2025 Virtual Literotica Convention Story Idea

👍🏻🐊 but you stole Freya👩🏻‍🦰's thunder⚡
I have no thunder. I'll make up an official thread in a couple of days. Right now, I'm just catching up on some work and taking care of some "Pre-Christmas" stuff. But I'm so happy that the idea is now an official thing!!!!
I have no thunder. I'll make up an official thread in a couple of days. Right now, I'm just catching up on some work and taking care of some "Pre-Christmas" stuff. But I'm so happy that the idea is now an official thing!!!!
I did steal your thunder though - sorry! Congrats on getting this up as an official challenge! The announcement pointed to this thread as theh official thread, so maybe you could use it just with some tidying up?