~Zen Mountain~

zmp ~ dying to fly

Autumn comes
warning of winter
tree's leaves
begin to wither

The annual cling
releasing when dry
leaves falling
dying to fly​
bluerains said:

wow...thanks blue
that is a very inspiring pic

blue magic rings <grin>

zmp~ magic rings

The tranquil River is calm
still as stained glass
then a light sound

Nothing but ripples
circling outward
I wondered how
this had accurd!

Then there was
nothing but calm
still water
the magic rings gone!​
erotic tales

liked your poem and poetry...
reminded me of the frog jumping into the pond and making the "plop!" sound....
some have become awakened by that sound.......
r u male? female?
might send u an email......

My Erotic Tale said:
wow...thanks blue
that is a very inspiring pic

blue magic rings <grin>

zmp~ magic rings

The tranquil River is calm
still as stained glass
then a light sound

Nothing but ripples
circling outward
I wondered how
this had occured

Then there was
nothing but calm
still water
the magic rings gone!​

notice occured...couldn't help meself...

Mac2383 said:
liked your poem and poetry...
reminded me of the frog jumping into the pond and making the "plop!" sound....
some have become awakened by that sound.......
r u male? female?
might send u an email......

I am a MALE with a long TAIL <I meant tale too!>
PM.s and post here,

glad you like the poetry! Feel free to write or leave one for us to share <smile>


thanks blue~
I really liked that pic
wish I knew how to do illustrated poems
I have several locked up in submission from ...oh...months ago <grin>
Sounds of Silence

Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. By nightfall on the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The first monk said, "Oh, no! The candle is out." The second monk said, "Aren't we not suppose to talk?" The third monk said, "Why must you two break the silence?" The fourth monk laughed and said, "Ha! I'm the only one who didn't speak."

not one but two
muscles moving
purple toes
a haze
sleep comes
six weeks
Elizabetht said:
not one but two
muscles moving
purple toes
a haze
sleep comes
six weeks

sorry bout your leg hunni <grin>
be sure to sign the cast

'kinky leg wear' ... Art <grin>

hop a long lizzy
up and down dizzy
things get a lil crazy
now get well soon
and sit back and be lazy
zmp ~ dissolving

I see the moon
on a full moon night

then I see it again
the very next night

It seems a bit smaller
and not as bright

then I see it again
the very next night

It is a little smaller
than the night before

then even smaller
till the moon is no more
zmp ~ rose

The moon sat on a branch
of an oak tree for awhile

then rose

A leaf landed near by
watching me then took to the sky

it rose

a morning glory folded with-in
feeling the sun it open

and rose

brilliant colors of a morn
as the sun grew warm

when it rose

beauty in color and smell
watching it open and swell

a rose​
zmp ~ dancing moon

a midnight loon
dances with
a rippled moon

tranquil waters

semi-circle swim
loon's infatuation

upon the water
My Erotic Tale said:
sorry bout your leg hunni <grin>
be sure to sign the cast

'kinky leg wear' ... Art <grin>

hop a long lizzy
up and down dizzy
things get a lil crazy
now get well soon
and sit back and be lazy

very very funny....lol
I will tell Jo and Axe...lol

Early Sunday morning....
wife in bed
coffee at hand
prick out and wanting.....
morning lizzy
morning mac

watching the sun rise
just before I let out
to catch a few fish
perhaps even a trout
zmp ~ zen in a box

enlighten your path
by striking a match

from a box of zen

you can warm your self
by a hot roaring fire

a striked match begins

zen can light a candel
for tranquil meditation

a small flames grin

some light a match
to consume an odor

with a box of zen​

(this poem inspired by the title of a book I saw called; a box of zen)
I sure would like to read that book <grin>
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
is that anything like a box of moonlight?

a box of moonlight ...I like that


I assume it is easy

to stand in the dark of night
and hold out a small box slight

capture the moons light
then close it tight
thanks blue
I had no idea it was a movie <grin>
I thought it was a zen poem <grin>


zmp ~ moonlight in a box

to stand in the darkness of night
and hold out a small box slight

capturing the moons light
then closing the lid tight

catching my thoughts ...
is like...
moonlight in a box​
zmp ~ power of the crane

the moon is held
by the beak of a crane

~slowly ~
~~both sinking~~

the sun is lifted
as a crane takes flight

~~both rising high~~​
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zmp ~ brain storm

The rain
in my brain
and strains
into tears
I hear
to my lips
that I taste
only to see
cloudy eyes
as the thunder
in my chest
and lightening
the tongue
of rapidly beating
rain drops
in my
brain storm​
zmp ~ perfect zen

perfect zen
is described as no mind

like that of a man blind
sitting next
to a torn winged butterfly

or a flower pedal falling
after it's plucking

to stand calmly
in the middle of a storm
dripping wet, feeling dry and warm

finding enlightenment
from shadowed signs
in the darkness

feeding hunger and thirst
in knowledge and
with words of wisdom

watching a one legged sparrow
land on a windy sindero

and 'banging' the coffee table
with your shin
perfect zen​
geez A~

My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ perfect zen

perfect zen
is described as no mind

like that of a man blind
sitting next
to a torn winged butterfly

or a flower pedal falling
after it's plucking

to stand calmly
in the middle of a storm
dripping wet, feeling dry and warm

finding enlightenment
from shadowed signs
in the darkness

feeding hunger and thirst
in knowledge and
with words of wisdom

watching a one legged sparrow
land on a windy sindero

and 'banging' the coffee table
with your shin
perfect zen​

U R hoTT...tonite...am not sure when I shall be back up on line the storm is getting ready to hit the central of us...so will be back manåna...