~Zen Mountain~

bluerains said:
U R hoTT...tonite...am not sure when I shall be back up on line the storm is getting ready to hit the central of us...so will be back manåna...

Keep us posted as you can...

Originally Posted by My Erotic Tale
zmp ~ perfect zen

perfect zen
is described as no mind

like that of a man blind
sitting next
to a torn winged butterfly

or a flower pedal falling
after it's plucking

to stand calmly
in the middle of a storm
dripping wet, feeling dry and warm

finding enlightenment
from shadowed signs
in the darkness

feeding hunger and thirst
in knowledge and
with words of wisdom

watching a one legged sparrow
land on a windy sindero

and 'banging' the coffee table
with your shin
perfect zen
zmp ~ soul pearls

soul pearls fall
in love

they fall
and rest

as they fall
to death

soul pearls fall
in sorrow

they fall
in all worlds

tear drops
soul pearls​
My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ soul pearls

soul pearls fall
in love

they fall
and rest

as they fall
to death

soul pearls fall
in sorrow

they fall
in all worlds

tear drops
soul pearls​

I like this hun, it looks and reads so simplistic yet opens up a whole world of thoughts and feelings. There is much more to this poem then meets the eye.
~Good work~
:rose: :rose: :rose:
fall in the air

life of leaves
unfold in newness,
bask in the sun,
wither and wrinkle in the cold,
fall and melt away on the soil
to begin again...
My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ soul pearls

soul pearls fall
in love

they fall
and rest

as they fall
to death

soul pearls fall
in sorrow

they fall
in all worlds

tear drops
soul pearls​
Soul pearls eh? Mind if I run with that?

Soul Pearls

It starts with sand,
a grain of imperfection
rubbing tender thoughts raw.

A seed of hurt
in virginal terrain
that triggers
ancient instincts.

must comfort ... must protect

So we wrap motherly
a more gentle layer,
and then another.
Build riches around infection,
enclose and embed,
harden and enhance...

Until all we see is beatuy,
a jewel in our hands,
glowing for the world
to marvel.

But we all know
why it glitters
so pretty.

Don't we?
Liar said:
Soul pearls eh? Mind if I run with that?

Soul Pearls

It starts with sand,
a grain of imperfection
rubbing tender thoughts raw.

A seed of hurt
in virginal terrain
that triggers
ancient instincts.

must comfort ... must protect

So we wrap motherly
a more gentle layer,
and then another.
Build riches around infection,
enclose and embed,
harden and enhance...

Until all we see is beatuy,
a jewel in our hands,
glowing for the world
to marvel.

But we all know
why it glitters
so pretty.

Don't we?

well ain't that the truth <grin> nice poem liar!


a pearl,
natures treaures
attain a value by man

takes value
in moving their soul

hide pain
like a grain of sand

grinds internally
and made into a pearl
I saw the moon
shy away
as come the break
of day

I watched a cloud
in the water
hide behind a tree

I watched the wind
'whisper' something
that made the trees
begin shaking

I saw the sun
rest on a mountain
then go down
the other side

I saw the moon
enlighten me
as the sun subsided
My Erotic Tale said:
I saw the moon
shy away
as come the break
of day

I watched a cloud
in the water
hide behind a tree

I watched the wind
'whisper' something
that made the trees
begin shaking

I saw the sun
rest on a mountain
then go down
the other side

I saw the moon
enlighten me
as the sun subsided

The raging moon frowns chastely
tumbling in burnt strength
and floating darkly in glee.
Whilst forlorn winter dances happily
amongst bare trees,
when morning falls with spontaneity.
A wintry wind now draws yellow daubs ,
painted by an artistic hand
and raindrops fall from the heavens.

Jennifer C said:
The raging moon frowns chastely
tumbling in burnt strength
and floating darkly in glee.
Whilst forlorn winter dances happily
amongst bare trees,
when morning falls with spontaneity.
A wintry wind now draws yellow daubs ,
painted by an artistic hand
and raindrops fall from the heavens.


thanks JC... inspirational <grin>

I actually saw this today and it moved me so.. that I may not be able to do it justice comparred to the emotions attached to such a sight...

zmp ~ the challenge

A heron is white till the age of five
then it is aged gray and huge in size

I watched a white heron walking the shore
fishing for food and doing quite poor

For it had fishing line wrapped around
its neck and bill and strangely was tied

A small weight hung from the line, dangling
as its head darted for a meal hungrily

this weight would sling shot forward
striking the water before his beak could

this scares the fish he was trying to catch
by being the first to hit the water and splash

I don't know how long this bird's been this way
and don't suppose it will catch a meal...this way

I was saddened and slightly cringed
watching this heron greatly challenged​
bouncing....with the heron ...from wilma...

My Erotic Tale said:
thanks JC... inspirational <grin>

I actually saw this today and it moved me so.. that I may not be able to do it justice comparred to the emotions attached to such a sight...

zmp ~ the challenge

A heron is white till the age of five
then it is aged gray and huge in size

I watched a white heron walking the shore
fishing for food and doing quite poor

For it had fishing line wrapped around
its neck and bill and strangely was tied

A small weight hung from the line, dangling
as its head darted for a meal hungrily

this weight would sling shot forward
striking the water before his beak could

this scares the fish he was trying to catch
by being the first to hit the water and splash

I don't know how long this bird's been this way
and don't suppose it will catch a meal...this way

I was saddened and slightly cringed
watching this heron greatly challenged​


he was a very hungry bird... :eek:
bluerains said:

he was a very hungry bird... :eek:

So glad to see you made it through OK blue...
welcome back.
ty U 2...

RhymeFairy said:
I heard * Lil*?

:kiss: ;)

happy happy dance



am doing a nana dance...too...it was a poetic drama...this is my 3rd up close and personal hurricane in a year...maybe I'll be like a cat...with 9 hurricane lives... ;)
nine lives

Do you give one freely
or is it plucked from your lives
like a flower taken from field?

Too many distractions
to know from where they come
they that taketh the second

unfearing for more time
and lives are a head
then again it happens
a life again shed

wiser and learning
the more time is turning
watching the next leave

peering from windows
knowledge burns inside
for inside you lose again

steady but stead fast
your guided into a day
where another is taken away

age has scars of past lives
smiling at new dawns
as another one is gone

the sand of time runneth low
your body moves slow
away another surely fades

grey and wabbly still watching
hoping it may be soon
or not, it still comes
My Erotic Tale said:
thanks JC... inspirational <grin>

I actually saw this today and it moved me so.. that I may not be able to do it justice comparred to the emotions attached to such a sight...

zmp ~ the challenge

A heron is white till the age of five
then it is aged gray and huge in size

I watched a white heron walking the shore
fishing for food and doing quite poor

For it had fishing line wrapped around
its neck and bill and strangely was tied

A small weight hung from the line, dangling
as its head darted for a meal hungrily

this weight would sling shot forward
striking the water before his beak could

this scares the fish he was trying to catch
by being the first to hit the water and splash

I don't know how long this bird's been this way
and don't suppose it will catch a meal...this way

I was saddened and slightly cringed
watching this heron greatly challenged​

A white Heron
walks the shoreline
above all the rest

Life's twists of fate
not always in our favor
but we strive to prevail

fishing for minnows
in the usual way
a splash hit the water
just before his head did
scaring the small fish
before he could
quickly spear his beak


walking along
this bird's head dove
then his bill hit the water


a lost fishing line
wrapped around
this birds beak and head
as he lurched forward
sling shot a small weight
tied to the line
before his beak could
zmp ~ rose

The moon sat on a branch
of an oak tree for awhile

then rose

A leaf landed near by
watching me then took to the sky

it rose

a morning glory folded with-in
feeling the sun it open

and rose

brilliant colors of a morn
as the sun grew warm

when it rose

beauty in color and smell
watching it open and swell

a rose​
A place where colors bend
rainbow hills, brilliant sun shine
over oceans, river, lakes and streams

the minds dream!
I'm not particularly good at writing anything "zen-like", but I read this poem by a Japanese monk-poet earlier today and had to post it. It still haunts me.

For Children Killed in a Smallpox Epidemic

When spring arrives
From every tree tip
Flowers will bloom,
But those children
Who fell with last autumn’s leaves
Will never return.

Ryokan (1758-1831)
A feather whispers
In the dark

'Winter has arrived'

As the first snowflake
Silently breathes in

The moonlight.
nice cward...
I love how you stop time!
du lac~

cward2 said:
A feather whispers
In the dark

'Winter has arrived'

As the first snowflake
Silently breathes in

The moonlight.
A dancing fish rambles obligingly
moping in tossed longing
and fuming brightly in passion.
Frigid Winter whispers softly
in shades of time,
and tormented nature falls with emotion.
The night rests in undefined colours ,
the lambing season is near
and a solitary leaf flutters in the wind.
Her waters lie still and
Calm. There is nothing
Here now.
Not even the fall of a
Single leaf can disturb
Time lies frozen
When she is asleep:-
Jennifer C said:
A dancing fish rambles obligingly
moping in tossed longing
and fuming brightly in passion.
Frigid Winter whispers softly
in shades of time,
and tormented nature falls with emotion.
The night rests in undefined colours ,
the lambing season is near
and a solitary leaf flutters in the wind.

kick starting this country boys zen river <grin>

and this rocks!

Originally Posted by cward2
A feather whispers
In the dark

'Winter has arrived'

As the first snowflake
Silently breathes in

The moonlight.

thanks for the finger point, Leon <grin>

"There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past."

George Carlin