A Sexy Superhero Comedy (OOC)

Real Name: 372
Super Name: Char
Age: 32
Appearance: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs40/i/2009/037/c/6/Fire_Elemental_by_LethalIndustries.jpg
Origin: Science
Powers: Fire Manipulation/Creation
Bio: Char is an entirely artificially created entity. At the dawn of superpowers, humans were concerned about the threat that these super heroes might present to them and started working on experiments to create a super hero who could defend them in the event that someone with super heroes went mad or drunk with power and turned against the populace. Char was part of a special project called Project Element, and was meant to have 3 siblings who would have elemental powers similar to his own (water, earth, and wind), however his siblings were all deemed failed projects for one reason or another. Char was the only one who was deemed viable, and was kept in stasis should humanity ever need him to save them from the super humans who called themselves heroes.
Some years later, the Super Code (a set of rules and regulations that the supers use to govern themselves. Think of it like good manners.) was made public. This code outlined unacceptable behavior, such as supers murdering other supers, and other unsavory actions. The code was made public to show that even super humans would be subject to some form of law, even if they had to govern themselves. This brought an end to the secret projects meant to protect humanity from super humans, and the project was all but forgotten...that is, until Char made his escape.
Char is an exceptionally powerful super villain (he would have to be, since he was created to eliminate super humans) and doesn't really understand why he was created or what he is. With his exceptional power he does whatever he sees fit. So far, he has managed to stay under the radar, which has been helped by the government disavowing any knowledge of his existence, and his attacks mostly looking like normal house fires, but it can never be certain when he will make the move to becoming a true threat, both to normal humans, and to super humans.
I still feel kind of bad about Char, because he isn't really a joke character like I was trying to push everyone to make, but he is a plot point, so I really didn't want to make him a joke character.
Real Name: Ana Packwyn (Yes, pronounced like the actress; Sorry, but I'm a "True Blood" fan)
"Super" Name: Random Citizen
Age: 20
Appearance: http://53rg10.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/zeronotsukaima_tiffaniawestwood.jpg (Minus the elven ears)
Origin: Well...her mommy and daddy loved each other very much, and...one thing lead to another...and nine months later, she was born.
Powers: Nothing really, though she has an involuntary hypnotic effect on most men and the occasional woman.
Bio: A young woman living on her own, who works as a bank teller (as does a large majority of the city, due to the many banks in the city). As a result, she's often in the wrong place at the wrong time, but at least there's a monthly bonus for hazard pay. And she hasn't been hurt...okay, not too seriously...and the super good/evil people she meets at the robberies are usually kinda hot. Both the men and women.
I'm glad someone recognized who it was, cause I found the picture by chance, had no clue who she was, but now I can find the series with her. Well...okay, when I actually have some damn money coming in I can.
I'm glad someone recognized who it was, cause I found the picture by chance, had no clue who she was, but now I can find the series with her. Well...okay, when I actually have some damn money coming in I can.

She doesn't appear in the first season I don't think though. It's a really cute series though. I try to do a game based off of it every once in a while.
Real name: Candace Williams

Super hero name: Candy Girl


Costume:Candy girl costume with a pink lacy mask

Origin: Candy or natural whatever you want to call it

Powers: Throwing random candy at people what do you expect from a former d n d

Bio: Candace has always been the damsel in distress. It never failed, if there was a robbery, she was always the hostage. not to mention no one ever took her seriously. Deciding to prove her independance to everyone she becomes Candy Girrrrl, throwing candy at villains in the name of justice even though she really does no good and only feeds the villains and, they hit on her even in her costume! who cares if she bought it from Victoria Secret!
I think I might try to start this thread on Friday. Once it gets its wheels under it, it'll probably attract male attention faster (especially with the female cast that I have here, woo hoo)
also the picture is a playboy girl that should attract some male attn

It attracted my male attention. Actually, it was the fact that she is wearing a sports jersey that attracted my attention. I gotta love a girl who wears a sports jersey (especially if that is all she's wearing, woooooo)
Sounds great!

I'm a big Supers fan, and I've been looking for a way to get more involved with the community here. If you'll have me, I'd love to be a part of this. Alrighty, here goes:

Real Name: Simon Parkwell
Super Name: Paragon
Age: 24 (physically, though he's been around for almost 100 years now)

Origin: Science (and alien)
Powers: Basically a flying brick. He's incredibly durable, with moderate amounts of super strength and speed. No laser eyes, super breath or anything of that sort, however.
Bio: Simon Parkwell loves his country; it's almost his defining characteristic. He excelled at school, but focussed on athletics so he could represent his nation at the Olympic games. Unfortunately for Simon, the Olympics he was due to attend were canclled on account of war. The year was 1940. And so, instead of marathons, Simon was running between trenches, doing his best to make the other side as dead as possible. Unfortunately the war effort wasn't going well, and when the army asked some of their finest soldiers to volunteer for a new program, Simon was the first with his hand up. The program involved scientists mixing his blood with fragments from a meteorite they had found. It possessed interesting qualities, and they were hoping that it would somehow affect a human in a postive way. They couldn't have been more pleased. Simon posessed great speed, strength and durability, as well as the ability to fly! He turned the tide of the war around all by himself. His enemies weren't about to give up, however. They had their own experiments cooking; namely those involved with time travel. Simon was sent to stop whatever they were planning, and he did so with ease. Unfortunately, one of the enemy scientists managed one final play, sending Simon into the future! He now lives in current day Megalopolis, bringing with him outdated ideals and civic pride. He's determined to be a shining example to those who would falter at the altar of morality... but he's finding it hard with all these empowered women around!

Let me know what you think!
I was reading it going "Okay, waiting for the funny circumstance." And then he got sent to the future, and I didn't get how that you make him funny until I thought about it for a minute and realized that he will probably struggle and be in amazement of every little piece of technology, and that amused me to no end.

"Oh wow! You're telling me this little brick with the picture of the apple on the back can play music!? That's AMAZING!"
Yeah, the funny part is that he's out of his depth in almost every way, but he's the kind of guy who's always trying to be bold and daring. He just doesn't fit with this new world; he's naive, stubborn and old fashioned. Could be a lot of fun :)
It's like "Hey you whipper snappers! Get off my lawn! You know, in my day..." but he's only like 32. Heh. I like it.
Now when Chronicle submits his profile, I think we can start. Wow, I was planning on holding off until Friday, but Princess's sexy playboy bunny picture picked up more interest than I thought it would.
Great :) If you'd like me to make someone a little more... overtly comical, I can whip something up. Let me think for a moment...

Real Name: Paul Parkwell
Super Name: Multi-Paul
Age: 24

Origin: Magic
Powers: Able to make exact copies of himself. Unfortunately, these copies are sometimes less than cooperative, and one has even tried to kill Paul! He can absorb these copies by touching them, and if he is injured when he does this, the injury heals.
Bio: Paul Parkwell was late for everything. He was never on time for school, and so eventually they expelled him. He was always late for work, so eventually they fired him. The fact was, he always seemed to be trying to get somewhere, but never actally arriving. After being fired from his latest job as a courier, Paul wandered the streets of Megalopolis, despondant. He saw an old lady trying to cross the street, but having trouble and laiden with groceries, and so he stopped and helped her. The hunched over old lady was very appreciative, and as Paul took the groceries into her house, they got to talking. He ended up telling her all about his troubles, but she only smiled, patted his face and told him he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to be in two places as at once any more.

Later that day, Paul discovered he had the ability to make copies of himself! He attributed the new ability to the old lady, but when he went back to her house to thank her, all he found was an empty lot. Deciding to turn his fortunes around, he became a superhero! Trying to do good wherever he can.

I actually like this one better! Could lead to some interesting encounters. If you'll still have me, I'd like to play as Multi-Paul :)