🧘🏼‍♂️🤾🏻‍♀️Getting Sweaty Again: The 3rd Circuit 🚴🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️


I’m taking off work for a couple days - unlike me, but I was going to go postal if I didn’t- and I’m going to the mountains for a yoga retreat. There’s also hiking, massage, walking a labyrinth, meditation, and “assisted stretching”.

Do I do much yoga? Nope! But what the hell? I’ll be in the mountains. That’s the important thing.

Anybody been on a yoga retreat before? How much Advil should I bring? ;-)
That sounds incredible. The mountains are my happy place too.

I’m taking off work for a couple days - unlike me, but I was going to go postal if I didn’t- and I’m going to the mountains for a yoga retreat. There’s also hiking, massage, walking a labyrinth, meditation, and “assisted stretching”.

Do I do much yoga? Nope! But what the hell? I’ll be in the mountains. That’s the important thing.

Anybody been on a yoga retreat before? How much Advil should I bring? ;-)
So jealous!
This sounds amazing.

Relax and enjoy it all!

I’m taking off work for a couple days - unlike me, but I was going to go postal if I didn’t- and I’m going to the mountains for a yoga retreat. There’s also hiking, massage, walking a labyrinth, meditation, and “assisted stretching”.

Do I do much yoga? Nope! But what the hell? I’ll be in the mountains. That’s the important thing.

Anybody been on a yoga retreat before? How much Advil should I bring? ;-)
Enjoy it!! Can't wait to hear how it was.
I like to hike in the woods alone. But I’ve had two incidences happen to me in the past 6 months that have made me wary. Does anyone carry anything (weapon wise) for protection when they’re out running/trail walking alone?
I don’t carry anything but maybe a small thing of mace spray. I’ve seen small ones that you can clip on or slip in your pocket.
I like to hike in the woods alone. But I’ve had two incidences happen to me in the past 6 months that have made me wary. Does anyone carry anything (weapon wise) for protection when they’re out running/trail walking alone?
Many if not most of the women I know who trail run do carry pepper spray. I know one who wears a holster under her running stuff.
I don’t carry anything but maybe a small thing of mace spray. I’ve seen small ones that you can clip on or slip in your pocket.

Many if not most of the women I know who trail run do carry pepper spray. I know one who wears a holster under her running stuff.
Thank you both.

I’ll have to mentally prepare to be ready to use it.
I like to hike in the woods alone. But I’ve had two incidences happen to me in the past 6 months that have made me wary. Does anyone carry anything (weapon wise) for protection when they’re out running/trail walking alone?
I have mace on my keychain and will carry that. I also keep a skating tool in my pocket that could be used as a weapon if necessary. It sucks that we have to think about those things but I've had incidences like that as well on trails.
I like to hike in the woods alone. But I’ve had two incidences happen to me in the past 6 months that have made me wary. Does anyone carry anything (weapon wise) for protection when they’re out running/trail walking alone?
My wife runs with pepper spray most of the time. We looked into a holster but it really isnt convenient or comfortable to deal with while running.