~Zen Mountain~

two lotus flowers
atop a lilley pad,
floating by the cranes'
beak tips
the water, searching
for an evening meal
there is nothing but
here... now

filling my mind
with dreams of tomorrow
thinking about yesterday

with a beaten down expression
watery eyes
with the
laws of the universe
a karmic responsibility
still have
as a little child of jesus
you picked me
like a rose
from the heavenly garden
brought me to my toes
try as you may
I can not be beaten
but you can try
is what I say

surprise will come
on you today
brace yourself
as you are flooded
by the bay

on this here
beautiful day
me and my babies
will again be gay

happiness is my
only needed pay
and happiness is
what I have been given
this very day

by: sandra campbell
A Blizzard Forever
by My Erotic Tail©

Blizzard beats
at a window pane
watching snow
build up
around the edges
lack of
anything better to do

little nose
against the glass
watching the cold
thinking back
of chilly days
can't play
there are
cold ways

Child knows
against the cold
his mind's
windows of pain
will always be
a blizzard
his parents fled

will he be
in a blizzard?

Wrap my arms
around him
wipe icicle tears
he knows love
and smiles at me
but doesn't understand
not having
his mommy
and daddy

neither do I~

so aunt and uncle
are now mom and dad
but one day
he'll go into the world
wanting answers


for I can't answer
the chilling question
or understand
cold hearts
two nose's
against the glass
when will
this blizzard pass?

blizzard will pass
when children
are not caught
up in the mass

and they are given
to much love to care
what they had lost
and their lives aren't bare

and no one is taking them
from the love they know
so that their love
can continue to grow

and blossom like a rose
from their little heads
down to their toes
while their love
continues to grow
the spirits are with me
guiding me, so I may see
what is happening all around
so happiness, for me is bound

blessed be
blessed me
bless this land
and sea at hand
saw the sun shinning today
bright and beautiful
thru the pouring rain

NIN- :rose:
thanks art and a rose for you :rose:
Once there was a lil indian boy who was afraid of everything, the other kids in the tribe called him chicken boy. This bothered the boy enought that he asked an elder who was very wise, "How do I rid my fears," the boys asked.

"By facing them," the old indian explained. One morning the boy got up early and seeing how his biggest fear was heights, he went to the steepest cliff he could find and began climbing. He was scared with every step, but as he got higher and higher he didn't feel so afraid of what he was doing.

He climbed to the top of the cliff and rejoiced in his accomplishment. As he looked down on his village he noticed that a rival tribe was sneaking up on his village, preparing to attack. Not knowing what to do, to boy finally yelled, but he was way to high to be heard. So, he jumped off the cliff and began falling, yelling, hoping some one will hear him before the village was attacked.

Some of the tribe began hearing the boys crys as he fell and began to fall closer and closer to the village. The rival clan heard him as well, as all eyes looked up to see chicken boy falling to his death, the great spirits took notice of the boy's bravery and sent a white eagle to catch him at the last moment and saved the boy. The rival clan took this as a sign and made peace with the tribe they were about to attack for they now believed the great spirits were watching over them. As for chicken boy? From then on the whole tribe began calling him....white eagle, the bravest boy in the world..