~Zen Mountain~

butterfly kisses in a dream
makes it feel real
as real as it should seem
even if only, it was just a dream :kiss:
you soul mate
you meet in heaven
you life mate
you meet on earth

and divorce papers
must first be served
before you can become
his wife numbered third

But God wants love
and if that's what's there
he will take great care
to make sure it happens
from up there :rose:
someone once told me
99% of life is maintenance
and right now I could
use a tuneup

couldn't we ALL
if we didn't need tune up
we wouldn't be on this planet
really, we couldn't live on this planet
this is not really earth
it is a learning place to get our
spirituality where we really need to be
to move on to the next place
we all try to control our minds
and our actions
at times
pain over takes us
and puts our
physical and spiritual bodies
in binds
and we lose control over
what our physical body does

but, a powerful, spiritual body
will once again overcome
and do what it is
that must be done
I wonder................
is space really
our yesterday
that has been eaten away

to make room for
new day
a mothers body
is designed
to protect
her baby

a mothers heart
is like
a deep ocean,
full of love

a mother is like
a shooting star
falling down
from up above

a mother is
a special part
of what makes
this world
what it is
what do you do
when you find out
that you have just
months left to live

then on this earth
and in this body
you will
no longer be

life on earth
will have stopped
the world will
remain the same

as you,
just fade
out of sight
going on one
last mental flight
delicate is the butterfly
with care and caution we avoid
yet step heavy once we're away

we handle an egg
with extra care
then toss the shell once used

we move around
grow learn and share
then burried when we move no more

we hide from the rain
then go take a shower
then hide from the sun as well

a thought or two I had to jot down <grin>

awesome thoughts there ARTO
like the way you put them
give my babies my love
life, as we know it
exists only in our minds
for all is an outer shell
of inner components
creating life
built by atoms
that follow not time
nor space
as we know it
we all have heard
"an eye for an eye"
but if we all lived by this
the whole world
would all be blind
you know the end of time
as it is known
is coming to an end
with the flick of a pen
can turn your life upside down
and tear your heart out
at the same time
with no good reason
other than
what they can make off of
tearing everything
that means the most
right out of your hands
doing the right thing
sometimes is the hardest thing
especially when
it means
letting go of a major
part of your life
but when it is best
and you have done all you can
letting go
is all you can do
a lesson that is hard to learn
but one that has been learned
the hardest way
that one could even
dare to think about
what is death
what it means
is different
to each and everyone
and can come
without a body dieing
but becoming
dead on the inside
even though
a heart beat
inside of you
you still have
A Blizzard Forever
by My Erotic Tail©

Blizzard beats
at a window pane
watching snow
build up
around the edges
lack of
anything better to do

little nose
against the glass
watching the cold
thinking back
of chilly days
can't play
there are
cold ways

Child knows
against the cold
his mind's
windows of pain
will always be
a blizzard
his parents fleed

will he be
in a blizzard?

Wrap my arms
around him
wipe icicle tears
he knows love
and smiles at me
but doesn't understand
not having
his mommy
and daddy

neither do I~

so aunt and uncle
are now mom and dad
but one day
he'll go into the world
wanting answers


for I can't answer
the chilling question
or understand
cold hearts
two nose's
against the glass
when will
this blizzard pass?

(an oldie, I thought about today)