~Zen Mountain~


Ninja Nookie said:
thinking of desires takes time
acting on them seems to make
time fly ...

perceiving yearning
sparks ignite the time to fly
releasing our wings
quietpoet said:
am I the thinker of the thought or am I the thought of the thinker?


Not quite does the dog have buddha nature.

Is the reflection of the moon on a pond the moon? or a pond?
I guess

arctic-stranger said:

Not quite does the dog have buddha nature.

Is the reflection of the moon on a pond the moon? or a pond?
genesis comes to mind...and the puzzle of how god brought forth seed yielding
seed after its own kind and grass and trees...all growing without benefit of the 4th day...when the sun moon and stars were created..what light did then sustain them...
a reflection...of what I ponder...

001:010 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together
of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

001:011 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his
kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

001:012 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed
after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in
itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

001:013 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

001:014 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and year
bluerains said:
genesis comes to mind...and the puzzle of how god brought forth seed yielding
seed after its own kind and grass and trees...all growing without benefit of the 4th day...when the sun moon and stars were created..what light did then sustain them...
a reflection...of what I ponder...

001:010 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together
of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

001:011 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his
kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

001:012 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed
after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in
itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

001:013 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

001:014 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the
heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and year

eyes case crescent frames
in quantum uncertainty
is this the moon
Do you give thought to the thoughts of a flea
for we are the flea investing mother earth
and scaled to size,
with live like flys (a short life)
in comparison to earths true reality
being a rock, shaped by fire and water
wind and sand, tide and surf
measure a mans worth
tempered in a short time
lost in thoughts
till the bones lay still

Does the dog have Buddha nature after the dog moves on? OR is the dog just a multidimensional illusion, like us? Hmmm... In the illusion of all that is/isn't... the moon, or the puddle/pond exists only for fragment of the illusion of time, therefore, they are inherently the same, one.

arctic-stranger said:

Not quite does the dog have buddha nature.

Is the reflection of the moon on a pond the moon? or a pond?
quietpoet said:
Does the dog have Buddha nature after the dog moves on? OR is the dog just a multidimensional illusion, like us? Hmmm... In the illusion of all that is/isn't... the moon, or the puddle/pond exists only for fragment of the illusion of time, therefore, they are inherently the same, one.


you are
too much

Between the pillars of spirit and matter the mind has put up a swing.
There swings the bound soul and all the worlds with not even the slightest rest.
The sun and moon also swing, and there is no end to it.
The soul swings through millions of births like the endless circling of the sun and moon.
Billions of ages have passed with no sigh of relief
The earth and sky swing,
Wind and water swing,
Taking a body, God Himself swings.
Kabir, the servant of God,
has seen it all. :rose:
As a Monk walked along a road on a distant journey
He came to a raging river where the bridge had been
swept away. He proceded to walk for ward into the water
to reach the other side and continue on his journey.
"What" told His mind it was not safe to cross the river?
And that it may be a good idea to walk up or down river
to see if perhaps there was another bridge? "Instinct"
or "Thought" ?
My Erotic Tale said:
As a Monk walked along a road on a distant journey
He came to a raging river where the bridge had been
swept away. He proceded to walk for ward into the water
to reach the other side and continue on his journey.
"What" told His mind it was not safe to cross the river?
And that it may be a good idea to walk up or down river
to see if perhaps there was another bridge? "Instinct"
or "Thought" ?

Thought is a current that goes upstream, instinct a current that goes down stream. He went across, following his buddha nature.
thought is the bridge...budda nature is meditating beside the river becoming the roar of the water.
arctic-stranger said:
Thought is a current that goes upstream, instinct a current that goes down stream. He went across, following his buddha nature.

the many things that spark a thought
feeelings have wrapped a vine hold on emotions
for both a new born and death, grasp
thoughts from the depths of the soul
and awaken the storm of 'could have beens.'
flooding the mind with visons of memories
the river of life's current flows
reguardless of thoughts ...

but the quality of thought
makes for a more fullfilling ride.
My Erotic Tale said:
the river of life's current flows
reguardless of thoughts ...

but the quality of thought
makes for a more fullfilling ride.

Eightfold path, right thought
the Buddha is dried shit on a stick.
Eightfold Thought, Right Path
the Buddha snatched it and ran.
hello arctic stranger..I enjoy your posts...<grin> thank you for the enlightenment and the inspiration for this...

ZMP~ drifting wood
ZMP~ drifting wood

The river of life's current flows
reguardless of thought,
but the quality of thought
makes for a more fullfilling ride.

A drift in life like a drift woods fate
never knowing where it will end,
around each bend a new view of life,
excepting the pace of anticipating winds.

Lodged in a logpile for quite awhile
then set free by a storm and born again.
Some join together a drift in the world
sharing the river's ride, in sun and rain.

A drift like drift wood in a raging river of love
or tossed about in sopping wet chilling agoney,
some turn to face where they will go
others look backwards to holding memories.

The River of life will flow forever
but a drift wood's life is only slightly,
but for a few that make it to sea
drift on the river of eternity.

My Erotic Tale said:
hello arctic stranger..I enjoy your posts...<grin> thank you for the enlightenment and the inspiration for this...

Well, thank you..i enjoy your poems. I usually pontificate about Christianity, strangely enough, i find zen easier. and harder.
Life Is Like A River

If There Is No Life There Is Not A River

The Life Of The River Never Stands Still

And Passes Through The Life

Which Protect The River

The Life Movement Of The River

Often Changes The Speed And Size

Of The River

The Life Which Makes Up The River

Is Never The Same

Everything Is In Constant Movement

If You Will Catch The Life Of The River

You Have To Run As Fast As The River Runs

If You Will Be

The Life Of The River

Then The River Will Flow

Thru You

And You Are The River

If Your Are Only Part Of The River

You Have To Run With The River.

Otherwise You Will Lose Your


Who Also Choose To Be Only Part Of The River.....

arctic-stranger said:
Well, thank you..i enjoy your poems. I usually pontificate about Christianity, strangely enough, i find zen easier. and harder.

welcome to the zen page Artic stranger....here and chasin chickens you will find zen... and all kinds of little seeds that sprout towards the sun... happy to have another Christianity ponty around..I have another one swimming around in the muck of my mind brewing on just such a subject...lol.. too much thinking
when sound and movement flow
as though flowing through the body
with out a thought about it
other than embracing it's feeling
you will then be living zen
My Erotic Tale said:
the swirls in my mind
are louder than the breeze
across my face

the breeze across my face.............. is cooler......... than the thoughts in my mind

love you, nin- :devil:
templeminded said:
the breeze across my face.............. is cooler......... than the thoughts in my mind

love you, nin- :devil:

The smile on my face ...
tells of the thoughts in my mind!