~Zen Mountain~

ZMP~ clouds that have fallen

Like fingers unfolding
I watch clouds growing

spreading outward
they're drifting and sailing

white blankets the sky
then slowly subsiding.

A thick haze sets in
clouds that have fallen.
My Erotic Tale said:
welcome twelve,

ZMP...= Zen Mountain Poetry where 99% of the poems are written or tossed out for a keen eye to pick apart <grin>

I never claimed to be any one of those in the parable <zen tale?> that I didn't write but used and wrote to the best of my recollection (*_~) I read the story 12 and still aint sure what it has to do with our posts?
Just trying to determine what you line of "reasoning"; what determines a keen eye art? Someone who agrees with you?

<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?> your quote
You brought up the question of credentials, questioned everyone elses ability to "pick things apart". <quote>oh ...wait....do you have a degree in literature?
<quote> your words
<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?>

Have you ever studied Zen?

<quote>this is what I am refering to as an amature surgeon with tools to wittle and learn critic on whos writes? poetry chipping should be left to the professional chippers. <grin><quote> your words again

perhaps zen chirping should be left to the professional zen chirpers, eh?

Now you seem to be a bit thick in decifering the message, read it again.

I'll start slowly, there are three characters in the story, make three dots so you make a triangle, now in that white space make your dot, where are you art? in your own mind which character are you the closest too?

Who do you profess to be with things like this?

My Erotic Tale said:
balance ...yin and yang?
falling...opposite of ... rising

balance seeks itself
falling in oblivion
rises the shadows <<< or rising in shadows
twelveoone said:
Just trying to determine what you line of "reasoning"; what determines a keen eye art? Someone who agrees with you?

<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?> your quote
You brought up the question of credentials, questioned everyone elses ability to "pick things apart". <quote>oh ...wait....do you have a degree in literature?
<quote> your words
<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?>

Have you ever studied Zen?

<quote>this is what I am refering to as an amature surgeon with tools to wittle and learn critic on whos writes? poetry chipping should be left to the professional chippers. <grin><quote> your words again

perhaps zen chirping should be left to the professional zen chirpers, eh?

Now you seem to be a bit thick in decifering the message, read it again.

I'll start slowly, there are three characters in the story, make three dots so you make a triangle, now in that white space make your dot, where are you art? in your own mind which character are you the closest too?

Who do you profess to be with things like this?


balance seeks itself
falling in oblivion
chasing its shadows

that was the starting et bounced it...I think you can see the message there...the twin light force highest to lowest spiraling to zero [balance] is such..the pull and push...stillpoint being the key word here...maybe you missed that...

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ZMP~ growing wild

I sat and watched
trees grow

leaves and limbs
wind blown,

...curiously I wondered.

Why do trees
not grow...

straight as an arrow?

perhaps, they simply did not know.

limbs that twist
while trunks spiral,

they are a result
of growing wild.
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Steppin' on Toe's
by My Erotic Tail ©

No matter where you go,
your libel to step on a toe.

Like the ye ole classic rhyme,
can't please everyone all the time.

Life's a dance, we learn as we go,
Yeah, its a song I know!

The world's gotten crowded and there's a lot more feet.
Just try hard to be kind and sweet.

Some are stubborn and done took root.
Just offer them a steel toe boot.

Tell them it could be worse,
Two left feet, they'll likely curse.

You can't stop a dog from barkin'.
Or even, the sore from harpin'

Stepping on toes is bound to happen,
Especially if their sittin' with their toe a tappin'

If you step on a toe look them square in the eyes,
Then kindly apologize.

Cause the good lord knows...
Your gonna step on toes.

twelveoone said:
Just trying to determine what you line of "reasoning"; what determines a keen eye art? Someone who agrees with you?

<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?> your quote
You brought up the question of credentials, questioned everyone elses ability to "pick things apart". <quote>oh ...wait....do you have a degree in literature?
<quote> your words
<certainly you intend to assure these are qualified critics? or just any Joe Blows opinion?>

Have you ever studied Zen?

<quote>this is what I am refering to as an amature surgeon with tools to wittle and learn critic on whos writes? poetry chipping should be left to the professional chippers. <grin><quote> your words again

perhaps zen chirping should be left to the professional zen chirpers, eh?

Now you seem to be a bit thick in decifering the message, read it again.

I'll start slowly, there are three characters in the story, make three dots so you make a triangle, now in that white space make your dot, where are you art? in your own mind which character are you the closest too?

Who do you profess to be with things like this?



you clearly still have a sore toe...for that I apologize for what ever it is.

Someone who agrees with you?
(you know why they have brochures on cars? Because there are so many "different ways to look" at it.)

Have you ever studied Zen?
(information at the beginning of this thread explains this thread...but <grin> what does that have to do with the original topic or are you fishing for something in particular?)

perhaps zen chirping should be left to the professional zen chirpers, eh?

(example of "which came first...the egg or the chicken, the master was never a student?) "Amature erotic story site" ... I wonder what the professional zen chirpers would think of that...(~_*)

Now you seem to be a bit thick in decifering the message, read it again.
(Was thick meant to be a bad thing? <bigrin> )
if so...why do you speak ill towards me?

( I tossed your tale to another...whom also saw no correlation or purpose that we can see, now I know some poets like the guess what I'm saying poetry but I am not a mind reader<grin> you got something to say 12....say it...but if I may make a suggestion...that is you make a thread...send me an invite...or PM me and tell me where this dance is going?)

thank you
bows (~_~) humble
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a poetry song

a singer sang expressing hearts glee
applaud when done for what is done is done
then those speculate how it could have been
instead of consentrating on what was and is

still point...

(it's the balance) <grin>
thanks blue~

this spilled out over in the CC thread and I wanted to put it in the vault here...
My Erotic Tale said:

you clearly still have a sore toe...for that I apologize for what ever it is.
I will ignore the poem, because that would entail a mixed message, the "what ever" is behaving badly in another thread, shooting your mouth off, and shooting your self in the foot

My Erotic Tale said:
Someone who agrees with you?
(you know why they have brochures on cars? Because there are so many "different ways to look" at it.)
this quote taken out of context
Just trying to determine what you line of "reasoning"; what determines a keen eye art? Someone who agrees with you? and was in reference to the fact you seem to get very upset with anyone that doesn't want to say what a wonderful writer you are. Here is a fact, Art. You are not. You could be a lot better, if sometimes you would shut up and listen and pay attention.

(I will return to this)

My Erotic Tale said:
Have you ever studied Zen?
(information at the beginning of this thread explains this thread...but <grin> what does that have to do with the original topic or are you fishing for something in particular?)

My Erotic Tale said:
perhaps zen chirping should be left to the professional zen chirpers, eh?

(example of "which came first...the egg or the chicken, the master was never a student?) "Amature erotic story site" ... I wonder what the professional zen chirpers would think of that...(~_*)
Read this again, which one do you think you are? Carefully read it again. Now what are you doing, making a mockery of Zen?

My Erotic Tale said:
Now you seem to be a bit thick in decifering the message, read it again.
(Was thick meant to be a bad thing? <bigrin> )
if so...why do you speak ill towards me?

( I tossed your tale to another...whom also saw no correlation or purpose that we can see, now I know some poets like the guess what I'm saying poetry but I am not a mind reader<grin> you got something to say 12....say it...but if I may make a suggestion...that is you make a thread...send me an invite...or PM me and tell me where this dance is going?)

thank you
bows (~_~) humble

Lieh Tzu' s stories, most of which are common children's stories in China, are very easy to decipher. They are like Aesop's fables. OK, so they don't have fuzzy animals. OK, I really don't give a shit who the other person who you tossed it to, both you and they, missed the easy moral of the story which is, Lieh Tzu realized he didn't know shit, shut up and went back to tending his pigs for three years. When is this realization going to come to you?

Now, back to the reasons you don't write so well, is you don't take the time to read, either your own stuff, or much of anyone's else's.
You are falling behind on your homework, Art.
Do the excercise I told you.
Plus give me your definition (your words) of what "poetry" is
Look up Metaphor, and Analogy also

Perhaps, you will think twice about "Credentials" next time you come squawking into a thread leaving this:
My Erotic Tale said:
there were three students and two teachers
one teacher was positive and saw beauty in everything
the other was negative and found something wrong with everything
now one student learned from the positive teacher
and one student learned from the negative teacher
and the last student learned from both teachers...

as it turned out one student learned there is negativity in everything
another learned there was beauty in everything
and the last student learned that there is both.

the one thing I am sure of,
all five still ahve a lot to learn ...
includung not excluding the teachers and or "critics"
1201 notes you have not answered any of his questions.

My advice, read the damn thing; if you wish to end this, I will accept your unqualified apology, you may owe a few to others also.

You wish to keep dancing away with flip answers, I will keep coming back, with other lessons.

Surely you must realize by now I'm a pit bull, I do have the AKC credentials for that.
We need to learn
We need to teach
We are both teacher and student
Teaching at times when we least expect it
Learning from everything that crosses our path

The more we learn
We suddenly realize the less we know

To put yourself in the box of just
Is to limit your experience in life
there ignorance lives

Simple is the best
Credentials feed the
complexity of ego
In the end
leave behind
and if we are blessed
a lesson or two
to be taught
what we learned.


Please peace people ..........do we not remember 9/11? Katrina the Tsunami?
These conflicts here are little compared to what others suffer.
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Du Lac said:
We need to learn
We need to teach
We are both teacher and student
Teaching at times when we least expect it
Learning from everything that crosses our path

The more we learn
We suddenly realize the less we know

To put yourself in the box of just
Is to limit your experience in life
there ignorance lives

Simple is the best
Credentials feed the
complexity of ego
In the end
leave behind
and if we are blessed
a lesson or two
to be taught
what we learned.


Please peace people ..........do we not remember 9/11? Katrina the Tsunami?
These conflicts here are little compared to what others suffer.

Amen to that hun :rose:

Peace :)
Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind. "It's the wind that is really moving," stated the first one. "No, it is the flag that is moving," contended the second. A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. "Neither the flag nor the wind is moving," he said, "It is MIND that moves."

twelveoone said:
I will ignore the poem, because that would entail a mixed message, the "what ever" is behaving badly in another thread, shooting your mouth off, and shooting your self in the foot

shooting off my mouth? who is doing that now? <bigrin> as for shootings in the foot, I am not the one with a sore toe <chuckleboned>

this quote taken out of context
Just trying to determine what you line of "reasoning"; what determines a keen eye art? Someone who agrees with you? and was in reference to the fact you seem to get very upset with anyone that doesn't want to say what a wonderful writer you are. Here is a fact, Art. You are not. You could be a lot better, if sometimes you would shut up and listen and pay attention.

(I will return to this)

Read this again, which one do you think you are? Carefully read it again. Now what are you doing, making a mockery of Zen?

Single handedly I am distroying Zen by creating a zen thread, I see your reasoning....not

Lieh Tzu' s stories, most of which are common children's stories in China, are very easy to decipher. They are like Aesop's fables. OK, so they don't have fuzzy animals. OK, I really don't give a shit who the other person who you tossed it to, both you and they, missed the easy moral of the story which is, Lieh Tzu realized he didn't know shit, shut up and went back to tending his pigs for three years. When is this realization going to come to you?

Now, back to the reasons you don't write so well, is you don't take the time to read, either your own stuff, or much of anyone's else's.
You are falling behind on your homework, Art.
Do the excercise I told you.
Plus give me your definition (your words) of what "poetry" is
Look up Metaphor, and Analogy also

Perhaps, you will think twice about "Credentials" next time you come squawking into a thread leaving this:

1201 notes you have not answered any of his questions.

My advice, read the damn thing; if you wish to end this, I will accept your unqualified apology, you may owe a few to others also.

You wish to keep dancing away with flip answers, I will keep coming back, with other lessons.

Surely you must realize by now I'm a pit bull, I do have the AKC credentials for that.

must be a big sore toe...
obviously your upset about something..
take a few deep breaths and tell me what it is ...with out all the attempts to belittle what your angry @ ....and focus on your true thoughts (~_*) not, guess what I'm thinking...

thanks for your "personal opinion" 12
'That doesn't stop the presses that have already pressed' <bigrin>
(are you also "Reader 12?" the critic?)

come back anytime....tosses you a 'milk bone'
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ZMP~ Racing clouds

I watched the clouds zip by
then another
then another
racing across the sky

clouds go whisping by
then another
then another
to where do they fly?

up high
what is a cloud...

My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ Racing clouds

I watched the clouds zip by
then another
then another
racing across the sky

clouds go whisping by
then another
then another
to where do they fly?

up high
comfortably vacant
from being your voice
that jumps from the edge
of choice
I am not that pull of gravity
in breathable air but
I am the stone of growth
that sees a circle and
must draw.....
an arc 144 from Cathie...
we are.....
Jennifer C said:
Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind. "It's the wind that is really moving," stated the first one. "No, it is the flag that is moving," contended the second. A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. "Neither the flag nor the wind is moving," he said, "It is MIND that moves."


That moved my Mind! :catroar:
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ Racing clouds

I watched the clouds zip by
then another
then another
racing across the sky

clouds go whisping by
then another
then another
to where do they fly?

up high


get off the computer and give me a call!

alby-waiting: )
ZMP ~ Dew's Song

A drop of dew
falls in the woods

followed by another
then another and
tap, tap, tap

as the sun rises
more join in
tap, splat and tapping

silence broken by
water splashing...
tick, tap, tick, splash

Timing is everything
when Dew drops sing,
tip, tack, crisp clear splat

to gather the troops
wandering in out worlds rifts
and sing to the glory of tomorrow
ZMP ~ dew drops daily choir

a dew drop does a double time leap
two dew drops did a triple back flip

four dew drops did a quartet splash
the dew drops daily song starts out

randomly ready they hang till their turn
the forest rings out as another drops sung

the rising sun ushered a quickening drum
of many dew drops dropping in unison

another dew drop takes a musical flight
harmonious landing that was a note light

over the silence another drop gone
the dew drop choir's daily dripping song​
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ dew drops daily choir

a dew drop does a double time leap
two dew drops did a triple back flip

four dew drops did a quartet splash
the dew drops daily song starts out

randomly ready they hang till their turn
the forest rings out as another drops sung

the rising sun ushered a quickening drum
of many dew drops dropping in unison

another dew drop takes a musical flight
harmonious landing that was a note light

over the silence another drop gone
the dew drop choir's daily dripping song​


that is all the poetry i know

alby-trying to write me a zmp
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ dew drops daily choir

a dew drop does a double time leap
two dew drops did a triple back flip

four dew drops did a quartet splash
the dew drops daily song starts out

randomly ready they hang till their turn
the forest rings out as another drops sung

the rising sun ushered a quickening drum
of many dew drops dropping in unison

another dew drop takes a musical flight
harmonious landing that was a note light

over the silence another drop gone
the dew drop choir's daily dripping song​

Now inspired even more, I shall complete my attempt at a Zen poem, this weekend. Shall I post it here, as well as a submission?