~Zen Mountain~

Open Your Eyes
Open your eye that you may see
The beauty that around you lies,
The misty loveliness of the dawn,
The glowing colors of the skies;
The Child's bright eager eyes of blue,
The gnarled and wrinkled face of age,
The bird with crimson on his wing
Whose spirit never knew a cage;
The roadsides blooming goldenrod
So brave through summer's wind and heat,
The brook that rushes to the sea
With courage that naught may defeat.

Open your eyes that you may see
The wonder that around you lies;
It will enrich your every day
And make you glad and kind and wise.

-- Emma Boge Whisenand
zmp~ a field of poetry

every flower sings
a silent poetic song
dancing in a field
where the wind is strong

each blade of grass
lays against another
a blanket of green
covers nature our mother

the horizon is filled
with multiple colors
each blends with
its sisters and brothers

tranquility and discourse
living in harmony
flowers in the wind
a field of poetry
a beautiful soul

when a room is dim
and there is no glow
all I see
is a beautiful soul

beauty they say
only goes skin deep
into your soul
your beauty has seeped

and from your words
a gentle flow
all I see is...
a beautiful soul
My Erotic Trail said:
zmp~ a field of poetry

every flower sings
a silent poetic song
dancing in a field
where the wind is strong

each blade of grass
lays against another
a blanket of green
covers nature our mother

the horizon is filled
with multiple colors
each blends with
its sisters and brothers

tranquility and discourse
living in harmony
flowers in the wind
a field of poetry

I always enjoy these ZMP poems.
A heron dives
into the lake

but it's still
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Once, deep in the mountains at a Zen temple, there was a sudden rustling sound. The Zen master Jingqing asked a monk, "What is that sound outside?" The monk said, "It's the sound of a snake eating a toad." Jingqing said, "Once you acknowledge suffering there is no end to suffering."
bluerains said:
Once, deep in the mountains at a Zen temple, there was a sudden rustling sound. The Zen master Jingqing asked a monk, "What is that sound outside?" The monk said, "It's the sound of a snake eating a toad." Jingqing said, "Once you acknowledge suffering there is no end to suffering."

oh so wise blue grasshopper <grin
I like~
zmp~ Sharing

Did you just breath my air?
Don't dispair
We were meant to share.

Do you see the same as me?
of course not
I see you and you see me.

Have you read our History?
Man kind's birth
and explorations of the seas.

Are you just sitting there?
found in a time
where you and I have shared.
Dusk comes for everyone~

Dusk comes
like the last breath of the day
when the blue
has whithered away

death's song orchestrated
by the sparkle of a new star
Life hangs in lyrics that fade
like crickets to a new day

darkness churns in deep emotions
iris pools overflow from streaming loving souls
choking sadness from death's chorus
falling, drumming, raining tears
for an Angel returning home
on a rainbow in the dead of night

a flower's beauty still shines
even on nights without a moon's illumination
Its life is measured by the beauty it painted
with brushing touches to other souls
its silent song grows whithered and old
yet a memory is sown

rejoice in the passing
of a soothing breeze
for so many silent stones
never walked with thee
cherished are those caressing,
comforting and gusting memories

Some stars guide us
through the night
some stars simply
brighten our nights
and some stars gleam
for those in our history

Dusk comes for everyone
silent stars shine,
like little gemstone thoughts
of a missing loved one
I see a new star born
hanging brightly, due south

by Art~
"Once upon a time.' looks at you and smiles...
THERE once was a shaolin priest named
Da Mo...who ventured out from his temple in
search of enlightenment to carry back to his
fellow brotherin..and share learnings from the
world.....he was traveling one night when it was
raining and getting dark...he was wet, cold and
tired as he found his way along in the dark.
He came to a cave. Well the gods must be
smileing on me he thought as he made his
way into this cave out of the rain. His feet
stepped and crunching sounds came from
stepping on crunchy things but made
his way in farther thinking it must be wood
blown into the entrance cause not to much
farther in his feet felt soft straw that he
balled up and layed down on in
this pitch black damp cave. He fell asleep
from his weary travel thinking that the gods
have taken care of him this evening and gave
him shelter.....in the middle of the night
Da Mo woke up thirsty and listened as he
heard water dripping so he felt his way over
to the sound and felt what he thought was
a gobblet of liquid. The water was
dripping into some container that he
quickly smelled and tasted and quinched his
thirst. the gods have truely blessed me this
night he thought as he went back to
sleep. .................The next morning he
awoke to see that the crunching was bones
he had stepped across, and the straw was
hair of long dead and left. and the
container of water was a skull that he had
drank from. well Da Mo got a little ill and very
upset....but he went back to his temple
enlightened from a lesson he learned.
"Know what that lesson was??????????"....
......ENEMY'S OF THE MIND..................
every thing was a blessing till his mind had
told him that it was not. The mind rejected its
blessings once the mind knew what
was given to him to comfort him........
and his bodies...his needs were met...
but the mind rejected them...
a shower
filled with droplets
along the wall
some are stationary
while others race to
the bottom

some grow heavy
then trail
while new droplets
cling and hold
and grow
The kettle of
a boiling soul
simmers memories
of sweet sorrow

weeping water
from iris pools
flow over flesh
and fall to their deaths

with a hand from heaven
on a rainbow of love
moist droplets glisten
grey turns blue
and white clouds ride
the open skies

streaks a bird
in passing
hovers a butterfly
so many things untouched
by gravity
My Erotic Trail said:
a butterfly sat
posing as a flower
blending in with the colors
in a field
only its movements
gave it away

all is in movement
reaching for everlasting
stillpoint remains fixed
bluerains said:
all is in movement
reaching for everlasting
stillpoint remains fixed

I treat those who are good with goodness,
And I also treat those who are not good with goodness,
Thus goodness is attained.

Lao Tzu
Zen Stories

One day, in ancient India, the Buddha was giving a teaching to his followers. On this day however, instead of a verbal teaching,
he simply held up a flower. One of his disciples, Mahakasyapa, smiled. The Buddha said:
"Today, I gave a silent teaching and Mahakasyapa alone understood it."

This was the birth of Zen.

Since that time, the Buddha's message has been transmitted from person to person right up to today's modern Zen masters.
My Erotic Trail said:
The kettle of
a boiling soul
simmers memories
of sweet sorrow

weeping water
from iris pools
flow over flesh
and fall to their deaths

with a hand from heaven
on a rainbow of love
moist droplets glisten

This poem has some great possibilities. The one thing I can say is that your versatility is amazing, rarely using the same style poem over and over. Including the substance and directions of your poems are never similar, unless you want to claim humor as similar. Balanced by your passion for zen.
thanks (~_~) bows humble

are we ants
to small to see
true reality

building cities
clipping vegetation
only to sting in defense

looking at the stars
with fantasy thoughts
of calculating their watts
" as a flower blown out by the wind
goes to rest and cannot be defined
so the wise man freed from individuality
goes to rest and cannot be defined.
gone beyond all images-
gone beyond the power of words "

From: Sutra Nipata
A Meal of Fresh Octopus

Lots of arms, just like Kannon the Goddess;
Sacrificed for me, garnished with citron, I revere it so!
The taste of the sea, just divine!
Sorry, Buddha, this is another precept I just cannot keep.
from, zen poetry

Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.