have had much experience in this jungle...I love the resturant business...but managing one will consume loads of your time..just make sure its worth it at home...that kind of work can own you..if you know what I mean ..and resentment can creep into your lovely heart...unless you really need the extra income , I would ponder on where You would be happiest...
and thanks for the little poem... and I love you too...to give love...its to receive love...
hope this helps...lol/blue

and ET....I read this awesome poem last nite you wrote and was pondering on what to comment and it went into the zone...whats up with That
:( :cathappy:
Thank you all...

blue thank you for sharing your insights.... I did the same thing as you.. left the restraunt world before.. it was how I supported myself through school in my thirties.. and then I managed big high volume places... it did put resentment in my heart hence why I left...

but... my friends who were the managment team walked out... and there is no one to lead ... there are many really good people working at this small restaurant and it is not always about me... it is about the good people who depend on the jobs. I feel this is a test.... and a gift. A way to clean up my finances while Morgan sets up home in Utah... and a way to do good for others. I must find a balance so that they know that I will not be doing this for a long time. Set up so another can come and walk easily and smoothly into the position.

Lesson here.. to look back and understand all the wisdom of my past. Set up bounderies and make sure I take time for myself. I also work as a sub contractor for an auction company and they have work for me. So.... balance right? Take care of myself so I may help others... I will be rewarded when it is time to go to Utah... I feel it..know it will not be easy but hell I am a natural born leader and sometimes you can not deny your destiny...

love and blessings
RhymeFairy said:
Gracious Du, you have a lot on your plate.
Good Luck to you~!!!
Lots of Huggs, and hearty be wells'

May all your dreams come true....


I mean that~!!!

*applauds you*

Yes, good luck to you du

I wish you lots of happiness
some humor from

Swami Beyondananda:

1. "Be a fundamentalist, make sure fun always comes before the

Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled.

A laugh track has been provided and the reason why we are put in the
material world is to get more material. Have a good laughsitive twice a day and that will insure regularhilarity.

2. Remember that each of us has been given a special gift - just for
entering. So you are already a winner!

3. The most powerful tool on the planet today is Tell-A-Vision.
That is where I tell a vision to you and you tell a vision to me

4. Life is like photography. You use the negative to develop.

5. As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between our ears, causing a condition called truth
decay. So be sure to use your truth brush and mental floss twice a day. And when
you're tempted to practice tantrum yoga, remember what we teach in the
Absurdiveness Training Class: "Don't get even, get odd."

6. If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and
truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you, you no mad at me. That
way, there will surely be nomadness on the planet. And peace begins with
each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there, pretty soon all the
peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

7. I know great earth changes have been predicted for the future, so
if you're looking to avoid earthquakes, my advice is simple. When you
find a fault, just don't dwell on it.

8. There's no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet
train the world, and we'll never have to change it again.

9. Everything I have told you is channeled. That way, if you don't
like it,it's not my fault. And remember, enlightenment is not a bureaucracy.
You don't have to go through channels.

10. Finally, if you're looking to find the key to the universe, I
have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is - there is no key to the
Universe. The good news is - it was never locked

bluerains said:
Swami Beyondananda:

1. "Be a fundamentalist, make sure fun always comes before the

Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled.

A laugh track has been provided and the reason why we are put in the
material world is to get more material. Have a good laughsitive twice a day and that will insure regularhilarity.

2. Remember that each of us has been given a special gift - just for
entering. So you are already a winner!

3. The most powerful tool on the planet today is Tell-A-Vision.
That is where I tell a vision to you and you tell a vision to me

4. Life is like photography. You use the negative to develop.

5. As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between our ears, causing a condition called truth
decay. So be sure to use your truth brush and mental floss twice a day. And when
you're tempted to practice tantrum yoga, remember what we teach in the
Absurdiveness Training Class: "Don't get even, get odd."

6. If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and
truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you, you no mad at me. That
way, there will surely be nomadness on the planet. And peace begins with
each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there, pretty soon all the
peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

7. I know great earth changes have been predicted for the future, so
if you're looking to avoid earthquakes, my advice is simple. When you
find a fault, just don't dwell on it.

8. There's no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet
train the world, and we'll never have to change it again.

9. Everything I have told you is channeled. That way, if you don't
like it,it's not my fault. And remember, enlightenment is not a bureaucracy.
You don't have to go through channels.

10. Finally, if you're looking to find the key to the universe, I
have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is - there is no key to the
Universe. The good news is - it was never locked

Oh that was wonderful blue, just the stuff to cheer me up on this wet and miserable day! Very funny :rose:
thank you blue...just what I needed today before I hop off to work
have a great day
and the seven sisters sing...

My Erotic Tale said:
seven stars over who ever you are.

We are the Stars which sing.
We sing with our light.
We are the birds of fire,
We fly over the sky.
Our light is a voice,
Our light is a voice,
We make a road
For the spirit to pass over.

Algonquin - American Indian
bluerains said:
We are the Stars which sing.
We sing with our light.
We are the birds of fire,
We fly over the sky.
Our light is a voice,
Our light is a voice,
We make a road
For the spirit to pass over.

Algonquin - American Indian

The wings of an Eagle soar on the air
in the thoughts in your mind.
folded image

gentle openings separate
pathways behind
stray shadows
clinging to black tinged
blades of exit

thorns recoil
holding the stem
of memory
wrapping around
each withering
root stock
planted in
semblance of a rose..
Last edited:
gripping my sorrow by the throat
strangling it so that anger does not blossom
sand bagging a wall so that the damn
of self control does not break.

Straight jacket my self into meditation
and counting to 20 by 1/4 counts
filling my patience with stones so that
I won't pace the floor.
at least

My Erotic Tale said:
gripping my sorrow by the throat
strangling it so that anger does not blossom
sand bagging a wall so that the damn
of self control does not break.

Straight jacket my self into meditation
and counting to 20 by 1/4 counts
filling my patience with stones so that
I won't pace the floor.

your image is in tact...I somehow feel a little less human when inhumane beings abound in disharmony....nice words...mine was a little more morbid just subtle..lol/blue
Animal Love~

cats nip
ducks quack
love splats
in the eye

snakes slither
spiders pounce
tigers sly they are
love clouts
all it touches

elephants rampage
ants sneak
monkeys chimp
love will neva

animal lust
passions pursuit
taking in all
loves glue

hearts beat
eyes flutter
chin whimpers
love rolling
in the clover

fingers itch
for one more touch
breaths come
goes so slow

waiting for love
is even slower
animals hunt
humans wait~
My Erotic Tale said:
gripping my sorrow by the throat
strangling it so that anger does not blossom
sand bagging a wall so that the damn
of self control does not break.

Straight jacket my self into meditation
and counting to 20 by 1/4 counts
filling my patience with stones so that
I won't pace the floor.

Are you feeling what is happening to me Art?
My world just fell apart, something is dying in me this time....
but somehow I will survive....
I need all the friends I can get right now
am so sorry du~

Du Lac said:
Are you feeling what is happening to me Art?
My world just fell apart, something is dying in me this time....
but somehow I will survive....
I need all the friends I can get right now

so much is happening right now with us all is hard to focus.. 2 of my dearest friends of 15 years are from southhamton..and my dearest apache friends are at a ranch near tampa...have hands full with worry..also..I spent the day with the brits and was quite a sad day for me...why I wrote the poem today...so I hope you are ok and stay i center focus on now...and don't get lost in reflection...yesterday is gone...like a bad flick...focus on you great gifts of love and talent...lol/blue :rose:
bluerains said:
so much is happening right now with us all is hard to focus.. 2 of my dearest friends of 15 years are from southhamton..and my dearest apache friends are at a ranch near tampa...have hands full with worry..also..I spent the day with the brits and was quite a sad day for me...why I wrote the poem today...so I hope you are ok and stay i center focus on now...and don't get lost in reflection...yesterday is gone...like a bad flick...focus on you great gifts of love and talent...lol/blue :rose:

dear blue..
it seems like the ravages of the world are soaking into the individuals life. I know that it is not about me... it is about more... almost like a dark force is surrounding our universe and shooting down all those who struggle to carry the torch of light... funny.... although a part of me has died... there is a steady strength that surges through my veins... almost like what a warrior would be... emotional disconnection to make sure that you can perform your duties for the greater good
funny what life teaches you
Du Lac said:
Are you feeling what is happening to me Art?
My world just fell apart, something is dying in me this time....
but somehow I will survive....
I need all the friends I can get right now

perhaps you are channeling
I don't know why I wrote that other than to keep from
seeking out Al qaeda near me and feeding the gators <grin>
yes it is a negative moon we see these days but hold fast to the yin and the yang and brightness will cycle eventually.
My Erotic Tale said:
perhaps you are channeling
I don't know why I wrote that other than to keep from
seeking out Al qaeda near me and feeding the gators <grin>
yes it is a negative moon we see these days but hold fast to the yin and the yang and brightness will cycle eventually.

yes I have not channeled in a while... except for Morgan... and now he is gone and maybe it opens me more...

yes it is a negative moon... universally and individually... we all must stay strong to survive
and to know joy one must suffer correct?