~Zen Mountain~

Quotes From Lao Tzu:


Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.

The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world. :rose:
Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.

I watch people in the world
Throw away their lives lusting after things,
Never able to satisfy their desires,
Falling into deeper despair
And torturing themselves.
Even if they get what they want
How long will they be able to enjoy it?
For one heavenly pleasure
They suffer ten torments of hell,
Binding themselves more firmly to the grindstone.
Such people are like monkeys
Frantically grasping for the moon in the water
And then falling into a whirlpool.
How endlessly those caught up in the floating world suffer.
Despite myself, I fret over them all night
And cannot staunch my flow of tears

thank you Du, blue and JC

My Erotic Tale said:
We do not have to be on a mountain to see the world for what it is...beautiful

I do love how you always have such a positive, poetic outlook on things...

You truly are an inspiration... :rose:
concrete jungle zen...

safety from the rising surf
sea grapes endangered
Form does not differ from emptiness;
Emptiness does not differ from form.
Form itself is emptiness;
Emptiness itself is form.
So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.

- Heart Sutra
thank you ladies...(~_*)

ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

stars disappear
and clouds appear
as a day sprouts and rises, new

in the horizon
coloring suprises
of reds, orange, yellow and gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

stars disappear
and clouds appear
as a day sprouts and rises, new

in the horizon
coloring suprises
of reds, orange, yellow and gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow

tinkering with it
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

stars disappear
and clouds appear
as a day sprouts and rises anew

in the horizon
coloring suprises
of reds, orange, yellow and gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow

Don't know where you're going with this, but offer here my humble suggestion. And hopefully my puter probs are done with ~ this past week has been an adventure ~ wouldn't want to clumsily miss out again..................... :D
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms arising new

blossoming horizon
blushing suprizes
richness in reds and orange turning to gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue unfold

thanks Du Lac...<grin> and lebroz
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My Response

You know I don't usually do this, but I couldn't resist. This would be my take:

"ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
watching day embark
and seeing the sky turn blue

stars disappear
and clouds appear
day gives the dark a new hue

on dawn's new horizon
are colors suprisin'
reds, orange, yellow, and gold

from deep dark of maybe
to that of a baby
watching the blue take hold.​

(No offense meant) :rose:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms arising new

blossoming horizon
blushing suprizes
richness in reds and orange turning to gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue unfold

after a lot of poem disecting...I think this is my best puzzle poem....thanks du
Rybka said:
You know I don't usually do this, but I couldn't resist. This would be my take:

"ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
watching day embark
and seeing the sky turn blue

stars disappear
and clouds appear
day gives the dark a new hue

on dawn's new horizon
are colors suprisin'
reds, orange, yellow, and gold

from deep dark of maybe
to that of a baby
watching the blue take hold.​

(No offense meant) :rose:

thank you sir....I always appreciate any insight or added sight <grin>
thanks rybka...Du and lebroz

that was great what you did to Arts poem.. it so happens that art and I were doing the same thing to it on IM... we have alot of our IN THE WORKS poems on Chasing chickens... you are always welcome to what we have there and if you want to post your poems also... nice to see you here at zen mountain.
Du Lac~ :rose:
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms arising new

blossoming horizon
blushing suprizes
richness in reds and orange turning to gold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue unfold

after a lot of poem disecting...I think this is my best puzzle poem....thanks du
So I'm but a neophyte here, but wondering just what you meant, suprizes as written ~ or surprises? :confused:
LeBroz said:
So I'm but a neophyte here, but wondering just what you meant, suprizes as written ~ or surprises? :confused:

good eye there thank you .. no neophytes on our list
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky turn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms arising new

the day unfolds
night away rolls
day gives the dark a new hue

blossoming horizon
blushing suprizes
richness in red and gold turn blue

touching to see
the shade of night leave
as the day begins to unfold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky churn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms rising anew

the day unravels
night releasing it's hold
giving the dark a new hue

blossoming horizon
blushing suprises
richness in red and gold move through

touching to see
the shade of night leave
as the day begins to unfold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow

my changes are in bold.. what do you think? Read it out loud slow...
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Du Lac said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky churn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms rising anew

the day unravels
night releasing it's hold
giving the dark a new hue

blossoming horizon
blushing suprises
richness of red and gold move through

touching to see
the shade of night leave
as the day begins to unfold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow

my changes are in bold.. what do you think? Read it out loud slow...

another change
thanks Du, nice touch

thanks leon, rybka

Du Lac said:
ZMP ~ watching blue grow

I sit in the dark
as a day embarks
and watch the sky churn blue

dimming stars
as clouds emerge
a day blooms rising anew

the day unravels
night releasing it's hold
giving the dark a new hue

blossoming horizon
blushing suprises
richness in red and gold move through

touching to see
the shade of night leave
as the day begins to unfold

from deep dark navy
to that of a baby
sitting and watching the blue grow

my changes are in bold.. what do you think? Read it out loud slow...