~Zen Mountain~

this sparked from bluerains thread

The Hawk's trust is obvious
perched upon your arm
blood trickles in small drops of love
as the Hawks talon's grasp clings
to your stability and faith
for if you scream and jerk your arm
never more will be the trust
and talons grasp will be even greater
sometimes it is best to swallow the pain
for trust and love to remain.
zmp ~ air in aid me

I feel the wind pushing me
to go a certain way

I felt the wind cooling me
on a scorching hot day.

I see the trees dancing
in the wild wind blown

I see the whites caps flow
the wind over water shown
Love it!

This is great ET! It really is the epitome of Zen, being these things...

My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ air in aid me

I feel the wind pushing me
to go a certain way

I felt the wind cooling me
on a scorching hot day.

I see the trees dancing
in the wild wind blown

I see the whites caps flow
the wind over water shown
My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ air in aid me

I feel the wind pushing me
to go a certain way,

I felt the wind cooling me
on a scorching hot day.

I see the trees dancing
in the wild wind blown,

I see the whites caps flow
the wind over water shown.

My thoughts are like clouds
that linger and hang the air,

Wondering if the wind
will take them some where.

I hang a tune into the wind
so chimes can serenade me,

All the while I watch the breeze
in all it air in aids me.


stick a fork in it, its done.

by moon rings, sun disks, and
rotation of creation
light laces its light
dark laces its darkness
and life shines its new shoes...
bluerains said:
by moon rings, sun disks, and
rotation of creation
light laces its light
dark laces its darkness
and life shines its new shoes...

Ever made a little hole
using your pointing finger
sticking it into the snow

I think we all have taken delight
at one time or another
in our power and might.

To queeze bubble wrap
just to hear the 'Snap'
of tiny bubbles trapped

Or to blow up a paper bag
fully held outward
then burst with a 'Bam'

Or may be you lifted
a box or a car
and are muscular gifted.

Or stepped on a bug or ant
towering their world
a nucense to where your at

But run for cover should it come
a volcano erupt
and your powers gone.

Do you fear a falling comet
clashing to the Earth
killing on that is on it?

For you should know
why a comet runs
from fingers and black holes.
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sprinkles of stardust,
float to the ground.
sun smiles, seeing it all

man on the moon
envious is he,
wishing to touch
the earth, just once ...

clouds flutter, swish on by.
blowing a warm breeze,
to help the birds fly.

jet stream circles,
round to tha north.
the man in tha moon,
wishin to be he ...

sun smiles, seeing it all ...


hmmm.... a lil dittie~ :)
RhymeFairy said:
sprinkles of stardust,
float to the ground.
sun smiles, seeing it all

man on the moon
envious is he,
wishing to touch
the earth, just once ...

clouds flutter, swish on by.
blowing a warm breeze,
to help the birds fly.

jet stream circles,
round to tha north.
the man in tha moon,
wishin to be he ...

sun smiles, seeing it all ...


hmmm.... a lil dittie~ :)

Lovely poem RF, really nice choice of words and a dreamy lil flow.

Nice work
ditto JC
Great flow and timely beat to the read
as well as imagery a great lil poem

edit/post it <grin>

RhymeFairy said:
sprinkles of stardust,
float to the ground.
sun smiles, seeing it all

man on the moon
envious is he,
wishing to touch
the earth, just once ...

clouds flutter, swish on by.
blowing a warm breeze,
to help the birds fly.

jet stream circles,
round to tha north.
the man in tha moon,
wishin to be he ...

sun smiles, seeing it all ...


hmmm.... a lil dittie~ :)
bluerains said:
by moon rings, sun disks, and
rotation of creation
light laces its light
dark laces its darkness
and life shines its new shoes...

That's gorgeous blue, I love it!
I the Page

Am I a Page half way through a pad
the paper exposed after my dad?
A note book that binds our relations
the new page arises that I call son.
Rollo May:
The relationship between commitment and doubt is by no means an antagonistic one. Commitment is healthiest when it is not without doubt but in spite of doubt.
How the Bluebird Got its Color

A long time ago, the bluebird was a very ugly color. But Bluebird knew of a lake where no river flowed in or out, and he bathed in this four times every morning for four mornings.

Every morning he sang a magic song:

"There's a blue water. It lies there.
I went in.
I am all blue."

On the fourth morning Bluebird shed all his feathers and came out of the lake just in his skin. But the next morning when he came out of the lake he was covered with blue feathers.

Now all this while Coyote had been watching Bluebird. He wanted to jump in and get him to eat, but he was afraid of the water. But on that last morning Coyote said, "How is it you have lost all your ugly color, and now you are blue and gay and beautiful? You are more beautiful than anything that flies in the air. I want to be blue, too."

Now Coyote at that time was a bright green.

"I only went in four times on four mornings," said Bluebird. He taught Coyote the magic song, and he went in four times, and the fifth time he came out as blue as the little bird.

Then Coyote was very, very proud because he was a blue coyote. He was so proud that as he walked along he looked around on every side to see if anybody was looking at him now that he was a blue coyote and so beautiful.

He looked to see if his shadow was blue, too. But Coyote was so busy watching to see if others were noticing him that he did not watch the trail. By and by he ran into a stump so hard that it threw him down in the dirt and he was covered with dust all over. You may know this is true because even to-day coyotes are the color of dirt.

And so do not forget.Every Dawn as it comes is a holy event and everyday is holy, for the light comes from "WAKAN-TANKA" And Also you Must remeber that the Two-leggeds and All other peoples who Stand upon this Earth are Sacred and Should be Treated as Such

"White Buffalo Woman" Sioux Sacred Woman, quoted by Black Elk , (Oglala Sioux)1947
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bluerains said:
A long time ago, the bluebird was a very ugly color. But Bluebird knew of a lake where no river flowed in or out, and he bathed in this four times every morning for four mornings.

Every morning he sang a magic song:

"There's a blue water. It lies there.
I went in.
I am all blue."

On the fourth morning Bluebird shed all his feathers and came out of the lake just in his skin. But the next morning when he came out of the lake he was covered with blue feathers.

Now all this while Coyote had been watching Bluebird. He wanted to jump in and get him to eat, but he was afraid of the water. But on that last morning Coyote said, "How is it you have lost all your ugly color, and now you are blue and gay and beautiful? You are more beautiful than anything that flies in the air. I want to be blue, too."

Now Coyote at that time was a bright green.

"I only went in four times on four mornings," said Bluebird. He taught Coyote the magic song, and he went in four times, and the fifth time he came out as blue as the little bird.

Then Coyote was very, very proud because he was a blue coyote. He was so proud that as he walked along he looked around on every side to see if anybody was looking at him now that he was a blue coyote and so beautiful.

He looked to see if his shadow was blue, too. But Coyote was so busy watching to see if others were noticing him that he did not watch the trail. By and by he ran into a stump so hard that it threw him down in the dirt and he was covered with dust all over. You may know this is true because even to-day coyotes are the color of dirt.

And so do not forget.Every Dawn as it comes is a holy event and everyday is holy, for the light comes from "WAKAN-TANKA" And Also you Must remeber that the Two-leggeds and All other peoples who Stand upon this Earth are Sacred and Should be Treated as Such

"White Buffalo Woman" Sioux Sacred Woman, quoted by Black Elk , (Oglala Sioux)1947

Thank you so much for this blue!!! I am writing a book based on the Shoshone and have been reading some great stories. This is right up there with them. Again we are on the good pathe together... I have so much going on ... changing my life BIG... selling my house and moving! Gotta know when the time to go is the time to go... and love.. wins out with a good heart and faith... :rose: I have been blessed..
yes dearest one..

Du Lac said:
Thank you so much for this blue!!! I am writing a book based on the Shoshone and have been reading some great stories. This is right up there with them. Again we are on the good pathe together... I have so much going on ... changing my life BIG... selling my house and moving! Gotta know when the time to go is the time to go... and love.. wins out with a good heart and faith... :rose: I have been blessed..
sometimes we are torn up replanted and groomed for the next highest adventure...light people always are moving and changing and ever happy and sad for the experience..but...we came to dance don't forget that...lol/blue :rose:
bluerains said:
sometimes we are torn up replanted and groomed for the next highest adventure...light people always are moving and changing and ever happy and sad for the experience..but...we came to dance don't forget that...lol/blue :rose:

ty dear friend. I am moving onto the next highest adventure. My love and strength turned out to be the right way to handle things. Morgan came back and is more devoted then ever. So I plan to move to Utah in the fall... hopefully my house will sell!!! My family is going to go nuts but I have to do what my guides tell me. Time to dance. I am sad that I am leaving my family but I have wanted to go to this area now for 3 years. I was going there regardless if he came back to me or not and maybe having made that decision and putting it out there sending everything through love... it changed things... I believe so... in the meantime I am buried beneath all the junk I have collected in the last 7 years lol... I have 1000 books and 500 cds never mind antiques not worth a whole lot but someone will love them. lol.. so clearing out now and it feels good.. like a spring day when you take off the big sweater at 9 am then the turtle neck at 11 am and then the t shirt at 1 pm... finally standing topless at 3! hmmm
thank you
ouy..does that sound familiar

Du Lac said:
ty dear friend. I am moving onto the next highest adventure. My love and strength turned out to be the right way to handle things. Morgan came back and is more devoted then ever. So I plan to move to Utah in the fall... hopefully my house will sell!!! My family is going to go nuts but I have to do what my guides tell me. Time to dance. I am sad that I am leaving my family but I have wanted to go to this area now for 3 years. I was going there regardless if he came back to me or not and maybe having made that decision and putting it out there sending everything through love... it changed things... I believe so... in the meantime I am buried beneath all the junk I have collected in the last 7 years lol... I have 1000 books and 500 cds never mind antiques not worth a whole lot but someone will love them. lol.. so clearing out now and it feels good.. like a spring day when you take off the big sweater at 9 am then the turtle neck at 11 am and then the t shirt at 1 pm... finally standing topless at 3! hmmm
thank you

when I was at the library and over the years I had collected about 100 cases of books
some were very valuable to me..and I collected angels of all sorts..and teapots..and strange teas...and other such STUFF...and a version of THE DONALD SHAMOTA...stripped all my world thinking away ...credit cards...banking....ownership of the picket fence theory...too much to explain...but...I have learned that one can work their asses off ..retire...move to sunny beaches and die two months into their great illusions....just dance the moment and the moment in light will always provide a door to follow..you are never alone...we are never alone...am so glad your morgan has returned to bring joy to your spirit...just remember not to own him or let him own you ..but just own the moments of love...be happy..lol/blue
Oh I know all about ownership lol.. and that is not in our vocabulary lol.. One of my favorite books is Illusions which you may know lol.. I have read it hundreds of times since I got it at 20. I just finished Bridge Across Forever again lol.. and learned so much again! I used to cut all my hair off when I did this clearing out thing lol.. but now I keep it long and instead detach myself from physical things. I have always been a DS but I have tried so hard to please my family by being normal that it almost killed me. The thought of living here like this with tons of stuff etc... or stripping myself and going to live in a RV on wheels .... I take the RV lol... that is what we are going to do... all is good.. I have learned far too much to continue cycles... I look forward to learning what I already know but have not heard yet!
wow and if you and morgan

Du Lac said:
Oh I know all about ownership lol.. and that is not in our vocabulary lol.. One of my favorite books is Illusions which you may know lol.. I have read it hundreds of times since I got it at 20. I just finished Bridge Across Forever again lol.. and learned so much again! I used to cut all my hair off when I did this clearing out thing lol.. but now I keep it long and instead detach myself from physical things. I have always been a DS but I have tried so hard to please my family by being normal that it almost killed me. The thought of living here like this with tons of stuff etc... or stripping myself and going to live in a RV on wheels .... I take the RV lol... that is what we are going to do... all is good.. I have learned far too much to continue cycles... I look forward to learning what I already know but have not heard yet!
are ever in fl with your travels ..feel free to stop by and stay a bit..lol/blue
ty blue.. you just never know ... Morgan has a job in Utah a good job lol.. but we want to live simple and have the opportunity that if we are told that it is time to go we go.... hence the RV ... I like it ... I have lived in a tent, and a travel trailer before very simple living. I loved it I was happier than I ever was. When I was high diving I was always leaving to a new place every 6 months for shows. I had to be ready to leave in 48 hours. So I lived light and simple. It was in many ways a wonderful time in my life. The last year I got that craving again to simplfy. I did some but then who knows my family influence or what ever... and I settled back in. I have always been a soul that needs to go... I used to think something was wrong with me but now I understand that it is part of those who work in the light... they are hunter gathers of souls..helping as they go.... I hope that this will do the same again. So many think that moving like this is a geographic cure thing and it is not. I think it is easier to be tied down and never go anywhere and bitch all the time than saying Screw it... selling everything and starting over in a new place. You gotta know when your soul work is more important than your physical needs. The Shoshone are a mystical people. The reason not much has been written about them is that they were hunter gathers forever moving. They also believe that words hold great power. Hence they have no swear words in their vocabulary lol... and very little is written down. They hold the power of the light in their stories handed down by the generations. The think before they speak because they understand the essence of speech. I try now to live that same way. It is true...
Du Lac said:
ty dear friend. I am moving onto the next highest adventure. My love and strength turned out to be the right way to handle things. Morgan came back and is more devoted then ever. So I plan to move to Utah in the fall... hopefully my house will sell!!! My family is going to go nuts but I have to do what my guides tell me. Time to dance. I am sad that I am leaving my family but I have wanted to go to this area now for 3 years. I was going there regardless if he came back to me or not and maybe having made that decision and putting it out there sending everything through love... it changed things... I believe so... in the meantime I am buried beneath all the junk I have collected in the last 7 years lol... I have 1000 books and 500 cds never mind antiques not worth a whole lot but someone will love them. lol.. so clearing out now and it feels good.. like a spring day when you take off the big sweater at 9 am then the turtle neck at 11 am and then the t shirt at 1 pm... finally standing topless at 3! hmmm
thank you

awesome story blue ~

touching write Du ~ <snicker>
there is an art to packing, boxes moved and re-stacked
and I don't have it...<grin> that's another tail.
ZMP ~ a single blade

In a stretch
of bright lawn green
a multitude of long blades grow

Each are one
but the mass are some
as far as the eye's arose

Reaching towards
the bright warm Sun
rooted deeply with the others

A carpet of
a display of love
of those that live together