🧘🏼‍♂️🤾🏻‍♀️Getting Sweaty Again: The 3rd Circuit 🚴🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️

So impressed by you runners! Longest I’ve ever done was 10 miles years ago, I think I prefer the bursts of basketball, martial arts etc so struggle to find the discipline to run far
I’d like to though, it would be good to do a half marathon and beyond
Feeling pretty bummed after my X-ray results this afternoon showed that I've fractured my tailbone from a fall I took at Monday night's practice. I'm not sure how long I'll be out, and this isn't how I wanted to finish my barely started season with this team before moving. 😔
Ah that’s so rough… hope you heal quickly so you can play again before you have to go
So impressed by you runners! Longest I’ve ever done was 10 miles years ago, I think I prefer the bursts of basketball, martial arts etc so struggle to find the discipline to run far
I’d like to though, it would be good to do a half marathon and beyond
Once you find the mindset you'd be able to get there faster than you think.... I absolutely LOVE basketball!!!
Feeling pretty bummed after my X-ray results this afternoon showed that I've fractured my tailbone from a fall I took at Monday night's practice. I'm not sure how long I'll be out, and this isn't how I wanted to finish my barely started season with this team before moving. 😔

This stinks to hear. I know for a fact how much time and commitment you've had to this team and the sport. I hope you are able to heal relatively quickly and be back on your skates ready to kick ass again soon.
Well.. my philosophy about sport is pretty simple: do what makes you tick.
  • - Whether you like the adrenaline and friendships in fast paced sports. (something I find really cool! But personally would have a hard time committing to, - I would much rather cheer on from the side!)
  • - Or it is the mental game when pushing yourself through your own demons when running. (Yup.. not only when running.. those demons, they are pretty persistent!)
  • - Maybe you enjoy the exhaustion and trembling that only a bike ride can pull you through!!
  • - Or again.. it can be something completely different.. maybe some nerdy controlled barre training, it can literally be whatever!!

I know, that for me.. It is not only about training my body, but just as much my mental health, that daily walk? Whatever life throws my way.. that walk tends to make me smile!

So impressed by you runners! Longest I’ve ever done was 10 miles years ago, I think I prefer the bursts of basketball, martial arts etc so struggle to find the discipline to run far
I’d like to though, it would be good to do a half marathon and beyond
First of all, 10 miles is a long way. Don't turn your nose up on 10 miles (or that mud run, @Love_Is_Blonde, that is also incredibly tough).

My philosophy on all things exercise, including running, is to do things you enjoy and look forward to. We have to do a lot of shit in life that we don't want to or don't find super satisfying, don't toss more of that into your exercise habits. If you do, your chances of doing that for the long term are really low. Mix in something you like, much higher chance you'll go back to it. Maybe that's classes instead of a run. Maybe it's a team oriented thing instead of a solitary activity. Maybe it's switching up the idea of running as a solo event into a group one, there are lots of great groups out there. Whatever that looks like to you, make it something you like or you'll just hate it more than you already did.

That isn't to say it's supposed to be easy. It's not meant to be. I do difficult things often in my training that I "dread." But it's still an activity that I like and want to be better at. You find that activity/exercise/sport where you want to push yourself and love doing, that's where the magic happens.

As an add on, motivation and interest will ebb and flow. It's not also going to be at 100. You might not think you like something now, but you might in a year. Or maybe something you do today and love changes to something different down the road. It's very normal and likely very healthy.
First of all, 10 miles is a long way. Don't turn your nose up on 10 miles (or that mud run, @Love_Is_Blonde, that is also incredibly tough).

My philosophy on all things exercise, including running, is to do things you enjoy and look forward to. We have to do a lot of shit in life that we don't want to or don't find super satisfying, don't toss more of that into your exercise habits. If you do, your chances of doing that for the long term are really low. Mix in something you like, much higher chance you'll go back to it. Maybe that's classes instead of a run. Maybe it's a team oriented thing instead of a solitary activity. Maybe it's switching up the idea of running as a solo event into a group one, there are lots of great groups out there. Whatever that looks like to you, make it something you like or you'll just hate it more than you already did.

That isn't to say it's supposed to be easy. It's not meant to be. I do difficult things often in my training that I "dread." But it's still an activity that I like and want to be better at. You find that activity/exercise/sport where you want to push yourself and love doing, that's where the magic happens.

As an add on, motivation and interest will ebb and flow. It's not also going to be at 100. You might not think you like something now, but you might in a year. Or maybe something you do today and love changes to something different down the road. It's very normal and likely very healthy.
It’s a good philosophy, you’re absolutely right
And yes, the best training is the training you’ll do and push yourself in
I do envy runners though, and it’s such a boost to cardio
Maybe I should aim to try the 10 again…sometime lol
Oh Geez Sally! I’m sorry. This is rough. You were making so much progress. I’m sure this is frustrating and not at all what you expected. 😢

Oh Sally, this sucks. I’m really sorry:-( I hope you won’t be out long. Hopefully you’ll heal quickly. 🫂

This stinks to hear. I know for a fact how much time and commitment you've had to this team and the sport. I hope you are able to heal relatively quickly and be back on your skates ready to kick ass again soon.


And on top of the big move.. 😔

Hugs Sally, lots of hugs!!!!
Thanks everybody. I needed to put that into the void last night. It will all be okay. 🤗💕
I wish that was true! And I know how good it would be for the sports I enjoy, but I just can’t find the discipline lol
You will never "find" discipline. You have to push yourself to start doing it and then keep doing it over and over till it becomes a habit. Just like taking a shower or eating your meals.
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Well.. my philosophy about sport is pretty simple: do what makes you tick.
  • - Whether you like the adrenaline and friendships in fast paced sports. (something I find really cool! But personally would have a hard time committing to, - I would much rather cheer on from the side!)
  • - Or it is the mental game when pushing yourself through your own demons when running. (Yup.. not only when running.. those demons, they are pretty persistent!)
  • - Maybe you enjoy the exhaustion and trembling that only a bike ride can pull you through!!
  • - Or again.. it can be something completely different.. maybe some nerdy controlled barre training, it can literally be whatever!!

I know, that for me.. It is not only about training my body, but just as much my mental health, that daily walk? Whatever life throws my way.. that walk tends to make me smile!


Still and always one of my favorite smiles.
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Well.. my philosophy about sport is pretty simple: do what makes you tick.
  • - Whether you like the adrenaline and friendships in fast paced sports. (something I find really cool! But personally would have a hard time committing to, - I would much rather cheer on from the side!)
  • - Or it is the mental game when pushing yourself through your own demons when running. (Yup.. not only when running.. those demons, they are pretty persistent!)
  • - Maybe you enjoy the exhaustion and trembling that only a bike ride can pull you through!!
  • - Or again.. it can be something completely different.. maybe some nerdy controlled barre training, it can literally be whatever!!

I know, that for me.. It is not only about training my body, but just as much my mental health, that daily walk? Whatever life throws my way.. that walk tends to make me smile!

Love how you have captured different aspects of workouts. You could potentially combine them all in a single sport though...just depends on the person and the sport :)
You will never "find" discipline. You have to push yourself to start doing it and then keep doing it over and over till it becomes a habit. Just like taking a shower or eating your meals.
Lol that’s true, I wasn’t implying I would discover it hidden somewhere; I have experience of dedicated training
The question for me personally is, where I apply that discipline and how to maximize it
Who else here has done a longer run? I know of a couple people, but idk if they want to share that so I won’t tag them. If you want to weigh in on your experiences with how you prepared for the longer races, I’d be very interested to hear. Did you need support from others, or were you able to do this independently? Is there an app for that? There must be..

Thanks for letting me be nosey!
Another long winded post, but you asked for it! 😂

I'm not anywhere near the ultra world (basically anything beyond 26.2 miles). That's not my bag. But I'll fuck with a half marathon pretty much at the drop of the hat. And I have aspirations for that marathon distance.

For me the biggest misconception about running is that is a solo, isolating journey. You can certainly run all your runs on your own. That's a thing you can choose to do. Even then, I would contend you aren't doing it alone. You have some form of support system you are relying on for help, coaching, general cheerleading, motivation, etc. So you might be physically alone on a run, but you're not doing it alone.

Personally, I'm kinda halfsies. Roughly 60% my miles are with a group/friends and the rest are on my own. I like a combination of both, each has their merit for why it is helpful. I think doing difficult things with a group or a friend makes them less difficult, so I appreciate the support of a group run/atmosphere greatly. I definitely couldn't do it alone and didn't (and again, I'd contend not many really do).

Preparing for a long run in a race style for me is very methodical. It's building a plan, building a base, determining the right amounts and styles of workouts inside that plan (hills, intervals, tempo runs, etc.), and enjoying the process. I also think a lot about how the finish line isn't the destination. Yes, that is the test, the barometer by which you'll inevitably measure yourself, but to tie everything you just worked for to a moment that is so dependent on so many factors beyond your control just isn't for me. I have goals and I'll be disappointed to not hit them and pumped if I do, but everything you put into getting to that moment is far greater than seeing the number on the screen when you cross the line.

For long run Sunday? Have a piece of toast with peanut butter, pop a couple Gu's in my running belt, crack my knuckles, and go. Enjoy the outdoors, the company if I have it, the tunes, the literal ability of my body to allow me to do wild things like this... and then mock everyone in my mind that I pass because I just ran 20-something K before they got out of bed!

As for an app for that, Nike has a great one. I'm sure there are more, but Nike's is free and does a great job (Nike Run Club). It has coaches, you can run different sorts of plans, it's a community so you kind of aren't alone even though you are doing runs on your own, and you can listen to your music or podcast in app. I don't love endorsing giant companies, but Nike did a great job (and honestly, for race day carbon shoes they are the best, as well, but I still don't run in them).

If anyone is interested in running (or any activity, really), I'd suggest finding a group in your community. Don't be scared. I joined when I didn't know anything and couldn't really run. So many people start there (technically, everyone does), and groups are supportive and fun. They'll have run/walk programs (how I started!) and you'll meet some really awesome people. You also get to make it what you want. You don't have to run some crazy long distance, it can just be a thing you like doing for 30 minutes to an hour a few times a week with friends. You don't have to be crazy and run a marathon (or 200 miles!)
Thank YOU....I never get to talk about it outside of the other racers and the rather smallish community of the sport
I have a friend who does FKT (Fastest Known Time) trail hikes where he does 10s or 100s of miles at a time. He has done them assisted and unassisted. Basically he is trying to set the fastest known time for a certain trail and it's tracked online amongst this niche community of people involved with it.
The unassisted take a serious amount of prep and planning. I can't imagine all the logistics that go into running for multiple days straight like that. Good on you for going after it! 🏃‍♂️
Well.. my philosophy about sport is pretty simple: do what makes you tick.
  • - Whether you like the adrenaline and friendships in fast paced sports. (something I find really cool! But personally would have a hard time committing to, - I would much rather cheer on from the side!)
  • - Or it is the mental game when pushing yourself through your own demons when running. (Yup.. not only when running.. those demons, they are pretty persistent!)
  • - Maybe you enjoy the exhaustion and trembling that only a bike ride can pull you through!!
  • - Or again.. it can be something completely different.. maybe some nerdy controlled barre training, it can literally be whatever!!

I know, that for me.. It is not only about training my body, but just as much my mental health, that daily walk? Whatever life throws my way.. that walk tends to make me smile!

Oh dear! You don't know how much I needed that smile right now! :love:
(Almost as good as nudes..... :D )
Well.. my philosophy about sport is pretty simple: do what makes you tick.
  • - Whether you like the adrenaline and friendships in fast paced sports. (something I find really cool! But personally would have a hard time committing to, - I would much rather cheer on from the side!)
  • - Or it is the mental game when pushing yourself through your own demons when running. (Yup.. not only when running.. those demons, they are pretty persistent!)
  • - Maybe you enjoy the exhaustion and trembling that only a bike ride can pull you through!!
  • - Or again.. it can be something completely different.. maybe some nerdy controlled barre training, it can literally be whatever!!

I know, that for me.. It is not only about training my body, but just as much my mental health, that daily walk? Whatever life throws my way.. that walk tends to make me smile!

And for the rest I agree!
If it's fun you'd do it. If it's not fun you'll find a thousand excuses not to do it.
I hate running for example, so I cycle instead. It takes more time but I find it more fun to do. And i like the gym so I go there and look forward to the sauna....😊
And for the rest I agree!
If it's fun you'd do it. If it's not fun you'll find a thousand excuses not to do it.
I hate running for example, so I cycle instead. It takes more time but I find it more fun to do. And i like the gym so I go there and look forward to the sauna....😊
I agree with...... *Motions all over this post* all of it!
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I have a friend who does FKT (Fastest Known Time) trail hikes where he does 10s or 100s of miles at a time. He has done them assisted and unassisted. Basically he is trying to set the fastest known time for a certain trail and it's tracked online amongst this niche community of people involved with it.
The unassisted take a serious amount of prep and planning. I can't imagine all the logistics that go into running for multiple days straight like that. Good on you for going after it! 🏃‍♂️
I've heard of those....honestly not terribly different than journey races the way you describe it. Except they're on trails so would presumably carry EVERYTHING vs me eating bugles and little Debbie's with coffee from a 7-11 at 3 in the morning 😂
I've heard of those....honestly not terribly different than journey races the way you describe it. Except they're on trails so would presumably carry EVERYTHING vs me eating bugles and little Debbie's with coffee from a 7-11 at 3 in the morning 😂
The assisted ones are closer to what you are doing largely. The unassisted is crazy. They will hide food ahead of time along the trail as a stash for when they get there.

I bet a shower feels amazing once you finish these journey races.
... Yes, that is the test, the barometer by which you'll inevitably measure yourself, but to tie everything you just worked for to a moment that is so dependent on so many factors beyond your control just isn't for me. I have goals and I'll be disappointed to not hit them and pumped if I do, but everything you put into getting to that moment is far greater than seeing the number on the screen when you cross the line.
This is something you have to remember. Having played individual and team sports at a competitive level, you have to learn to separate all the work that you put in from the final result because there are too many external factors influencing that result. You have to enjoy the journey, and if you don't get the result, just reset and continue on that journey.
The assisted ones are closer to what you are doing largely. The unassisted is crazy. They will hide food ahead of time along the trail as a stash for when they get there.

I bet a shower feels amazing once you finish these journey races.
Yes or even sometimes it's worth it to get a hotel room for literally just like three hours...take a shower and a nap and get back on the road .....you're like a whole new person. But the post entire race shower, meal and sleep in that order are borderline orgasmic 😂