📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 19:

PM 2 Litsters with a funny - a joke, a hilarious video, a funny thing that happened to you at band camp.
Make em laugh!
I don't generally think of myself as being particularly funny... I struggle to remember jokes. However, I do know funny when I see/hear it. People who don't know me well are often surprised when I actually AM funny.

Humour has been shared generously today because we all need more lighthearted moments in our lives.

Thanks for the excuse PLP ❤️🤣🤣🤣❤️
An early conquest. We thought we had been discreet when we left the pub for a while. Everyone laughed when we returned... she had her skirt in her knickers and my jumper was covered in straw!
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)
So there are probably a few Litsters I could message, I am easily swayed by boobs lol... but challenge completed. Oh, and for your listening pleasure today...
Bad Reputation
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)
Done with a bonus gold star 🙌

See all of my kindness
Is taken for weakness
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)

Unless it terrifies my crush from this unexpected revelation. 😬
Wait..... What! ?!!
Neither of you messaged ME!
I'm crushed!!! 🤣🤣🤣
To be fair - I did message you today. Just not in relation to this challenge. But don't take that to mean that you're anything less than crushworthy! Sometimes you've just got to spread the love around! 😁
My wanted women have been crush messaged. Had to send Amy one by Skype as she doesn’t have PMs anymore but she will always be a Litster

20 challenges now in the bag
Too late, I'm already worrying and developing a stomach ulcer.
I am NOT taking responsibility for that.🤷‍♀️
All you had to do was PM me and all this angst goes away!🤣🤣🤣
Have a grilled cheese sandwich
Or... better yet, since it's national hot dog day, a hot dog! 🌭🌭🌭
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)
Accomplished with a big Hug added🤗
Day 20: (anyone tired yet?)

It's Woman Crush Wednesday!! Send a PM to a lady litster you crush on.

Do you have a girl crush? Send a PM! Do you have a friendly crush? Send a PM! Do you think her nipples are just the best? Send a PM!

(PS today's Easter egg is one of my favorite boss bitch hype sings for a bonus gold star, share yours!)

I have not officially participated in the July PM game (as I need no encouragement to send PMs when inclined 🤣), but I completed this challenge a full two days early. Skype counts, right? 😉