~Zen Mountain~

RhymeFairy said:
couples walking
along the boulevard.
watching while
the sunshine drinks
from the heavenly
clouds cup,
of windy wizardries

holding her hand
the young gent bows
and kisses her smooth
long fingers, wishing
to encapture her
hand ... and her heart.
this is the lady
he has been waiting
a lifetime for.

wishing to shower her
with pretty trinkets,
to tickle her heart
and lighten her mood.
he reaches down
a lil yellow daisy.

Not knowing this
is her favorite flower,
he presents his present
with a wholesome smile
and wicked lil wink.

cherries blooming
in her cheeks
she begins to speak.

You have touched my heart
with this simple gift,
but kind sir, please desist,
this daisy was not yours
to pick, but Oh My, I just
cannot ... resist.


silly eh? BUT now ya know what happened
to your lil flower. :D I got it ... Hehehehe
Now, gimmie BACK my muse you Muse-stealing
Texan !!

:catroar: :cathappy: :p

borrowed <<laughing> I only borrow her for tied up sex and ideas to write <grinin> and I ain't tellin who ties who up <grin> you know what they say about texas...everything is BIG in texas <grin>
Kuan Yin

merely uses the willow branch to sprinkle
the divine nectar of life on her devotees, which is stored in the
vase she holds in her other hand.

These Buddhist mudras are mirrored in the protocol which the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois Six Nations Confederacy used when opening their treaty meetings. You can make the following gestures mentally or physically.

We offer salutations and respect to all present at this meeting and to all who will be affected by it.

We brush off the chairs on which we sit--

to make a clear space for a meeting of minds.

We brush off from our clothing any debris picked up on the way--

to clear our minds of extraneous matters.

We wipe the blood from our hands--

to acknowledge and apologize for any hurt we have inflicted.

We wipe the tears from our eyes--

to acknowledge and forgive any hurt we have received.

We take the lump out of our throats--

to let go of any sadness or disappointment.

We take the tightness out of our chests--

to let go of any fear or resentment.

We acknowledge and pray for guidance

to the Great Creator Spirit of All Life.

Ho. So be it.
bluerains said:
merely uses the willow branch to sprinkle
the divine nectar of life on her devotees, which is stored in the
vase she holds in her other hand.


well now, Aint that some thing else <grin> cool
ZMP~ Dancing Leaves

Caught up in a swirling breeze
is a leaf before me

Spinning around
and around
the same ole ground

a dance of death
the last energy
before eternal rest

twirling and stopping
then starting again
Time lies frozen
as a single drop
of rain hangs
motionless from the
branch of a maple tree

is it

this is
the moment
when you realise

you truly
cward2 said:
Time lies frozen
as a single drop
of rain hangs
motionless from the
branch of a maple tree

is it

this is
the moment
when you realise

you truly

very nice thought cward2~


ZMP~ Dancing Leaves

Caught up in a swirling breeze
is a leaf before me

Spinning around
and around
then settling down

it will move an inch
then another
before spiraling again

twirling on its edge
ten laying down
becoming a lifeless beige

gusted away by a strong wind
along comes another leaf...
Dancing ~​
a lil breeze speaks to me
in a whisper
light moans
and low tones
with words to me
that are unknown

a language barrier
yet I feel its brush
its touch
the light feel
with no words
now reveal
it is dead quiet
deep river swirls of mist
awakening to illusions
trails of mist
living air over water
chilling sight
liftling fog
for a day to begin
leaving this up short time ...

I bet many of you think that the auric energy flows in from the crown chakra
first or the base/root chakra first ... ??? nope ??

in my experience and firmly believe this from a practise/experience that
energy dynamics flow in thru the heart seal/chakra first!!!

yep .. the heart comes first ... not the others ... if i attempt to start on
any of the others first ... it's like trying to run on 2cylinders
when you have 7cylinders ... and you don't get good milage for fuel ..

now thru dreams/flashes of images .. i pictured it oneday like a
vortex-spiral/pump coming in thru the heart spinning anticlockwise coming in
towards you ...(but have had other saying they get it the otherway ...

the reason i call it Heart Spiral is due to the sequence in which i feel the
chakra-seals open up ..

1. 4th Chakra - Heart (green) . enters here first

2. 3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus (yellow)
3. 5th Chakra - Throat (blue)

4. 2nd Chakra - Sacral (orange)
5. 6th Chakra - Brow/3rd Eye (indigo)

6. 1st Chakra - Base (red)
7. 7th Chakra - Crown (violet) then exits here and cycles thru again
to the heart chakra

the above is a simple sequence form 1 to 7 of the chakra's opening up ....
if you draw the flow of it .. it is like a spiral ..

the heart first, then emotion/feelings in the solar plexus .. then you voice
it/verbalise it in the throat/thymus and so on ...

can u picture it how it spirals ...

also if you like, you can focus on the heart first, then the solar + throat
together at the same time ... then sacral+brow etc

so instead of seven steps, you do it in 4-steps ...

consider ... 4-chambers of the heart, 4-aorta's and the heart is 4th chak-ra
.. (also has 7-muscles, which spin/tilt the blood like a vortex
thru ... DOES NOT simply just PUMP it thru)

if you do some numbers ... on the chakra sequence you find

4 + 3 = 7
then 5 + 2 = 7
then 6+1 = 7
then 7

or 4 as the centre
then 5+3 = 8
2+6 =8
1+7 = 8

8 = infinite loop

now heart disease is one of the number one killers ... why ... it is not
just food/diet ... it is the energy dynamics of the heart

if the heart is not open and tuned/flowing and allowing the energy to spiral
thru correctly ... can cause inbalances in the rest of the body and affect
other things ...

eg ... if the heart is blocked and you are trying to open and/or close
seals that are closed below the heart ... can manifest problems in that
region in the body and same goes if above heart ...

energy maybe trying to flow/spiral/cycle thru and it can't cause the heart
is closed/blocked ... pressure builds up and bang/kaboom ... poor heart ...

also if the energy isnot released from the top half or the bottom half, due
to the heart being blocked or closed or not full open ...then those
seals/chakra's can burn out or over stress/over work ... and start causing
physical ailments in those areas ... as well as pressure on the heart-chakra

i think all you have been around long enough and get my drift .. next time
you meditate, or do chakra work, think about it ...

you can combine this with a merkaba with top-half spinning clockwise and
bottom-half spinning anti-clockwise ... with the centre of the merkaba
centre over the heart-chakra-vortex s you do the heart spiral ...

you can play with it ...

but do consider the above... pls do freely share with others if you wish
bluerains said:
I bet many of you think that the auric energy flows in from the crown chakra
first or the base/root chakra first ... ??? nope ??

in my experience and firmly believe this from a practise/experience that
energy dynamics flow in thru the heart seal/chakra first!!!

yep .. the heart comes first ... not the others ... if i attempt to start on
any of the others first ... it's like trying to run on 2cylinders
when you have 7cylinders ... and you don't get good milage for fuel ..

now thru dreams/flashes of images .. i pictured it oneday like a
vortex-spiral/pump coming in thru the heart spinning anticlockwise coming in
towards you ...(but have had other saying they get it the otherway ...

the reason i call it Heart Spiral is due to the sequence in which i feel the
chakra-seals open up ..

1. 4th Chakra - Heart (green) . enters here first

2. 3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus (yellow)
3. 5th Chakra - Throat (blue)

4. 2nd Chakra - Sacral (orange)
5. 6th Chakra - Brow/3rd Eye (indigo)

6. 1st Chakra - Base (red)
7. 7th Chakra - Crown (violet) then exits here and cycles thru again
to the heart chakra

the above is a simple sequence form 1 to 7 of the chakra's opening up ....
if you draw the flow of it .. it is like a spiral ..

the heart first, then emotion/feelings in the solar plexus .. then you voice
it/verbalise it in the throat/thymus and so on ...

can u picture it how it spirals ...

also if you like, you can focus on the heart first, then the solar + throat
together at the same time ... then sacral+brow etc

so instead of seven steps, you do it in 4-steps ...

consider ... 4-chambers of the heart, 4-aorta's and the heart is 4th chak-ra
.. (also has 7-muscles, which spin/tilt the blood like a vortex
thru ... DOES NOT simply just PUMP it thru)

if you do some numbers ... on the chakra sequence you find

4 + 3 = 7
then 5 + 2 = 7
then 6+1 = 7
then 7

or 4 as the centre
then 5+3 = 8
2+6 =8
1+7 = 8

8 = infinite loop

now heart disease is one of the number one killers ... why ... it is not
just food/diet ... it is the energy dynamics of the heart

if the heart is not open and tuned/flowing and allowing the energy to spiral
thru correctly ... can cause inbalances in the rest of the body and affect
other things ...

eg ... if the heart is blocked and you are trying to open and/or close
seals that are closed below the heart ... can manifest problems in that
region in the body and same goes if above heart ...

energy maybe trying to flow/spiral/cycle thru and it can't cause the heart
is closed/blocked ... pressure builds up and bang/kaboom ... poor heart ...

also if the energy isnot released from the top half or the bottom half, due
to the heart being blocked or closed or not full open ...then those
seals/chakra's can burn out or over stress/over work ... and start causing
physical ailments in those areas ... as well as pressure on the heart-chakra

i think all you have been around long enough and get my drift .. next time
you meditate, or do chakra work, think about it ...

you can combine this with a merkaba with top-half spinning clockwise and
bottom-half spinning anti-clockwise ... with the centre of the merkaba
centre over the heart-chakra-vortex s you do the heart spiral ...

you can play with it ...

but do consider the above... pls do freely share with others if you wish

Thanks blue

I feel so bad today...maybe I should contemplate laying down and recharging my positive for I feel drained and negative today, the dang ying yang <grin> I also like to massage the meridians leading to ailing points and of course the hand and foot covasacks <grin>

thanks blue~
twigs, pine and straw

A baby bird looks at the world
from twigs, pine and straw

easing over the edge
more and more
till comes the day they fall

waving everything
to stop the world
flight takes them by awe

soft crash landings
and attempts to reach
the nest of twigs, pine and straw

practice made perfect
and life is in flight
everything grows
and grows wiser in life

two love birds
in a great big world
when winter finally thaws

swimming the skys
and feeding on grass
loving when nature calls

wise in the wind
the two love birds begin
building a nest
of twigs, pine and straw
between his ears
he does not hear
the anger that he feels
the heat of emotion
for thoughts trapped in his mind
barking the same words all the time
not letting go
of that that warms him
even though he is wrong
he sings his correctness song
as I listen with
campassion for his ignorance
My Erotic Tale said:
between his ears
he does not hear
the anger that he feels
the heat of emotion
for thoughts trapped in his mind
barking the same words all the time
not letting go
of that that warms him
even though he is wrong
he sings his correctness song
as I listen with
campassion for his ignorance

twelveoone said:

"Hey, you, get off of my cloud" <laughing>

isn't that a beatles song, the drug warped mind so many worship <grin> :rolleyes:

oh, the rolling stones, the other drug warped minded band <grin>

Zen would be, NO need for mind altering substance.
I see a pattern here, those who worship drug users and don't like cops...
I am now totally enlightened as to the reception I get... <grin>
across the white

I look across the white
and embark on a short dart
across its plane
bundled up to the helm
the first step slides
I realize
to be ice wise

brisk chill of white
grabbing the hairs
on the back of my neck
and pulling them to stand
straight up

the body draws up
like a curled up kitten
as steam comes
with every breath
as needles prick
the exposed flesh

Celsius sensitive
as the cold wind blows
a turn of the head
as charging forward
navigating by thought
for the eyes are ice

cheeks feel flush
and toes sting
shuffling along
like a penguin on ice
across the white​
Space Pearl

Polished appeal
with murky swirls
across the night sky
a space pearl

Radiant lunar light
in the depth of darkness
casting moonbeams
that softly caress

lighting our lives
like a gift in a box
enlightenment shared
under the stars

alluring bright oval
mystical surface swirls
high in the night sky
a space pearl

My Erotic Tale said:
Space Pearl

Polished appeal
with murky swirls
across the night sky
a space pearl

Radiant lunar light
in the depth of darkness
casting moonbeams
that softly caress

lighting our lives
like a gift in a box
enlightenment shared
under the stars

alluring bright oval
mystical surface swirls
high in the night sky
a space pearl

Nice write
such alluring visions
are created with your words

My Erotic Tale said:
Space Pearl

Polished appeal
with murky swirls
across the night sky
a space pearl

Radiant lunar light
in the depth of darkness
casting moonbeams
that softly caress

lighting our lives
like a gift in a box
enlightenment shared
under the stars

alluring bright oval
mystical surface swirls
high in the night sky
a space pearl

Pretty good start on this draft. You might want to try to keep a single mention of space pearl as the final line. Writing it in at the beginning seems to lessen the impact of all the other descriptions as well as the last line mention.
My Erotic Tale said:
Space Pearl

Polished appeal
with murky swirls
across the night sky
light in a dark world

Radiant lunar lamp
in the depth of darkness
casting moonbeams
that softly caress

lighting our lives
like a gift in a box
enlightenment shared
under the stars locked

alluring bright oval
mystical surface swirls
high in the night sky
a space pearl

okay revised
My Erotic Tale said:
okay revised

I like the way you changed the first mention of space pearl. I was running on empty and couldn't come up with any suggestions other than the idea that a single mention of space pearl would suffice. Light in a dark world sounds so much better!

Lunar Pearl

mere dust cast in the muscle of space
rotating over and over, aged
created its polished appeal
as it adorns the night sky

Lusturious murky swirls
from a radiant lunar lamp
in the depths of the darkness
casting moonbeams that softly caress

illuminating our lives
like a gem gift in a jeweled box
enlightenment in a dark world
under the sparkling stars back drop

alluring oval of brilliant white
mystical and ancient light
high in the night sky rides
a space pearl​

CLOSER TO COMPLETION <or is it never completed only updated periodicly <grin>
Lunar Pearl

mere dust cast in the muscle of space
rotating over and over, aged

I see this differently
maybe like this;

Granules condensed by gravities muscle, space
orbiting cycle that rotated through ages.

I could go on and on and then that would be my version of your poem but I made a note of what I felt and saw. I hope you can use it to help you, my friend.

created its polished appeal
as it adorns the night sky

Lustrous murky swirls
from a radiant lunar lamp
in the depths of the darkness
casting moonbeams that softly caress

illuminating our lives
like a gem gift in a jeweled box
enlightenment in a dark world
under the sparkling stars back drop

alluring oval of brilliant white
mystical and ancient light
high in the night sky rides
a space pearl
quasar said:
Lunar Pearl

mere dust cast in the muscle of space
rotating over and over, aged

I see this differently
maybe like this;

Granules condensed by gravities muscle, space
orbiting cycle that rotated through ages.

I could go on and on and then that would be my version of your poem but I made a note of what I felt and saw. I hope you can use it to help you, my friend.

created its polished appeal
as it adorns the night sky

Lustrous murky swirls
from a radiant lunar lamp
in the depths of the darkness
casting moonbeams that softly caress

illuminating our lives
like a gem gift in a jeweled box
enlightenment in a dark world
under the sparkling stars back drop

alluring oval of brilliant white
mystical and ancient light
high in the night sky rides
a space pearl

thanks Q
reckon I gotta work on it some mor'

caught in the glimpse
of a pearl

stands still
at this moment
