Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

This looks to be the Chenge we have in store, and the only green deal that Wat is interested in is dinero.

Gringo money. Yanqui dollars . . . .

Green is a horrible color for a motorcycle.

The only green-colored car I would own would be a George Toma signature VW Beetle...

Astro-turfed. White lines and everything. It will smell as American as French Fries.

I'll run it on discarded Wendy's™ burger grease.

Climate Cha-ching
Green bank accounts, ripe with Stimulus!!!

Better than an Amish vegibbles garden.
Green Land, Red Blood, and Black Diesel Exhaust!!!

And the beloved smell of cordite in the morning . . . .

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I remember way back in basic training, mid 70s, myself and my best friend enlisted into the Army in hopes of getting a college education paid for by the Army. We both enlisted together and luckily did Basic and AIT together. Long story short we both were the top shots in our training cycle. I scored a perfect score on the M-14 range and he scored a perfect score on the M-16. We qualified on both because the Army was right in the middle of transitioning from 14 to 16s. At the end of our cycle because we were the platoon top shots we were privileged to spend a couple of days on the range with the M-1 Garand. We were actually allowed to qualify with it and allowed to wear the expert medal for all three. We were allowed to use, I believe, the M7 grenade launcher attachment and launched grenades from the damn thing. DIs dared us to shoulder fire a grenade but no fucking way , stock in the ground or not at all LOL. We had one DI who was built like the hulk and demonstrated shooting from the shoulder, did it once and that was it.
They have shooting ranges for deep fryer training?

Wow. Those must be some serious free range potatoes Traitor Tater!
The squirrels rarely get the chance to enjoy the whiff of my rifle.

I think that ammo burns pretty danged clean.

Bang Bang Maxwell's
Well, we can at least avoid drinking the Kool-Aid.

Seeley leetle mohnkees . . . .

I have no idea what this means or is relevant to. Also, I don’t think I can change your view on guns even if I gave you factual information and, to be fair, there’s nothing you can post that will make me feel safer carrying or storing a weapon in my home. So, instead, lemme sincerely ask you this: why is a woman who feels herself strong and capable and self reliant so happy to settle with weak ass conservative men in her life? This is not a slight or insult. I’m really asking for an honest answer for I would not put up with a husband who brags that he grabs women’s lady bits or peeks into pageant dressing rooms of teens. I would divorce a husband who lets a man publicly humiliate me on national tv by insulting my looks. Why do you feel a man knows best about your bodily functions?

Why do you think our democracy hinges more on you convincing me that I should carry a gun over me believing that you should or shouldn’t be able to have a choice on pregnancy?
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I have no idea what this means or is relevant to. Also, I don’t think I can change your view on guns even if I gave you factual information and, to be fair, there’s nothing you can post that will make me feel safer carrying or storing a weapon in my home. So, instead, lemme sincerely ask you this: why is a woman who feels herself strong and capable and self reliant so happy to settle with weak ass conservative men in her life?
Bn2f, no you will never change my views on firearms, ever... here I'll say it this way.... in the above post her brother murdered (of all people his sister) using a firearm, OK, follow along this individual has been in and out of prison his entire life.... and was out on bail at the time of the murder using an illegal and very possible a stolen gun all of which is against the law. Gun laws don't work a criminal doesn't care about the law ... but more importantly your kind, using nazi gun laws punish me for the crimes of someone else.... how would you feel if a cop arrested you, jailed you over a crime you didn't commit .... bottom line, I flat refuse to be held responsible for the actions of others,
Second, I don’t care if you do or don't feel safer with or without a firearm it's your decision that I respect guns aren't for everyone that's your right.... honestly bn2f.... the deference between you and I is very basic I believe in the God given right to self determination, within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... your kind insists on imposing your fear, your socialists, your freedom stifling, beliefs on folk such as myself you fear, hate and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, Independent as a hog on ice..... we just don't need your coddling or bubble wrapped world...I stand as a free gurl.... bn2f, every day you rise in the morning you risk it all either you live or you die, the deference is I live my days as if I have no other.....
Bn2f, no you will never change my views on firearms, ever... here I'll say it this way.... in the above post her brother murdered (of all people his sister) using a firearm, OK, follow along this individual has been in and out of prison his entire life.... and was out on bail at the time of the murder using an illegal and very possible a stolen gun all of which is against the law. Gun laws don't work a criminal doesn't care about the law ... but more importantly your kind, using nazi gun laws punish me for the crimes of someone else.... how would you feel if a cop arrested you, jailed you over a crime you didn't commit .... bottom line, I flat refuse to be held responsible for the actions of others,
Second, I don’t care if you do or don't feel safer with or without a firearm it's your decision that I respect guns aren't for everyone that's your right.... honestly bn2f.... the deference between you and I is very basic I believe in the God given right to self determination, within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... your kind insists on imposing your fear, your socialists, your freedom stifling, beliefs on folk such as myself you fear, hate and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, Independent as a hog on ice..... we just don't need your coddling or bubble wrapped world...I stand as a free gurl.... bn2f, every day you rise in the morning you risk it all either you live or you die, the deference is I live my days as if I have no other.....
Such a long and wasted reply. Sigh.

I asked why you put up with listening to and following weak ass men. Why have they convinced a woman that the skin she occupies 100% of the time always is demeaned.
I have no idea what this means or is relevant to. Also, I don’t think I can change your view on guns even if I gave you factual information and, to be fair, there’s nothing you can post that will make me feel safer carrying or storing a weapon in my home. So, instead, lemme sincerely ask you this: why is a woman who feels herself strong and capable and self reliant so happy to settle with weak ass conservative men in her life? This is not a slight or insult. I’m really asking for an honest answer for I would not put up with a husband who brags that he grabs women’s lady bits or peeks into pageant dressing rooms of teens. I would divorce a husband who lets a man publicly humiliate me on national tv by insulting my looks. Why do you feel a man knows best about your bodily functions?

Why do you think our democracy hinges more on you convincing me that I should carry a gun over me believing that you should or shouldn’t be able to have a choice on pregnancy?
Here's more, first you assume I support Trump, no, I believe and with good reasons the feds are systematically destroying my way of life.
I'm not sure where you find that conservative men are weak, I find them for the most part very noble and responsible. My steady dick is a great guy......no he's not perfect, he's good to me and "stands his ground"...
Two reasons I hate abortion, one is the destruction of something that is innocent, two is the utter lack of responsibly or the complete lack of accountability for one's actions or self discipline..... bet'cha that statement starts a fire 🤷‍♀️
Bn2f, no you will never change my views on firearms, ever... here I'll say it this way.... in the above post her brother murdered (of all people his sister) using a firearm, OK, follow along this individual has been in and out of prison his entire life.... and was out on bail at the time of the murder using an illegal and very possible a stolen gun all of which is against the law. Gun laws don't work a criminal doesn't care about the law ... but more importantly your kind, using nazi gun laws punish me for the crimes of someone else.... how would you feel if a cop arrested you, jailed you over a crime you didn't commit .... bottom line, I flat refuse to be held responsible for the actions of others,
Second, I don’t care if you do or don't feel safer with or without a firearm it's your decision that I respect guns aren't for everyone that's your right.... honestly bn2f.... the deference between you and I is very basic I believe in the God given right to self determination, within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... your kind insists on imposing your fear, your socialists, your freedom stifling, beliefs on folk such as myself you fear, hate and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, Independent as a hog on ice..... we just don't need your coddling or bubble wrapped world...I stand as a free gurl.... bn2f, every day you rise in the morning you risk it all either you live or you die, the deference is I live my days as if I have no other.....
I'm truly sorry you don't feel like you can live your life to the fullest extent without ready access to a firearm.

  • Do you "strap up" when you go out to the mailbox?
  • Do you take a long gun with you when you go out on a picnic?
  • Do you keep a handgun in your bedside stand for use by you in the unlikely event of a nighttime invasion (or more commonly, when a small child wants to play 'cowboys and indians'?
(Just trying to gauge the extent of your existential dread of mankind)

It is my opinion that you lead a sad and fearful life. Not quite as bad as Wat_Tyler, JoePepsico and their fellow trailer park bottom feeders, but not too many rungs up the economic ladder above them.

Food for thought: "I flat refuse to be held responsible for the actions of others," is the rallying cry of any parent of a school shooter.
Bn2f, no you will never change my views on firearms, ever... here I'll say it this way.... in the above post her brother murdered (of all people his sister) using a firearm, OK, follow along this individual has been in and out of prison his entire life.... and was out on bail at the time of the murder using an illegal and very possible a stolen gun all of which is against the law. Gun laws don't work a criminal doesn't care about the law ... but more importantly your kind, using nazi gun laws punish me for the crimes of someone else.... how would you feel if a cop arrested you, jailed you over a crime you didn't commit .... bottom line, I flat refuse to be held responsible for the actions of others,
Second, I don’t care if you do or don't feel safer with or without a firearm it's your decision that I respect guns aren't for everyone that's your right.... honestly bn2f.... the deference between you and I is very basic I believe in the God given right to self determination, within the confines of the constitution and the bill of rights.... your kind insists on imposing your fear, your socialists, your freedom stifling, beliefs on folk such as myself you fear, hate and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, Independent as a hog on ice..... we just don't need your coddling or bubble wrapped world...I stand as a free gurl.... bn2f, every day you rise in the morning you risk it all either you live or you die, the deference is I live my days as if I have no other.....
I’ll give a short reply to this:

Wow. Embarrassing. Borderline crazy. Unhinged. I don’t think that you are seeing that you’ve just described yourself as someone being unable to live in a society ruled by laws.
I’ll give a short reply to this:

Wow. Embarrassing. Borderline crazy. Unhinged. I don’t think that you are seeing that you’ve just described yourself as someone being unable to live in a society ruled by laws.
Okay no, what I have stated time and again, I refuse to be punished for the crimes of someone else. Now if you and your kind believe otherwise, travel your happy ass's down to prison and demand you and your kind "do" the prison time of the convicts contained inside... go on now practice what you preach, lead by example....
I’ll give a short reply to this:

Wow. Embarrassing. Borderline crazy. Unhinged. I don’t think that you are seeing that you’ve just described yourself as someone being unable to live in a society ruled by laws.
No, you and your kind fear, hate, and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, free, and responsible. Your kind can't seem to wrap your mind around anything that strives to be as independent as a hog on ice .... in short my way, my fellow selfreliant kind, scares the living shit out of your kind. The best reason for your animosity towards us is we cannot be controlled or possessed. We have hope it what your kind lacks.... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt....
Okay no, what I have stated time and again, I refuse to be punished for the crimes of someone else. Now if you and your kind believe otherwise, travel your happy ass's down to prison and demand you and your kind "do" the prison time of the convicts contained inside... go on now practice what you preach, lead by example....
None of this makes sense. What crimes are you talking about? What crimes have others done that you feel you’re being punished for? When I go to downtown area and put money into a parking meter is that being punished for the crimes of others? Maybe I’m giving a bad example but you need to tell me what you’re talking about.
No, you and your kind fear, hate, and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, free, and responsible. Your kind can't seem to wrap your mind around anything that strives to be as independent as a hog on ice .... in short my way, my fellow selfreliant kind, scares the living shit out of your kind. The best reason for your animosity towards us is we cannot be controlled or possessed. We have hope it what your kind lacks.... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt....
You want to steer the conversation towards guns and I’ve told you that I have no desire to change your mind. I did not talk about fear hate or envy. What I described was a disappointment in women who have weak men around them espousing demeaning conservative views.