~Zen Mountain~

If you use your mind to study reality, you will not understand either your mind or reality.
If you study reality without using your mind, you will understand both.

Student: "I am very discouraged.
What should I do?"
Soen Nakagwa: "Encourage others."
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Du Lac said:
If you use your mind to study reality, you will not understand either your mind or reality.
If you study reality without using your mind, you will understand both.

Student: "I am very discouraged.
What should I do?"
Soen Nakagwa: "Encourage others."

That seems to help with perspective, doesn't it?

Tenacious grapevine
consumes and covers
to destruction.

Tended lovingly
offers fruitfull harvest
to sustenance
This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path of peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech.
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied.
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.
Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful,
Not proud and demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove.

- The Buddha's Words on Kindness (Metta Sutta)
literary creations are on sheets ...
of rain
in the library of the mind
a tale unwinds
orchestrated colaberation, between
and pen
I want relations which are not purely personal, based on purely personal qualities; but relations based upon some unanimous accord in truth or belief, and a harmony of purpose, rather than of personality. I am weary of personality. Let us be easy and impersonal, not forever fingering over our own souls, and the souls of our acquaintances, but trying to create a new life, a new common life, a new complete tree of life from the roots that are within us."
D.H. Lawrence quotes

This is what I believe: That I am I. That my soul is a dark forest. That my known self will never be more than a little clearing in the forest. That gods, strange gods, come forth from the forest into the clearing of my known self, and then go back. That I must have the courage to let them come and go. That I will never let mankind put anything over me, but that I will try always to recognize and submit to the gods in me and the gods in other men and women. There is my creed."
D.H. Lawrence quotes
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I can never decide whether my dreams are the result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my dreams."
D.H. Lawrence quotes
Du Lac said:
I can never decide whether my dreams are the result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my dreams."
D.H. Lawrence quotes

If someone unexpectedly appears in my dreams is that because subconciously my thoughts of them create them there or because their thoughts of me bring them to my dreams?
ruminator said:
If someone unexpectedly appears in my dreams is that because subconciously my thoughts of them create them there or because their thoughts of me bring them to my dreams?

Does it really matter? As long as they are there?
the fruit may sour years to come
but for now they are so sweet
to taste loves passion in light heart strums
the strength of desire when we first meet

may fade away like the warmth of the sun
but be sure another day will dawn
so hold the night tight till morning comes
tasting love even when it spoils are gone.
Spring has its hundred flowers,
Autumn its moon,
Summer has its cooling breezes,
Winter its snow.
If you allow no idle concerns
To weight on your heart,
Your whole life will be one
Perennial good season.

- The Golden Age of Zen, p. 286
Tho' the rain is on the river,
Yet the sun is on the hill.
- Sunshine and Rain
My Erotic Tale said:
Are they really stars in the sky
or a wood pecker pecked holes
in the floor of heaven​

stars in the sky
holes in heaven
angels tears
fall down

time changes
winds cycle inward
taking my heart
breaking into

no prizes given
to those who try
only those
who shatter life

pick up your bag
of mistaken misery
spread your muck
on down the road

give my heart
a shiny new coat
protecting from
rains ragged spear

no more tears
heart or soul
hiding away
from this day ...
bluerains said:
Tho' the rain is on the river,
Yet the sun is on the hill.
- Sunshine and Rain

hello ladies
bows humble>>> (~_*)

the field is beautiful because
flowers gather there ...
Step out onto the Planet.
Draw a circle a hundred feet round.
Inside the circle are
300 things nobody understands, and maybe
nobody's ever seen.
How many can you find?

- Lew Welch
From What Book, 1998, p. 124
Edited by Gary Gach
My Erotic Tale said:
the field is beautiful because
flowers gather there ...

flowers of beauty
to taunt ... tease
your essence
sway with the wind
hoping you catch
a glance, at our
leaves of passion
stems of juice
buds of euphoria ...

My Erotic Tale said:
hello ladies
bows humble>>> (~_*)

the field is beautiful because
flowers gather there ...

seeds blooming
in my mind,

laying dorment
gathering dust

flowers in the attic... :rose:
It is a gray heavy misty morn, I awoke to the sound of rain pelleting down soaking the dry harden ground that so needs a drink to calm the thirst raging within yellow blades of grass. The crab apple tree I so love stands outside my window .. I feel that it is tired of holding the burden of being green. It calls for change, the delights of fall and long siestas of winter. Tiny leaves dried up and brown cling to the tender fingers of out reaching limbs. As if the juices of life no longer gushed within the veins of my sacred tree.... becoming economical it only flowed to the thickest branches and sadly it had to decide who to sacrifice in all of its green glory. My tree as well as I, are ready for change.

I wonder why people are so fear riddled when it comes to change. It is only natural, the change is not what is uncomfortable and unnatural, rather to stay and deny change is the problem. I look at people, strangers, family, friends.... all trying so hard to deny change in life. Be it their outside apperance always striving to maintain youthful looks, or fighting to maintain a lifestyle, sadness of children growing up, and death knocking at one's door. We plant gardens, walk through forests, delight in the summer breeze and all the while deny that these things are CHANGE. We await the return of the birds in the spring but fight when our own fledglings want to migrate as their souls demand them to.... Nature is change. We in fighting change are fighting our own natural essence. I think that when man became farmers all become upside down. We when we hunted and gathered, for ever migrating, we were part of the natural cycle of all that is right with the universe. Somehow that was lost when the farmers tried to settle down and control nature thusly, denying change.

Change is about the unknown. This is the problem I believe. So many have the lack of faith and also so little vision of nature to embrace the unknown. The crabapple tree while planted firmly into the earth embraces change easily and the unknown that lives in the next season. It does not question will it be too cold to survive this winter, or will it rain enough for me to flourish in the spring? Will the heat be unbearable so that I turn yellow before my time? It is not the unknown that bothers me I relish in it... drink it up like the hungry dry dirt of an August morn. It is the known the past that haunts me. That creates the fear that can stop me from embracing change. In learning to own my own life... I see this now and feel the roots of my crabapple tree wiggling in my toes. I become nature, release my limiting fears and dive into the unknown of joyous change.

du lac :heart:
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Du Lac said:
It is a gray heavy misty morn, I awoke to the sound of rain pelleting down soaking the dry harden ground that so needs a drink to calm the thirst raging within yellow blades of grass. The crab apple tree I so love stands outside my window .. I feel that it is tired of holding the burden of being green. It calls for change, the delights of fall and long siestas of winter. Tiny leaves dried up and brown cling to the tender fingers of out reaching limbs. As if the juices of life no longer gushed within the veins of my sacred tree.... becoming economical it only flowed to the thickest branches and sadly it had to decide who to sacrifice in all of its green glory. My tree as well as I, are ready for change.

I wonder why people are so fear riddled when it comes to change. It is only natural, the change is not what is uncomfortable and unnatural, rather to stay and deny change is the problem. I look at people, strangers, family, friends.... all trying so hard to deny change in life. Be it their outside apperance always striving to maintain youthful looks, or fighting to maintain a lifestyle, sadness of children growing up, and death knocking at one's door. We plant gardens, walk through forests, delight in the summer breeze and all the while deny that these things are CHANGE. We await the return of the birds in the spring but fight when our own fledglings want to migrate as their souls demand them to.... Nature is change. We in fighting change are fighting our own natural essence. I think that when man became farmers all become upside down. We when we hunted and gathered, for ever migrating, we were part of the natural cycle of all that is right with the universe. Somehow that was lost when the farmers tried to settle down and control nature thusly, denying change.

Change is about the unknown. This is the problem I believe. So many have the lack of faith and also so little vision of nature to embrace the unknown. The crabapple tree while planted firmly into the earth embraces change easily and the unknown that lives in the next season. It does not question will it be too cold to survive this winter, or will it rain enough for me to flourish in the spring? Will the heat be unbearable so that I turn yellow before my time? It is not the unknown that bothers me I relish in it... drink it up like the hungry dry dirt of an August morn. It is the known the past that haunts me. That creates the fear that can stop me from embracing change. In learning to own my own life... I see this now and feel the roots of my crabapple tree wiggling in my toes. I become nature, release my limiting fears and dive into the unknown of joyous change.

du lac :heart:

there is nothing permanent except change...QP has this picture in the foyer...just
to remind us both of your message..wonderful essay..du..
Du Lac said:
It is a gray heavy misty morn, I awoke to the sound of rain pelleting down soaking the dry harden ground that so needs a drink to calm the thirst raging within yellow blades of grass. The crab apple tree I so love stands outside my window .. I feel that it is tired of holding the burden of being green. It calls for change, the delights of fall and long siestas of winter. Tiny leaves dried up and brown cling to the tender fingers of out reaching limbs. As if the juices of life no longer gushed within the veins of my sacred tree.... becoming economical it only flowed to the thickest branches and sadly it had to decide who to sacrifice in all of its green glory. My tree as well as I, are ready for change.

I wonder why people are so fear riddled when it comes to change. It is only natural, the change is not what is uncomfortable and unnatural, rather to stay and deny change is the problem. I look at people, strangers, family, friends.... all trying so hard to deny change in life. Be it their outside apperance always striving to maintain youthful looks, or fighting to maintain a lifestyle, sadness of children growing up, and death knocking at one's door. We plant gardens, walk through forests, delight in the summer breeze and all the while deny that these things are CHANGE. We await the return of the birds in the spring but fight when our own fledglings want to migrate as their souls demand them to.... Nature is change. We in fighting change are fighting our own natural essence. I think that when man became farmers all become upside down. We when we hunted and gathered, for ever migrating, we were part of the natural cycle of all that is right with the universe. Somehow that was lost when the farmers tried to settle down and control nature thusly, denying change.

Change is about the unknown. This is the problem I believe. So many have the lack of faith and also so little vision of nature to embrace the unknown. The crabapple tree while planted firmly into the earth embraces change easily and the unknown that lives in the next season. It does not question will it be too cold to survive this winter, or will it rain enough for me to flourish in the spring? Will the heat be unbearable so that I turn yellow before my time? It is not the unknown that bothers me I relish in it... drink it up like the hungry dry dirt of an August morn. It is the known the past that haunts me. That creates the fear that can stop me from embracing change. In learning to own my own life... I see this now and feel the roots of my crabapple tree wiggling in my toes. I become nature, release my limiting fears and dive into the unknown of joyous change.

du lac :heart:

the only thing constant is change and the awesome writes of Du
Du Lac said:
It is a gray heavy misty morn, I awoke to the sound of rain pelleting down soaking the dry harden ground that so needs a drink to calm the thirst raging within yellow blades of grass. The crab apple tree I so love stands outside my window .. I feel that it is tired of holding the burden of being green. It calls for change, the delights of fall and long siestas of winter. Tiny leaves dried up and brown cling to the tender fingers of out reaching limbs. As if the juices of life no longer gushed within the veins of my sacred tree.... becoming economical it only flowed to the thickest branches and sadly it had to decide who to sacrifice in all of its green glory. My tree as well as I, are ready for change.

I wonder why people are so fear riddled when it comes to change. It is only natural, the change is not what is uncomfortable and unnatural, rather to stay and deny change is the problem. I look at people, strangers, family, friends.... all trying so hard to deny change in life. Be it their outside apperance always striving to maintain youthful looks, or fighting to maintain a lifestyle, sadness of children growing up, and death knocking at one's door. We plant gardens, walk through forests, delight in the summer breeze and all the while deny that these things are CHANGE. We await the return of the birds in the spring but fight when our own fledglings want to migrate as their souls demand them to.... Nature is change. We in fighting change are fighting our own natural essence. I think that when man became farmers all become upside down. We when we hunted and gathered, for ever migrating, we were part of the natural cycle of all that is right with the universe. Somehow that was lost when the farmers tried to settle down and control nature thusly, denying change.

Change is about the unknown. This is the problem I believe. So many have the lack of faith and also so little vision of nature to embrace the unknown. The crabapple tree while planted firmly into the earth embraces change easily and the unknown that lives in the next season. It does not question will it be too cold to survive this winter, or will it rain enough for me to flourish in the spring? Will the heat be unbearable so that I turn yellow before my time? It is not the unknown that bothers me I relish in it... drink it up like the hungry dry dirt of an August morn. It is the known the past that haunts me. That creates the fear that can stop me from embracing change. In learning to own my own life... I see this now and feel the roots of my crabapple tree wiggling in my toes. I become nature, release my limiting fears and dive into the unknown of joyous change.

du lac :heart:

omg....powerful words Du <wicked grin>