~Zen Mountain~

I have a wild and radiant power
like a wild weed, growing in its hour
I shield myself, in my wicken way
in me there is a divine presence, guiding me thru my day
I cast a bright light, to help find the shadow
that burned the dove, within the green meadow
The power within me, can set my soul free
my eyes are pools of love, deep inside of me
I call upon the warrior, and the angels full of peace
to maintain anonymity, a masquerade of ease
Find the darkness, that tries to take that control
and put them in their place, at the end of the roll
I call upon the winds, north, south, east and west
to help and guide me, to do what is best
I call upon the waters, to flood evil away
I call upon the fires, to burn like hell today
This is my spell for you, if you wish to do me harm
might want to watch yourself....or you will find my charm

mrs. art campell
those who succeed never quit
and those who quit never succeed

(I'm not sure who wrote this, but I read it somewhere recently)

those who succeed never quit
and those who quit never succeed

(I'm not sure who wrote this, but I read it somewhere recently)


and some like my sister,
had no choice
was called home to go see mom
and then she was gone
standing in front of the gates'
of heaven with all our loved ones again,
doing what is right
is much harder than doing wrong
the rule of nature
everything follows the path of least resistance
therefore you get crooked creeks...
rivers, streams....
and crooked men!
quite naturally,
she broke
the silence;

an interruption

the fantasy
that had been
you are just a mean ole' bitch
thinking just of your own itch
you don't care about kids that aren't yours
only about
your own tours

you hate the fact that his last name is mine
but for 20 yrs. our bodies inter twined
and you can't take memories and time away
wish as you wish, try as you may

you will be the one.........
in the cold one day
as karma comes back......
to you,
the spirits way

you called me a bitch
better name is.......
with the spirits with me
my powers are stronger
than any other BITCH

mrs. arthur lee campbell
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today is the last day
I speak my mind on this matter
for my soul
you can not shatter

I am a strong, powerful lady
that can do what has to be
for all life is really
one you see
in the words of singer "JERRY JEFF WALKER",
for each of us sees things in our own way.
you may not like things that I do just as I can say the same
but it is not our place to judge it is our place just to be and be happy to be alive to deal with every day problems.
2 things are certain in this life...............you will at least once pay taxes in one way or the other and you will certain die one day.
everything in between is a blessing
rather it be good or bad.........happy or sad
it is to each of us to make that choice...... heaven on earth OR hell in your spirit while you are here.
and in our learning process if we are lucky we will want to keep learning for as long as we are here. I know I am......sometimes the easy way and sometimes the hard way but all a lesson of something new that I know now that I didn't then and then I can use my new knowledge for good or bad.
my choice is good.
so, none of us are perfect but I love the person that I am becomeing more and more every day.
promises can be made like a mother fixing a child's "boo boo" saying
it want hurt anymore mommy's going to make it all better but.....the "boo boo" is still there and hurts even afterwards.
enough times......you then learn the REAL truth. but know it was all done out of love and that makes it all O. K.
Love can sometimes be mistaken
as loyalty, but when integrity
is in the equation, the modern day
warrior always chooses
the heart
over longevity
some get so lost in life........
they can't tell the difference
between intergrity and love

and think that with just
a little rhyme
they can also,
erase time

but, while walking thru life
on my erotic trail
I learned that,
and loyalty are real

and just as my little warrior taught me
our littlle boys will follow in his foot steps
of this i'll see,
for he will always be in the equation
making OUR boys proud
to have a daddy like he. :rose:
let your soul be free
to soar with the eagles
gliding effortlessly over
heartache and pain

let your mind be clear,
clear as a crystal blue stream
flowing around problems
you may find

let your zen be pure,
keeping the good and
purging the evil lurking
within your karma

so that you may find happines
you are trapped somewhere in limbo
is it your personaility within your soul
or within your body
or, a little bit of both

mrs. arthur L. campbell


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sandra and art campbell
will always be around
and you are just a little mouse
making just a loud sound

the worth of a good man or woman
shows louder in actions
rather than words
i'm still waiting
on the pure hearted ways to show
and for all this anger
to no longer grow

mrs. arthur campbell
your words ring true
now following them
is what you should do

it's not me throwing up deceased family
or keeping kids from my husband
I have no problem doing what is right
when doing what is right, is done by me
it's all everyone of OUR choices
can't you see
in this home there is
a lot of love
his yen and my yang
fit like a glove

very soon we will
become one
and hopefully I can
give him a son
love and happiness is as it should be
for life can be really short
as we all can see

a son would be
a dream come true
as they laid under
the sky so blue :rose: