❓Have you Ever❓ Round 12!❓

No, but I have spent a ton of money on my hobbies :)

HYE picked up an activity on a whim and realized you were really good at it?
Does masturbation count?
Seriously though, yes.
I’ve thought about it but decided against it almost immediately lol I think letting something like that out in any form would be the definition of instant regret for me. 😊

HYE spent a ton of money on a new hobby to only have your interest in it last a few weeks at best?
Omg yes to this too 😏 When will I ever learn?

HYE kept your hobby private because you felt shy or embarrassed until you got “good” at it?
Not that I’m aware of.

HYE had sex with a friend of your significant other or significant other of a good friend (or is that just in porn)?
HYE had a date go completely sideways but turn out better than you hoped?
I guess. I'm thinking of the time when my date and I had to quickly leave a restaurant because of kitchen fire. We were close to done, but we had to evacuate... and not have to pay or our bill. That left plenty of money for more drinks at a nearby cocktail bar. The date had been rather boring, but the sudden speedbump made things more interesting. We got liquored up and then laid.

Have you ever gone more than two consecutive weeks without an orgasm so far in 2024?