~Zen Mountain~

ZMP ~ tools to tinker with ...
the soul

deaths shadow
in the darkness of time
a loves touch
in memories ryhme

lips that kissed
a soul to glow
the mirrors magic
while growing old

child hood stories
our little treasures
is our wallets
our true worth's measure?

The Mound is love gone
sings a birds song
flowers over the stone
realities gong!

Hangs a romantic moon
brightly full
in the arms of life
love's the best tool

< under construction>

"yawn" zzzzzZXZZZZ


Love's a screw driver
with a soft rubber handle
comes to the point
loosenings a gamble

Anger is a vice grip
firmly not in hand
known to be the unraveling
of many a Man.
When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.
ET may the winds talk...in your words...

The Wind Spirit,
sent a gentle breeze to caress me.
The scent of elderberry entered my soul
With each breath I inhale..
All that my body will hold..............

I am consumed by the Earth and her
My heart beating strong now to the Rythum of her song...
The Sun now penetrates my body,
with all the intensity it possess's..........

It is a radiant blanket of internal warmth.
The sky,and endless ocean of blue...
In the distance ,
I hear the call's of a Hawk...

I am Silent ....
I am mezmorized by all...

I close my eye's,and I tremble with anticipation......
My body ,I gentley lay upon the grass bed..
I feel the presence of Greatness all around me,
I sense the wisdom from with in...
I fill with Love to my bodies capacity..
The empty cavern's of my sould are now filled....

My Eye's now open.,...
In the clouds I see many visions...
I am aware that I am not alone....
Great Cheifs now gaze down upon me,
Eagle dancers have gathered all around.
The Sacred wolf sings his song of the Howl,
and I am touched by all who walked here before me......

My Spirit rises to dance in their presence,
We unite in the center of our Souls....
Spirit guides now show me...
My inner sanctum...
I ,am a part of this universe,
A part of ultimate plan..
I ,am at peace forever....
I am one with all.......
I do not walk Alone......

Written by;
Snowfeather (A.F.)
Du Lac said:
When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.

compassion for ignorance
study the knowledgeable
and share with an equal

thank you Du

Thank you blue...
Shuffling dangles,
of emerging love.
Gushing stippples,
flourishing ... inseminating.
Impressing endowments,
rapturously within a
soulful duet, etching
through unrelentingly.

Gnashingly, bonding masses.
That dance wolfishly ... coiling
rampant. Writhingly
overwhelming ... lubricating
eruptive splattering.

:devil: :p
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RhymeFairy said:
Shuffling dangles,
of emerging love.
Gushing stippples,
flourishing ... inseminating.
Impressing endowments,
rapturously within a
soulful duet, etching
through unrelentingly.

Gnashingly, bonding masses.
That dance wolfishly ... coiling
rampant. Writhingly
overwhelming ... lubricating
eruptive splattering.

:devil: :p

thank you


I thought of a cute ZMP today, be watching ..grin
ZMP ~ hills in the road

the road goes up
and over a hill
there it ends
and dissapears

I know it goes
on and on
but I can't see
the hill's beyond

I only see
a road before me
reaching upward
steadily climbing

reaching this peak
then beyond
I will see

more hills
that roll along
this road traveled
that I am on.

not quite
a rythmic mode
my every step
over hills in the road​
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ hills in the road

the road goes up
and over a hill
there it ends
and dissapears

I know it goes
on and on
but I can't see
the hill's beyond

I only see
a road before me
reaching upward
steadily climbing

reaching this peak
then beyond
I will see

more hills
that roll along
this road traveled
that I am on.

not quite
a rythmic mode
my every step
over hills in the road​

the road to somewhere,
please show me the way.
away from loneliness,
the end of this day.

no more heartbreak.
no more pain.
a world of dreams.
a world I can claim.

a world of happiness.
a lovers delight.
a world of pleasure.
to be had this night.

this road leads,
to the world,
I want to go to.
the world of love,
that leads me ... to you.
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RhymeFairy said:
the road to somewhere,
please show me the way.
away from loneliness,
the end of this day.

no more heartbreak.
no more pain.
a world of dreams.
a world I can claim.

a world of happiness.
a lovers delight.
a world of pleasure.
to be had this night.

this road leads,
to the world,
I want to go to.
the world of love,
that leads me to you ...

The trail so thin sun light ribbons bigger
a razors edge is as big as a mountain
and ants carry the luggage.

Passion so big they placed it on the moon
where each step takes you one mile to soaring
the road that grabs your ankles by the <heal>

ride the snakes back that twists and turns
crossing the train tracks that bridge the teeth picks
over the old and lost that flows for 'ever' and me.

Turn right at the temple of the mind and loop the loop
rubbing Buddahs belly just for grins and belly rolls
Even though I couldn't pinch an inch to save my soul

take a left at what's left over the bridge of tranquility
I'll be waving from the mountain tops sliding my way down
wrapping words around ya at the Zen Mountain forum
My Erotic Tale said:
The trail so thin sun light ribbons bigger
a razors edge is as big as a mountain
and ants carry the luggage.

Passion so big they placed it on the moon
where each step takes you one mile to soaring
the road that grabs your ankles by the <heal>

ride the snakes back that twists and turns
crossing the train tracks that bridge the teeth picks
over the old and lost that flows for 'ever' and me.

Turn right at the temple of the mind and loop the loop
rubbing Buddahs belly just for grins and belly rolls
Even though I couldn't pinch an inch to save my soul

take a left at what's left over the bridge of tranquility
I'll be waving from the mountain tops sliding my way down
wrapping words around ya at the Zen Mountain forum

Wrap me in your arms of love.
Taking us to the heavens above.
Mountains fear, not a mortal soul.
Hatred has no place to go.

Wind takes shadows away.
Spreading them,
until the end of the day.

Train tracks lead,
into the tunnel of love.
Lovers kissing. Thanks,
to the turtle dove.

Ants do, have the luggage
we need. Rescue us.
Their maps we must heed.

Show me, the promise land.
Let us bury, our feet
in the sand.

Take a walk with me.
I ask. Are you,
up to this task?

Lets build sand castles,
on the shore below.
My hand forever,
you can hold.

Lead the way,
through the dark.
For my future,
this I state,
is dreary ... stark.

My Erotic Tale said:
where are you now in your search for your self?
Holding self doubt by the neck with one hand
and your fears with the other?
Leaving love to taste the lips
and passion to dance in pressing hips.

Head butting knowledge and shaking memories free?
Still fingers curl in tight grasping.
Clinched teeth lets not passion in
while showing your calm and cool
in the expression of a sly little grin.

The unraveling of faith in ones self
comes like a hurricane force wind
seeking shelter humbles the soul
allowing the truth free to lets us know
there is no total control.

yeah, I might do a cosmedic touch and keep this <grin>
RhymeFairy said:
Wrap me in your arms of love.
Taking us to the heavens above.
Mountains fear, not a mortal soul.
Hatred has no place to go.

Wind takes shadows away.
Spreading them,
until the end of the day.

Train tracks lead,
into the tunnel of love.
Lovers kissing. Thanks,
to the turtle dove.

Ants do, have the luggage
we need. Rescue us.
Their maps we must heed.

Show me, the promise land.
Let us bury, our feet
in the sand.

Take a walk with me.
I ask. Are you,
up to this task?

Lets build sand castles,
on the shore below.
My hand forever,
you can hold.

Lead the way,
through the dark.
For my future,
this I state,
is dreary ... stark.


even a tunnel has a light in the distant opening like a star a million miles away
My Erotic Tale said:
even a tunnel has a light in the distant opening like a star a million miles away


Gettin out flashlight.

Now there is a Light~!!!

Lol ...

Thank You for the Bounce My Friend.
It was fun. Again, sorry I am a lil down.
My only excuse ... very Longgggg week.
I had a lotta fun here with you.
* Big Smiles*
There is ALWAYS hope.
This I never, Ever doubt ...~!! :D
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ hills in the road

the road goes up
and over a hill
there it ends
and dissapears

I know it goes
on and on
but I can't see
the hill's beyond

I only see
a road before me
reaching upward
steadily climbing

reaching this peak
then beyond
I will see

more hills
that roll along
this road traveled
that I am on.

not quite
a rythmic mode
my every step
over hills in the road​

new day ... new beginning
the road ... ever changing

someone once told me,
that was good yesterday
is gone.
by the same token,
that was bad yesterday
is also gone.

take this new day,
new beginning,
make it yours.
do better today,
than you ever have.
reach for the stars.
climb that higher mountain.

do not give in
or give up ...

take this day,
make it the best,
you have ever had.

for this day
is a new beginning.
'tis the first day
of the rest of your life ...

* just a thought

Hoping ya'll have the bestest day ~!!! :D
RhymeFairy said:
new day ... new beginning
the road ... ever changing

someone once told me,
that was good yesterday
is gone.
by the same token,
that was bad yesterday
is also gone.

take this new day,
new beginning,
make it yours.
do better today,
than you ever have.
reach for the stars.
climb that higher mountain.

do not give in
or give up ...

take this day,
make it the best,
you have ever had.

for this day
is a new beginning.
'tis the first day
of the rest of your life ...

* just a thought

Hoping ya'll have the bestest day ~!!! :D

thank you Ryhme
everything bad today will be gone tomorrow? cool beans
A Small Thought

My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ hills in the road

the road goes up
and over a hill
there it ends
and dissapears

I know it goes
on and on
but I can't see
the hill's beyond

I only see
a road before me
reaching upward
steadily climbing

reaching this peak
then beyond
I will see

more hills
that roll along
this road traveled
that I am on.

not quite
a rythmic mode
my every step
over hills in the road​

Hey, and a salute to the good tin soldier.

Liked the verse
as you enter through the back door of the soul and ignite the mind. ;)
LeBroz said:
Hey, and a salute to the good tin soldier.

Liked the verse
as you enter through the back door of the soul and ignite the mind. ;)

It is a wonderful poem Art ~ :rose:
Org Posted By: Du

and the maiden rides on an ass through the forest on dusty paths...


if one enters upon an ass
this makes the exit ... quiet smooth :eek:

sorry ... could not resist ~

:) *giggles*
RhymeFairy said:
Org Posted By: Du

and the maiden rides on an ass through the forest on dusty paths...


if one enters upon an ass
this makes the exit ... quiet smooth :eek:

sorry ... could not resist ~

:) *giggles*

lol, pls try harder in future...you don't even wanna know what mental images just popped into my head... :eek:
Jennifer C said:
lol, pls try harder in future...you don't even wanna know what mental images just popped into my head... :eek:

then my imagery is Spot On ~ !! :eek:

hehehehe ~ ya just thought I needed to Try Harder huh ... :D
RhymeFairy said:
then my imagery is Spot On ~ !! :eek:

hehehehe ~ ya just thought I needed to Try Harder huh ... :D

Lol, yes your imagery was perfect on that one ~ thanks...lol