~Zen Mountain~

My Erotic Tale said:
the beauty of earth and river
tranquil trees and slowly flowing water
on the shore is the the sign of the times...


he litters my heart
n soul.
with his shameless
whore mungering
of us ...

thrown down
ripped up,
n down.
the pieces
fall down
so far

fires of Hades
do not compare
to tha heat
that we share.
spontaneous bursting
bright lights eye piercing,
popping out
n in.

as ignition is
starting up
face to face
all over

body melts
linger on
the memories
of tha litter
he threw
my way ...

:devil: :catroar:
bluerains said:

frolic ...

I wanna run
n have fun.
play n stay
till tomorrow comes
n goes away.

play here n now
no, do NOT use that
snow plow.

snow flakes dropping
flicks of tongue
gonna run n skip
catch me some.

snow angels dainty
angelic n free
flying away
you n me.

up to tha heavens
swarming tha clouds
tap dancing tha tango
on tha moons
effervescent glow.

hand in hand
slow waltzing a kiss
tha stars above
with just a lil

into the snow cream
smiles aglow
cherry pink cheeks
n grow.

laughter upon
tha windy peaks
as peek inside
tha doves' beak.

coming down
still licking
thanking tha God's above
for our lil heavenly
trip ...


the wolves chased each other through the trees
nipping and paw patting
with fogged breath
and wagging tails

rolling in the snow
short spurted runs
only to to turn and chase for awhile

two wolves playfully joust
'Yaps' of joy and frolic
Zmp~ ice-cicle song

ice-cicles drip as the sun comes up
dripping drops in rythymed time
making the porch sing
with droplets sounding

faster and faster the pace becomes
as up comes the warm shining sun
dripping and dripping
till the ice-cicles stop singing​
Happy Harvest A...

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Author Unknown
bluerains said:
Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Author Unknown

(I always liked that story blue~ thanks hun for the reminder of it <grin>


Hunger has been stolen from his eyes
so he lays fat and sassy
a yawn replaces his fierce roar
sprawled out
before an open cage door

a majestic and feared beast
simply rests
on a fresh straw nest

I wonder if he ponders his youth
his days in the jungle
back when he sought to kill
now he searches for a freindly hand's feel

I recall the tiger
as I ride a train home
from the battle fields
anxious to have my hunger stolen from me
as I roar with the pain
of where I have been
bluerains said:
Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Author Unknown

inspirational <grin

zmp ~ insane cranes

a tiger and a dragon
do not do well
in the same realm
yet they both exist
with in our minds
taking lessons from
the graceful crane

if the pool
of the mind
has no cranes
things could get ...

Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
inspirational <grin

zmp ~ insane cranes

a tiger and a dragon
do not do well
in the same realm
yet they both exist
with in our minds
taking lessons from
the graceful crane

if the pool
of the mind
has no cranes
things could get ...

talons know when to let go.... ;)
good night Pat~

for the light of life has left your soul
good night Pat

we shall remember you
with "Bonzai" sa'ke and "Bonsai" trees

after the day of Thanksgiving
we thank you for living

enriching our lives on the big screen
giving so many youths
a direction and a dream

be a drum
"waxing off and waxing on"
the words live on

like, "walk the right side of road, okay
walk left side road, okay
walk down middle ...
get squashed like a grape, understand?"

Bows humble
to the image of a man
for Mr. Miyagi has passed
good night Pat~

My Erotic Tale said:
good night Pat~

for the light of life has left your soul
good night Pat

we shall remember you
with "Bonzai" sa'ke and "Bonsai" trees

after the day of Thanksgiving
we thank you for living

enriching our lives on the big screen
giving so many youths
a direction and a dream

be a drum
"waxing off and waxing on"
the words live on

like, "walk the right side of road, okay
walk left side road, okay
walk down middle ...
get squashed like a grape, understand?"

Bows humble
to the image of a man
for Mr. Miyagi has passed
good night Pat~


Good Night ~ Pat

What would life be like
if at the age of two
your hospitalized for nine years
with a body cast
for spinal tuberculosis

then released
only to find your self
tossed with your Japanesse-American family
in an Internment camp during WWII

a computer senior operator
threw it all away, one day
in order to make people smile

a Bonsai Tree
that strived in the Devil's Couldron KKIII

"Bonzai" KKI

"Ambition without knowledge
is like a ship in the desert" KKIV

"You do yes,
walk the right side of road, okay
You do 'No',
walk left side road, okay
walk down middle ...
"I think so"
get squashed like a grape,
understand?" KKI

"Man who catch fly with chop sticks,
can accomplish anything." KKI

an icon of a charactor
that portrayed the true spirit of...

'We practice Karate not just for fighting,
but for all of life."
of course my hat is off to any man that can...
Karate chop a telephone pole in half (grin) KKII

"The grass is green and the Sun is shining." KKIV

"Happy Days"
rocking around the clock at Arnold's

"Even Cowgirls get the Blues."

"Elvis has left the building."

"The wackiest gun in the west."
has left~

Good Night Pat~


Noriyuki "Pat" Morita ....Aug 28 1932 - Nov 24 2005
better known for the role as Mr. Miyagi
in the Film that won him an oscar
"Karate Kid"
zmp ~ insane cranes

a tiger and a dragon
do not do well
in the same realm
yet they both exist
with in our minds
taking lessons from
the graceful crane

if the pool
of the mind
has no cranes
things could get ...


if compromise prevail
then each will have a day
a cycle
you might say

The tiger will hunt
and feed its hunger
frolic in the warmth
and purr while it lay

where the dragon is unsettled
with its wisdom
and dominance

or a passive day
as a crane
with a mind
that has the ability
to change
Inner Peace

The smell of lillies
Lingers in the air
Long after I have
Left you

Even amidst the
Mechanised confusion
Of city life

I can still hear your call
Floating through the air
Like a feather

Gently falling
On a mountainside
cward2 said:
The smell of lillies
Lingers in the air
Long after I have
Left you

Even amidst the
Mechanised confusion
Of city life

I can still hear your call
Floating through the air
Like a feather

Gently falling
On a mountainside

nice write cward2

a touch of inner peace
like a moon beam
dancing on lillies
under an old oak

sea breeze n me ...

sea breeze calls to me
waifing through
tha mountain side
envisioning tha waves
waving, whispering their
desire of ... me.

nymph of sea, stuck
on land. water baby
hidden amidst tha green
grass, and winter flowers.

wilted woman in need
of my sea. in need
to see my home away
from tha rocky mountains
and their clinging cliffs
that entrap, tie me down.

swishing arms gliding
through warm blue water
while supple legs, lightening
stroke away tha waves.

Mmm, home to me,
is that same blue water.
calling to me it is,
to me ...

why do we have a box with a lock
it contains a part of our hearts

the value may be great
because it reaches into our souls

that which is stronger than gold
pictures and memories of old
each leaf flickers, flaps and sways in the breeze
a single tree in a field comes alive in the wind
leaves take flight and soar on a final ride
sorrow filled grey sky as another day died
Blue Prints~

You can read blue prints as easy as reading your lover
that lay naked on a bed
you have a general idea of the outcome
but you just won't know until you begin applying yourself to it.

there is a layout for the plumbing
every male and female fitting and their coupling
all the way to the generator and its application
keeping you energized and a glow

There's foundation, structure, wires, ties, bindings and heating

blue prints of life locked away in cells

my favorite would be the blue print left by your pen
in a note that told me how you felt and that was the day
the foundation was laid
for our love

to be continued..........
A lone feather
Drifts along the stream,
Unoticed by the wind
Or reeds it just follows
Its path
Without interruption
Without confusion
Just choosing to go
Wherever its mind wanders
cward2 said:
A lone feather
Drifts along the stream,
Unoticed by the wind
Or reeds it just follows
Its path
Without interruption
Without confusion
Just choosing to go
Wherever its mind wanders

nice write...reminds me tad of Zatoichi

"perhaps a falling leaf hates the wind?"


Zatoichi Monogatari
(A tribute to Blind Fury)

"You are like a candle,
as you melt,
you illuminate the world."

Lost his sight when he was two years old,
when his minds eye thinks of his mother,
She is always young, even now that she is gone.

"A falling leaf does not hate the wind."

Fumbling blind fingers reach
for a beautiful sound
an egg is found,
as a bird, away flutters.

"Mother bird come back,
you forgot you young."

Ichi san kept it warm till the hatching was done.
In a little hatch basket it lived,
surrogate mother Ichi provided.

"Perhaps a falling leaf does hate the wind?"

In 6 seconds, six men will fall,
if their swords are drawn on Zatoichi san.

"A Samurai and his sword are the same."

A humble blind mans walking cane,
cloaks a Dragons talon.

"A small fish caught up in the current."

Bathed in blood so many times,
He wishes to know red.
How do you describe such a color?
To a man who has never seen the setting sun
Or a red maple leaf?

Drip drip drip drip

Ichi san smiles,
listening to the waters song.

(The infamous blind Samurai wandered the countryside of Japan in the early 1800s. The immortal 'Star' died in 1992. Zatoichis' natural charm, wit and quick sword won the hearts of many in a series of 26 Japanese movies, in the 1960s)
I saw a flower
along the walkway
as I left my house
headed to work

I didn';t slow
for a better look
I figured I would
get it tonight

I worked
and thought
about this flower
all day

when I got home
walking the walkway
the flower was gone
no longer there
did you think of thought today
or thought about what you might think
what is it you like to think about
or perhaps you had to work
where you box your thoughts for awhile
thinking about important stuff
"the intrest rates dropping"
like the time you have
to think about the things
you like to think about
like Zen
the Art of no thought
My Erotic Tale said:
I saw a flower
along the walkway
as I left my house
headed to work

I didn';t slow
for a better look
I figured I would
get it tonight

I worked
and thought
about this flower
all day

when I got home
walking the walkway
the flower was gone
no longer there

couples walking
along the boulevard.
watching while
the sunshine drinks
from the heavenly
clouds cup,
of windy wizardries

holding her hand
the young gent bows
and kisses her smooth
long fingers, wishing
to encapture her
hand ... and her heart.
this is the lady
he has been waiting
a lifetime for.

wishing to shower her
with pretty trinkets,
to tickle her heart
and lighten her mood.
he reaches down
a lil yellow daisy.

Not knowing this
is her favorite flower,
he presents his present
with a wholesome smile
and wicked lil wink.

cherries blooming
in her cheeks
she begins to speak.

You have touched my heart
with this simple gift,
but kind sir, please desist,
this daisy was not yours
to pick, but Oh My, I just
cannot ... resist.


silly eh? BUT now ya know what happened
to your lil flower. :D I got it ... Hehehehe
Now, gimmie BACK my muse you Muse-stealing
Texan !!

:catroar: :cathappy: :p
The Zen Of Life

A Lotus flower
Closes its mind
As a snowleaf
Falls to the ground

Can usher in
So much