~Zen Mountain~

Honey-succel the morning in morning glory flare.
Getting pricked by the Rose that still blooms but for now is bare.

Butterflys and lady bugs color a drab colored world.
Catching one's eye like a romantic pearl.

Sun Flowers sway in a look at me way.
While searching for the beauty that will revive my dead day.

Like coming here and saying, "Hey :heart: :rose: :kiss: !"
Ninja Nookie said:
Honey-succel the morning in morning glory flare.
Getting pricked by the Rose that still blooms but for now is bare.

Butterflys and lady bugs color a drab colored world.
Catching one's eye like a romantic pearl.

Sun Flowers sway in a look at me way.
While searching for the beauty that will revive my dead day.

Like coming here and saying, "Hey :heart: :rose: :kiss: !"

my muse...inspirational

is this the one you submitted? (~_*)
seranade said:

that is all the poetry i know

alby-trying to write me a zmp

hey bro,

almost missed your post.
writing ZMP...that would be like a beatles song <grin> "let it be"
MLP ~ The Raven

Wing beats flicker in flapping
of a landing
of a cackle caw Crow

its long beaked nose
pointing at me and laughing

"shew" I say
"fly away"
your shadow ...
I need not here, today

A twisted footed hold
from a curious Crow
"Calls" out bold

spreading its wings
it come at me

"shew" I say
"fly away"
your shadow ...
I need not here, today

this bird left laughing
on black wings flapping
a sailing shadow dancing

in a blistering burn
here come the sun

"shew" I say
"I need a shadow...
My Erotic Tale said:
must be a big sore toe...
obviously your upset about something..
take a few deep breaths and tell me what it is ...with out all the attempts to belittle what your angry @ ....and focus on your true thoughts (~_*) not, guess what I'm thinking...

thanks for your "personal opinion" 12
'That doesn't stop the presses that have already pressed' <bigrin>
(are you also "Reader 12?" the critic?)

come back anytime....tosses you a 'milk bone'
Remember this ZMPPY, the toes, the next time someone leaves a comment that points out an error, the next time you don't win some contest, the next time you run all over the threads with your self-serving accusations, and never apologise when you are wrong.
Two other things.
I am not angry, I am quite cold.
But, you are right about one thing, I shouldn't try to guess what you are thinking.
You are too absorbed in comtemplating your own asshole to be thinking about much beyond that.

I gave you a gift, boy, I showed you how your (enlightened : :rolleyes: ) prononcements can and will be used against you.

I leave you with your quote:
<fostering a slew of comments from those with out merit or degress is a hen house full of chickens squawkin, and not exactly helpful.>
<bigger fucking grinz>
tosses bone back
twelveoone said:
Remember this ZMPPY, the toes, the next time someone leaves a comment that points out an error, the next time you don't win some contest, the next time you run all over the threads with your self-serving accusations, and never apologise when you are wrong.
Two other things.
I am not angry, I am quite cold.
But, you are right about one thing, I shouldn't try to guess what you are thinking.
You are too absorbed in comtemplating your own asshole to be thinking about much beyond that.

I gave you a gift, boy, I showed you how your (enlightened : :rolleyes: ) prononcements can and will be used against you.

I leave you with your quote:
<fostering a slew of comments from those with out merit or degress is a hen house full of chickens squawkin, and not exactly helpful.>
<bigger fucking grinz>
tosses bone back

look I have tried to be polite to your insanity but do you recall telling me...
"You like to stir things up?" I can only assume that's what you are doing, you obviously have a sore toe, and as I have asked 'three' times now, what is your grievance 12? Or do you just plan on being an ASS and posting spite-full posts in your attempt to be a YDD (YDD wanta be syndrome) <rollseyes>

I guess your in YDD training? I teach 12 ...23 students (Martial Arts) to be exact and I have a degree to do so, my credentials are valid <are yours> now if you will tell me what has you upset, I can work with you. But a poodle that just wants to bark gets a bone to shut them up <grin>

I think you need a little ZEN in your life so feel free to return <grin>

and since you don't read very well, (to busy wanting to spew than to read?) what should I apologize for? <obviously what ever has your toe so sore>

I will add one more thing, you claim that I get upset cause others disagree with me <which is not true> justice perhaps... but...is this your way of venting when "I" don't see things your way... you want us to think outside of the box,,,and when we do, we get "YOUR" opinion in tripliate <grin> which actually says nothing at all, but shows your upset and venting.

what lesson "BOY"? I have learned nothing from these three posts of yours other than your verbally lashing out cause your mad about? wooops there we are again...what are you mad about?
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"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous."
~ Aristotle

"There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before."
~ Robert Lynd
you know anonamouse...if I don't read poetry...how did I find this ...<grin>


© By Aaron A. Garrard

It takes a human being to see a human being for who he really is and why he is who he is and why he does what he does to make him who he is. Who is he?
He don't know and you damn sure don't know so why you judge him? If you walked in his shoes and learned from his experience you would love him. He was born with an addictive personality and you wasn't but you still judge him. Why? He don't know and you damn sure don't know. He get high cause he lost and you found. You smile he cry so he pray and you aint even got faith why? He don't know and you damn sure don't know but you still judge him. Why? You waste your breath talking bad about him and he aint even thinking about you. Why? Cause he busy trying to find the right road to walk down while you talk down about him, doubt him, judge him, hate him, degrade him to the spectators cause you want what he has and that's a gorgeous god given glow so you try to make him look bad because it makes you feel good about you but it don't, and you still judge him. Why? He don't know and you damn sure don't know and nine times out of ten he don't give a f#$k.
Both of these posts are direct opposite examples of what this thread is about.
you come here and vent your anger and need to conquer.There is nothing here to conquer. If you will not learn from this thread I suggest you go back to the threads you have been playing on all along and let us learn here. Your negative energy brought to this thread just proves that you are run by your emotions and ego therefore, unless you want to learn from what is read here, I suggest that you bind your typing fingers, stuff some cotton in your mouth and clean out your ears! Listen and maybe the painful anger and need to be right all the time will leave and once again we all can enjoy what is here to learn from.

You have handed over your power as an individual to 1201 by allowing him to goad your into telling him your credentials, your reasoning and to fire up your anger. Please this is beneath you. Remember what the zen teaching hold for lessons... follow the wisdom of a snow owl and just let them be when others act this way. We are all on a path of learning and fueling such anger only allows them to become stagnant on their own path. You also have expressed yourself emotionally in your response that deserved no response.

There are much bigger things happening in this world that deserve our emotional backing. This type of behavior only displays what in essence is wrong with the world today. If we can not get along in a poetry forum how the hell can we get along in world issues of life and death?

I suggest all sit back and find a moment of perfect unity with simplicity of life. Maybe then we can once again return to a forum of learning and sharing. This kind of sharing I keep finding on a Zen thread, I can do without.

blessing to you both
Du Lac~

twelveoone said:
Remember this ZMPPY, the toes, the next time someone leaves a comment that points out an error, the next time you don't win some contest, the next time you run all over the threads with your self-serving accusations, and never apologise when you are wrong.
Two other things.
I am not angry, I am quite cold.
But, you are right about one thing, I shouldn't try to guess what you are thinking.
You are too absorbed in comtemplating your own asshole to be thinking about much beyond that.

I gave you a gift, boy, I showed you how your (enlightened : :rolleyes: ) prononcements can and will be used against you.

I leave you with your quote:
<fostering a slew of comments from those with out merit or degress is a hen house full of chickens squawkin, and not exactly helpful.>
<bigger fucking grinz>
tosses bone back
look I have tried to be polite to your insanity but do you recall telling me...
"You like to stir things up?" I can only assume that's what you are doing, you obviously have a sore toe, and as I have asked 'three' times now, what is your grievance 12? Or do you just plan on being an ASS and posting spite-full posts in your attempt to be a YDD (YDD wanta be syndrome) <rollseyes>

I guess your in YDD training? I teach 12 ...23 students (Martial Arts) to be exact and I have a degree to do so, my credentials are valid <are yours> now if you will tell me what has you upset, I can work with you. But a poodle that just wants to bark gets a bone to shut them up <grin>

I think you need a little ZEN in your life so feel free to return <grin>

and since you don't read very well, (to busy wanting to spew than to read?) what should I apologize for? <obviously what ever has your toe so sore>

I will add one more thing, you claim that I get upset cause others disagree with me <which is not true> justice perhaps... but...is this your way of venting when "I" don't see things your way... you want us to think outside of the box,,,and when we do, we get "YOUR" opinion in tripliate <grin> which actually says nothing at all, but shows your upset and venting.

what lesson "BOY"? I have learned nothing from these three posts of yours other than your verbally lashing out cause your mad about? wooops there we are again...what are you mad about?
ZMP~ a lazy oak

the lazy oak
was being lazy

doing nothing
but shading

I think it stretched
when the wind blew

then it went back
to having nothing more to do

then boredom struck
being still as a post

the curse of a tree
being a lazy oak
night glitter

Dusty stars in a night sky
glittering hints like fire flies
of distant worlds so far away
spheres of fire where quasars play
or is it where rain seeps through
holes in heaven from drops of dew
quasar said:
night glitter

Dusty stars in a night sky
glittering hints like fire flies
of distant worlds so far away
spheres of fire where quasars play
or is it where rain seeps through
holes in heaven from drops of dew

wow, I like that ... thank you
~Katrina's foot print~

Gulf breeze deceives
in camouflaged reality
to settle on shores
with open heart doors
with smiles to the sun
over soft sand beaches.

"Neptune draw your breath ...
for your children weep."
... like the day Katrina stepped a shore.

Her fury for her father
the King of the Sea
scorned her reality
to suicide shores
she yelled out a gail
of a hundred or more.

"She took a liquid Hammer to Homes,"
...a bad seed spun spawned
in a hurricane dawn.

Neptune lost a daughter
but humanity was devastated
the ocean kings words spiraling
a mere whisper to us all
he lives and breeds
his Kamakazi wind warriors.

"I am King," Neptune sings
his daighter, Katrina he seed
the cycling humanity bleeds.

Tornados of emotions
around every street
water higher than homes
mingles in tears seeped
the city of saints scorned
by Neptune's new born.

"Katrina's foot print forever,"
...when she stepped ashore
it was forever more.

final edit before submitting~
ZMP~ A Darker Dark

the moon is full
in an almost cloudless sky
one cloud hangs
below the moon high

like a hand that opens
the cloud unfolds
like fingers uncurled
this cloud grows

as if to grasp
the bright lighted moon
engulfed by this cloud
a darker dark mushroomed
ZMP ~ Circles

white wings flap
in steady beating rhyme
so many birds circling
over the water's shine

around and around
they fly in circles
do these birds
have a deeper purpose?
Ghosts fish too

Fish tales are usually exagerated
but I will try and hold true to the facts

"the day we made an inner tube, our raft"

back when camping was an excuse to be together
during any kind of weather
the rainy ones were more of an excuse
to hold you for hours

but I had the urge
to do more than lay on you and purge
so I went fishing and you wanted to go this time
I said, "Great ... fine,
let's go," and away we went.

two lovers in two inner tubes with two fishing poles
having to much fun
I don't know how many casts it took
maybe "TWO"
before you caught your inner tube.

It sprung a leak and started to seep
till it was you and me on 'my' inner tube
but we had a ton of fun on the little one

I got to use 'Georges' very very ...
I could not write enough verys
to tell how expensive his fishing pole was
that was worth the trip, so we headed back

we both paddled while I tossed a few more casts
just for laughs with your lil fishing pole,
and "WOOH"

I got a bite, pulling fighting, bent that little pole
like I had a whale, by the tail and it was caught
"Get the net," I yelled and you reached around
and got the net and we bagged an eight pound bass
on two pound mono filiment line
in an inner tube ...together

We started to paddle back
when we realized we sprung a leak
"get the gear together" I said as I slipped into the water
"Where's Georges fishing pole?" You asked.
I had a Heart attack, "What?"

obviously when we caught the 8 lb bass
George wanted to go fishing
and he got his fishing pole back.
I paddled us to shore and those are the fishing tale...
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My Erotic Tale said:
temple of passion
in streams of emotions
through a body of water

spindrift in springtide
opening whirlpools of passion,
drinking moisture from youthful dew

as time torrents disappear
in battered bulging swells
penetralia deepens rifts

scattered beaches
bewailing winds
of change
Silence in Snow

Darkness before dawn,
life is nothing but shadow
breathe calm before the light.
Close your eyes,
coldness from above speaks of snow falling.
Somewhere, far but closer still
winter stirs.
Summer sheds her skin,
like an offering
to sleeping bones below.
Abundance slowly fades
with a brillant goodbye.
Sleep and dream for the silence in snow.

Sabina :rose:
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Darkness before dawn,
life is nothing but shadow
breathe calm before the light.
Close your eyes,
coldness from above speaks of snow falling.
Somewhere, far but closer still
winter stirs.
Summer sheds her skin,
like an offering
to sleeping bones below.
Abundance slowly fades
with a brillant goodbye.
Sleep and dream for the silence in snow.

Sabina :rose:

Hello lady,
where have you been?
Nice write and you need to come around more often.
I know your busy off running some small third world country
but do stop by more often. <grin>
this was written in the One word thread...
slipping into my vault

I am addicted to sunshine
I have had this addiction a very long time
I grasp me a handfull every day
you can tell by my, tan body

those days of flooding rain
I feel the withdrawl pains
and long harsh winters nearly do me in
then the sun comes shining again

every night I slumber to pass the time
till I can get me some sunshine
nothing synical or even wicked
it's just that when it comes to sunshine...

I am addicted.
My Erotic Tale said:
this was written in the One word thread...
slipping into my vault

I am addicted to sunshine
I have had this addiction a very long time
I grasp me a handfull every day
you can tell by my, tan body

those days of flooding rain
I feel the withdrawl pains
and long harsh winters nearly do me in
then the sun comes shining again

every night I slumber to pass the time
till I can get me some sunshine
nothing synical or even wicked
it's just that when it comes to sunshine...

I am addicted.

just like the sun over a mountain
you know Ill always come again