~Zen Mountain~

LeBroz said:
The mind is very difficult to see,
Very delicate and subtle;
It moves and lands wherever it pleases.
The wise one should guard his mind,
For a guarded mind brings happiness.

Translated by Daw Mya Tin

Oh I like that Leon... :D
Jennifer C said:
The body is the tree of enlightenment,
The mind like a clear mirror stand;
Time and gain wipe it diligently,
Don't let it gather dust.

- Shenxiu


Enlightenment is basically not a tree,
And the clear mirror is not a stand.
Fundamentally there is not a single thing -
Where can dust collect.

- Huineng, Sixth Zen Patriarch in China, 638-713
Transmission of Light, Thomas Cleary, p. 140
Very good Jenn :rose:
But sometimes a break's deserved
from such deep meditation

Jennifer C said:
Enlightenment is basically not a tree,
And the clear mirror is not a stand.
Fundamentally there is not a single thing -
Where can dust collect.

- Huineng, Sixth Zen Patriarch in China, 638-713
Transmission of Light, Thomas Cleary, p. 140

A lighter though still thoughtful note

Biting off
more than I can chew —
a broken wisdom tooth.
LeBroz said:
Very good Jenn :rose:
But sometimes a break's deserved
from such deep meditation

A lighter though still thoughtful note

Biting off
more than I can chew —
a broken wisdom tooth.

Very good Leon... :rose:

Thank you... :p
Jennifer C said:
Enlightenment is basically not a tree,
And the clear mirror is not a stand.
Fundamentally there is not a single thing -
Where can dust collect.

- Huineng, Sixth Zen Patriarch in China, 638-713
Transmission of Light, Thomas Cleary, p. 140

wow, excellent...chewing gum for the mind
Wherever and whenever
The mind is found
Attached to anything,
Make haste to detach
Yourself from it.
When you tarry for
Any length of time
It will turn again into
Your old home town.

- Daito Kokushi
Du Lac said:
Wherever and whenever
The mind is found
Attached to anything,
Make haste to detach
Yourself from it.
When you tarry for
Any length of time
It will turn again into
Your old home town.

- Daito Kokushi
wow, that's deep
thanks Du,
Du Lac said:
Wherever and whenever
The mind is found
Attached to anything,
Make haste to detach
Yourself from it.
When you tarry for
Any length of time
It will turn again into
Your old home town.

- Daito Kokushi

I love this... :heart:

Thanks for sharing du ~ :rose:
Two come about because of One,
but don't cling to the One either!
So long as the mind does not stir,
the ten thousand things stay blameless;
no blame, no phenomena,
no stirring, no mind.

The viewer disappears along with the scene,
the scene follows the viewer into oblivion,
for scene becomes scene only through the viewer,
viewer becomes viewer because of the scene.

- Seng-ts'an, 600
Hsin-Hsin-Ming: Inscription on Trust in the Mind
Translated by Burton Watson
Found in Entering the Stream, p. 149
Edited by Samuel Bercholz and Sherab Chodzin Kohn

:D :D
Hidden birds sing as cool and clear
As a bamboo forest.
Between swinging willows sun beams glimmer
Like golden threads.
Clouds return to this calm valley.
The winds carry the fragrance of almonds.
By sitting alone all day long
I clear my mind of a thousand thoughts.
To speak of this is beyond our words;
Only by sitting under the quiet forest
Can we ever understand.

- Fa Yen (885-958)
Thirst ~

Thirst for the wine of the living.
Tasting the sparkling dew drops,
of heavens tears. Aching for all I want.
Knowing it is no use, yet...

Wish upon the clouds, asking for my desire.
Wrinkle in time, robbing us of speech.
Hypnotizing the unthinkable hardships.

Life has taken my dreams, threw them upon
hot dessert sands. Milking veins of nurturing life,
that has to be. Chuck-holding against the wall of time.
Push off this earth, giving me my hearts' desire.
Wishing to sail away, upon falcons wings.

Scorching sun beats, denouncing all that's good.
Wind combs through, taking all the living.
Trees reach out, choking the fallen moon.
Angels cry, tasting the blood of sea mist.

RhymeFairy said:
Thirst for the wine of the living.
Tasting the sparkling dew drops,
of heavens tears. Aching for all I want.
Knowing it is no use, yet...

Wish upon the clouds, asking for my desire.
Wrinkle in time, robbing us of speech.
Hypnotizing the unthinkable hardships.

Life has taken my dreams, threw them upon
hot dessert sands. Milking veins of nurturing life,
that has to be. Chuck-holding against the wall of time.
Push off this earth, giving me my hearts' desire.
Wishing to sail away, upon falcons wings.

Scorching sun beats, denouncing all that's good.
Wind combs through, taking all the living.
Trees reach out, choking the fallen moon.
Angels cry, tasting the blood of sea mist.


WOW.. that is great.. keep writing!
Du Lac said:
Hidden birds sing as cool and clear
As a bamboo forest.
Between swinging willows sun beams glimmer
Like golden threads.
Clouds return to this calm valley.
The winds carry the fragrance of almonds.
By sitting alone all day long
I clear my mind of a thousand thoughts.
To speak of this is beyond our words;
Only by sitting under the quiet forest
Can we ever understand.

- Fa Yen (885-958)

:) :cattail: :rose:
Jennifer C said:
I agree with du..this is a lovely pen..great inspiring thought and wisdom...John wrote a wonderful essay about stardust...these little bits of stardust is what life is about...as du says...keep writing.. :rose:
bluerains said:
I agree with du..this is a lovely pen..great inspiring thought and wisdom...John wrote a wonderful essay about stardust...these little bits of stardust is what life is about...as du says...keep writing.. :rose:

I'm loving your new av blue, it's almost as inspiring as your poetry ~ simply beautiful :rose:
Du Lac said:
WOW.. that is great.. keep writing!

Thank You Du ~

For your inspirational friendship ... and thoughts
of happiness. Hope all is well with you ~!!

A Fisherman

Studying texts and stiff meditation can make you lose your Original Mind.
A solitary tune by a fisherman, though, can be an invaluable treasure.
Dusk rain on the river, the moon peeking in and out of the clouds;
Elegant beyond words, he chants his songs night after night.

RhymeFairy said:
Thirst for the wine of the living.
Tasting the sparkling dew drops,
of heavens tears. Aching for all I want.
Knowing it is no use, yet...

Wish upon the clouds, asking for my desire.
Wrinkle in time, robbing us of speech.
Hypnotizing the unthinkable hardships.

Life has taken my dreams, threw them upon
hot dessert sands. Milking veins of nurturing life,
that has to be. Chuck-holding against the wall of time.
Push off this earth, giving me my hearts' desire.
Wishing to sail away, upon falcons wings.

Scorching sun beats, denouncing all that's good.
Wind combs through, taking all the living.
Trees reach out, choking the fallen moon.
Angels cry, tasting the blood of sea mist.

wow, very very nice...ty RF
My Erotic Tale said:
wow, very very nice...ty RF

No Thank You ~!! I have been reposting a few of my select poems here on differ threads. Getting a * feeler * so to speak. I never know what to submit and what to work on a lil more. So again Thank You, Jenn. C , and Du for all your encouragement and support.

:rose: :cathappy: :heart: :D
RhymeFairy said:
No Thank You ~!! I have been reposting a few of my select poems here on differ threads. Getting a * feeler * so to speak. I never know what to submit and what to work on a lil more. So again Thank You, Jenn. C , and Du for all your encouragement and support.

:rose: :cathappy: :heart: :D

My pleasure hun... :D :rose:
Fire Lookout
A gray green galvanized
Above Sequioa Canopies
And Douglas Fir Rooftops

Hours spent
Forest Fire Man
The first lick of smoke detection,
It could be lightening
Just as easily a kid
With a wooden match.

The finches and the riverswallows
Arrive to signal
The hour of descent
Fish hit the surface at dusk and the
Sun becomes another forest
With a fire lookout.
eagleyez said:
Fire Lookout
A gray green galvanized
Above Sequioa Canopies
And Douglas Fir Rooftops

Hours spent
Forest Fire Man
The first lick of smoke detection,
It could be lightening
Just as easily a kid
With a wooden match.

The finches and the riverswallows
Arrive to signal
The hour of descent
Fish hit the surface at dusk and the
Sun becomes another forest
With a fire lookout.

Ahh the Sequioas, red woods, Kings river, fire falls
lake Isabella, kern river and tehacipi mountains...thanks for the
...memory. >>>foot hills a flame