🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 17: A song that feels like spring

I'm thinking this a distinctly Canadian song that you need to be of a certain vintage to know, but if you can believe it this video was actually nominated for video is the year by Canada's equivalent to MTV. They had like two more low key singles and faded further into obscurity, but this guy still gets airplay up here... especially this time of year.

Day 17: A song that feels like spring

Nearly went literal with an Ostara song but this one popped up in my head. I've never listened to the lyrics so I didn't know they were kind of moody but the music itself feels like spring to me: breezy and lush.

Andrew Bird - Eight
Day 17: A song that feels like spring
This one seems quite obvious.

But it runs a bit deeper than that for me. I was in Vienna in 2002 and as luck would have it I was invited to view a chamber orchestra perform The Four Seasons at the Imperial (Hofburg) Palace. This was to be performed in the same antechamber where Mozart would entertain the Royals and their selected guests. For this performance, there were no more than 100 guests and the acoustics were perfect. I don't want to overstate the moment, but this was the most moving musical experience of my life. To listen to world-class musicians perform (yes I know it was Vivaldi) in the same room where Mozart entertained the Royals was for me very much a celestial experience, complete with chills running the length of my spine frequently. This memory is vivid and will never leave me.

Vivaldi- La Primavera- from The Four Seasons.

Day 17: A song that feels like spring

Freaking languages... Spring, antecedent to summer. Or, coiled loops of metal. In Swedish it means Run. In German it means Jump. Come to think of it, it means Jump in English too. Spring into action.

I dunno. I got nothing. I'm cold 😭

Rammstein - Spring

Day 17: A song that feels like spring

Freaking languages... Spring, antecedent to summer. Or, coiled loops of metal. In Swedish it means Run. In German it means Jump. Come to think of it, it means Jump in English too. Spring into action.

I dunno. I got nothing. I'm cold 😭

Rammstein - Spring

I have no idea what the lyrics say but I'm digging that hammering guitar. To me, it seems more like winter than the coiled metal, but I am really getting into this song.
I have no idea what the lyrics say but I'm digging that hammering guitar. To me, it seems more like winter than the coiled metal, but I am really getting into this song.
It's a pretty depressing song. It's about a man who wants to claw his way out of the grime and the muck. But the people around him watch as he climbs towards the light, and they get jealous. They want to tear him down, or he might get what they'll never have. "JUMP!" they scream, but he keeps climbing. The narrator can't take it anymore, climbs up after the man, and kicks him back down into the grime. Into the muck.

"I only wanted to see the view..."