~Zen Mountain~

My Erotic Trail said:
from, zen poetry

Like the little stream
Making its way
Through the mossy crevices
I, too, quietly
Turn clear and transparent.

cleansing rain water
bathing scars of yesterday
saving tomorrow
bluerains said:
by our side balance
ego distributes itself

ego is an enormous self worth
I am only a penny
in a jar of silver coins

well now that is a start of... something <grinin'
At dusk
I often climb
To the peak of Kugami.
Deer bellow,
Their voices
Soaked up by
Piles of maple leaves
Lying undisturbed at
The foot of the mountain.

for Mom

The brightests stars
they are
lighting the lives
of their children.

My night sky
has always been
magnificently bright

because I have
you for a Mother
that illuminates
my life
The Lou Treasure

a magestic mountain
holds a treasure
deeply buried within its roots

paramount peak of snow
where heaven's rays
touches a beautiful soul

a prism of colors
from its gems and precious stones
only distort the view

for how one feels
when one sees their pleasure
they have found the Lou Treasure
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)

A Parable

The cheese-mites asked how the cheese got there,
And warmly debated the matter;
The Orthodox said that it came from the air,
And the Heretics said from the platter.
They argued it long and they argued it strong,
And I hear they are arguing now;
But of all the choice spirits who lived in the cheese,
Not one of them thought of a cow.
wrestling Zen

holding tightly
to nothing
pressing against time
pulling on patience
shuffling my feet
in stillness
pinned to the ground
by gravity
zmp~ Tanka pebbles

from a foot step
a pebble is brought to life
until it lay still
and from that pebble's wake
other stones become moved
You are the wine
I am the glass
together we intoxicate others

I am the cloud
you are the sky
embracing me with nothing

You are the wind
I am the flag
together our pride sails

I am the wood
You are the fire
in the inferno you consume me
I found Zen
this morning
over eggs and ham
slicing with a knife
uplifting with a fork
to place the arrow
down my throat
a sign of direction
for my purpose
to fill me.
simply awesome Q~


lou's limb

I fell out of love
it was like jumping off a cliff
knowing that I will never return
free falling to my destiny

I never figured
the root of a new love
would protrude into my life
from the face of this cliff
and catch me mid way down

dangling between worlds
wondering what to do
hanging on to you
not wanting to fall again
I begin climbing
zmp~ straight into a circle

A straight forward approach
to going round and round
the horizon directly ahead
my feet going up and down

the spinning rock on which I live
is circled by the moon everyday
I go to work to have a home
a cycle untill I am in my grave

A linear walk into the future
as my watch makes ticking sounds
straight into a circle
is where I am always bound
a snail's zen

a snail crawls
from enlightenment
seeking darkness
sucking at everything
in order to be moved
hiding from everyone
finding comfort
in the shadows
afraid to come out
of their shell,
if you look
for the trail
of 'ooey goo'
they leave behind
you'll find the zen
of a snail
My Erotic Trail said:
a snail's zen

a snail crawls
from enlightenment
seeking darkness
sucking at everything
in order to be moved
hiding from everyone
finding comfort
in the shadows
afraid to come out
of their shell,
if you look
for the trail
of 'ooey goo'
they leave behind
you'll find the zen
of a snail

Think I stepped in that ooey goo this am.
Danged hard to get off my boots ~ :eek:

Nice pen here my friend. Very creative thinking goin' on ~

:rose: :rose:
Falling down

Everything is falling around me
the skin of my ass is nearly
past my knees, in a race with my waist,
tits and nipples make ripples
in their effort to catch them

chin sags, but is snagged by the teeth
(what a relief I still have a few),
smile pushed down, a frown now
weighted by the furrows in my brow
as time and worry win out
sugarmountain said:
Everything is falling around me
the skin of my ass is nearly
past my knees, in a race with my waist,
tits and nipples make ripples
in their effort to catch them

chin sags, but is snagged by the teeth
(what a relief I still have a few),
smile pushed down, a frown now
weighted by the furrows in my brow
as time and worry win out

cute, witty, humor, I like (~_~) <grinin'
My Erotic Trail said:
a snail's zen

a snail crawls
from enlightenment
seeking darkness
sucking at everything
in order to be moved
hiding from everyone
finding comfort
in the shadows
afraid to come out
of their shell,
if you look
for the trail
of 'ooey goo'
they leave behind
you'll find the zen
of a snail
I found the 'ooey goo' here
Trail of shit :rolleyes:

cute write <grinz

So tell me you stand on your record?
Your record seems to be to accuse everyone of this that or the other thing. That seems RUDE, right?
All these low scores I got? How do you explain then? Really, who do you think you are fooling? N-Lite That! Number-fucking crowd. :)

a flower smiles
watching the sun-dial
the day is warm and sunny

a Family tree
like a hive of bees
together making honey

'Diamond roads'
money grows
from swet and concentration

joys in life
a soul's delight
inner harmonious relations
zmp~ leap of faith

on so
a Grasshopper goes
to leap from where it stands

there is no guarntee
where it will be
when it finally lands

it knows not
that death exists
yet jumps to be safe

and rides the wind
to destiny's whim
in a leap of faith
soft light gently caressing wet blades of grass, song birds awaken clouds that appear sleepy while fence post sentrys mystically appear as light makes a roll call as they stand firm in formation where new flowers prevailed in the field in the battle for space.
My Erotic Trail said:
zmp~ leap of faith

on so
a Grasshopper goes
to leap from where it stands

there is no guarntee
where it will be
when it finally lands

it knows not
that death exists
yet jumps to be safe

and rides the wind
to destiny's whim
in a leap of faith

they make pretty good bait too