A Prediction.

Every day, another step closer.

Today, Trump orders US forces to quit involvement in NATO exercises.
The United States has notified its allies that it does not plan to participate in military exercises held in Europe beyond those already scheduled in 2025, Swedish media outlet Expressen reported on March 7.

Since his inauguration in January, U.S. President Donald Trump has signalled that he wants to pivot American security priorities away from Europe and focus on China and the Indo-Pacific Region.

He shocked allies with recent moves including ending military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine, and excluding European allies from peace talks held with Russia in Saudi Arabia
Of course! When he quits NATO ,NATO IS FINISHED!!! BQQM 💥 AMERICA FIRST! MARCH MADNESS. ENjoy the games!🍿🏀🍿🏀
The position of the US has skewed so extremely recently that it seems that anything can happen.

So this is my prediction for the future: Within the life of the current regime, Trump will announce that the US is supplying arms and support to Russia in their invasion of Ukraine.

I do not think that will ever happen. Russia steals enough of US tech without giving it to them. Too many trump voters are losing their jobs to vote republican't in the mid term. Democrps to control both House and Senate unless they stick their foot in their mouth ...again.
I predict there won't be any democratic left in Washington to run for ANYTHING after the sex trafficking / CHILD sex trafficking TRUTHS come out ! I PREDICT it's not going to be pretty for either side! Welcome to MARXG MADNESS!🏀🍿🏀🍿1000002629.jpg
QUAN or not. It's a coming! That's a promise! Sooner rather than later! Theres a right time for everything!💥💥🏀🍿🏀🍿💥💥
Well, the time is not any day from 2025 through 2029. Remember, all these mass arrests and show trials were promised for Trump's first term.
Instead of being so God damn STUPID, PROVE ME WRONG ..OR DO YOU WANT TEN OTHER SOURCES!? I can supply them if you want to see them!!!🍿🏀🍿🏀
Oh, I'm quite willing to believe what Breitbart says about Patel going on a witch-hunt. But only some source you would dismiss as liberal (or "Commie") legacy media would be credible to show there actually was any treason.

This is Breitbart:

Breitbart.com is a far-right news site which operates out of the U.S., London, and Jerusalem, and Conservapedia's main source of information nowadays. Well, we say news; it's more like the unwanted love child of Fox News and /pol/ who serves as an American Pravda for Donald Trump and others like him. "Screaming hateful absurdities" might be more appropriate. It was founded by Andrew Breitbart, whose death launched a bunch of idiot conspiracy theories among people who lost the ability to debate coherently a long time ago. Breitbart is basically a Nazi version of BuzzFeed.

It is inadvisable to use Breitbart as a source. Wikipedia editors have agreed to not allow Breitbart to be used as citations for facts,[2]In September 2018, Wikipedia banned the use of Breitbart as a source, as much of its news coverage was found to be unreliable, misleading and false.[3] similar to how Daily Mail was blacklisted, though it does help when discussing how horrifying Stephen "Lenin" Bannon is.[4][note 1] It's called Breitbart because the name Bannon would be too telling: Steve is basically David Duke with a little more smarts, a Goldman guy with Seinfeld money who bought the outlet to push his agenda. There is no doubt that he will be successful — in destroying the Republican Party.

It is surprising how a previously right-wing rag which was a notch below WorldNetDaily has become a major news outlet for "socially liberal" Reddit. Breitbart is building an army of unemployed twenty-somethings who will be the future of America. So no, they are not going away soon.
Well, the time is not any day from 2025 through 2029. Remember, all these mass arrests and show trials were promised for Trump's first term.

remember. There was a reason he was put through all these SHAM trials! There was a reason the depth of justice, the FBI; and the CI A were weaponized! GAME OVER! MARCH MADNESS HAS ARRIVED! There's a reason your boys have shit running down their legs! They can run UT they can't hide!!🏀🍿💥💥🍿🏀
remember. There was a reason he was put through all these SHAM trials! There was a reason the depth of justice, the FBI; and the CI A were weaponized! GAME OVER! MARCH MADNESS HAS ARRIVED! There's a reason your boys have shit running down their legs! They can run UT they can't hide!!🏀🍿💥💥🍿🏀
:rolleyes: The trials were not shams, you damned liar. DOJ, FBI and CIA were not weaponized. And nothing more important or more interesting than college basketball is going to happen this March -- at least, not in the U.S.
I definitely see trump considering the possibility, painting russia as the victim of Ukrainian aggression... but how it would sit with Americans I just don't know. There HAS to be some levels he cannot be allowed to reach down to and, despite November's election, I still have some faith in Americans as a whole.
Miss Piggy!
:rolleyes: The trials were not shams, you damned liar. DOJ, FBI and CIA were not weaponized. And nothing more important or more interesting than college basketball is going to happen this March -- at least, not in the U.S.

:rolleyes: The trials were not shams, you damned liar. DOJ, FBI and CIA were not weaponized. And nothing more important or more interesting than college basketball is going to happen this March -- at least, not in the U.S.
Well when ya find out all involved are now simply sludge on the bottom of the sea,you will know EXECTLY why! You tried EVERYTHING to keep him from where he is today and FAILED miserably! Now SUFFER and suffer you will! 🍿🏀🍿🏀1000002149.jpg