All good things...

Bon chance Mae!

I've only been surfing the literotica boards for a few weeks but it's been plain to see how much of an inspiration and a pleasure you've been to so many, including myself.

I wonder how many have been encouraged to post their own pics having been shown so eloquently just what can be achieved with "amateur" pictures.

There are literally millions of erotic images on the web, yet IMHO some of your shots are up with the the very finest of them.

I hope when the dust settles you'll be back posting and inspiring once more. In the meantime just look back through this thread and enjoy the praise and admiration which you've encouraged.

There will always be people who want to spoil the fun, but communities with such dedicated and supportive contributors as on Literotica will continue to flourish.
Mae, I rarely post to the threads here in the pic forum, but I always took the time to enjoy your beautiful pictures and read through your words. I find you to be incredibly bright and witty and warm and sensual. I am so sorry that you feel compromised and exposed in a way that is uncomfortable and threatening.

Please find your way to the General Board and continue to post there, at least. I am always interested in what you have to offer to a conversation.

One Bad Apple

I came home from work today, hopeing that Mae had posted something- a picture, a rant, something positive and unique. I was deeply saddened to find that someone has upset and angered Mae, comprimising her trust, and creating potential havoc on her career.

Mae posted great things, photography and prose. I enjoyed the quality she brought to the lit. And sadly, as her Av expresses, the muse now weeps in silence.

Mae, you have touched me. I have enjoyed the dialouge that we have shared. I hope that it will not be lost as the result of this prick.

Nothing funny today, nothing witty. I am hurt. I am sure Mae's feelings are beyond comprehension at the moment.

I will be thinking of you Mae.

Sweetest Mae

As I read this thread today, I felt as though the breath had been beaten from my lungs. I have so enjoyed your artistic approach and the thoughts that you have shared. You have given a glimpse to the person who is within.

I have no words to take away your pain and sense of loss. I do not have a magic wand to wave to make all things bright, beautiful, and safe for you. If I were able to do these, I would.

In this thread I have seen as people have reached out to hold you and to support you through this time. Your golden heart has won you many friends Mae and that is something that no one can take away from you.

Please know that you are not alone. Many stand with you. Let their love and appreciation warm your heart that your eyes will be bright again.

* A Warm and Tender Embrace*

*Feirce glaring eyes and white hot daggers to any who dare to harm beautiful sweet Mae*
Thank you

Truly, from the depths of all that I am, thank you. I saw a cloud today on my way home, lit up with a high plains sunset, which twirled and glowed with flame-light in the shape of a phoenix...such a simple thing can give one hope.

I will respond to all your kind words, I promise you that. It's a bit overwhelming right now, to say the least...this is not the only blow my spirit has had this past weekend. I just want to get through this year so I can start the next one with a clean page and find a happiness that will not be taken from me. Blows hit you harder when they come in multiples, you know?

To quote an amazingly cheezy Celine song which I hate to admit I like sometimes; "My heart will go on..." No Titanic comments or I shall bludgeon you :)

Thank you for your support, thank you for your words and the warmth I feel from you all. Thank you for seeing me more than just as a pair of tits....thank you for everything *hug*


ROADS - Portishead

Ohh, can't anybody see
We've got a war to fight
Never found our way
Regardless of what they say

How can it feel, this wrong
From this moment
How can it feel, this wrong

Storm.. in the morning light
I feel
No more can I say
Frozen to myself

I got nobody on my side
And surely that ain't right
And surely that ain't right

Ohh, can't anybody see
We've got a war to fight
Never found our way
Regardless of what they say

How can it feel, this wrong
From this moment
How can it feel, this wrong


How can it feel, this wrong
This moment
How can it feel, this wrong

Ohh, can't anybody see
We've got a war to fight
Never found our way
Regardless of what they say

How can it feel, this wrong
From this moment
How can it feel, this wrong
Hi Mae

It hurts just to look at your avatar, your pain must be immense.


I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people’s hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it’s bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I’m loved when I’m completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can’t appreciate real love until you’ve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don’t know what you’ve got until you say goodbye

I believe you can’t control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can’t appreciate real love until you’ve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don’t know what you’ve got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can’t appreciate real love until you’ve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don’t know what you’ve got until you say goodbye

Re: One Bad Apple

aaron697 said:
I came home from work today, hopeing that Mae had posted something- a picture, a rant, something positive and unique. I was deeply saddened to find that someone has upset and angered Mae, comprimising her trust, and creating potential havoc on her career.

Mae posted great things, photography and prose. I enjoyed the quality she brought to the lit. And sadly, as her Av expresses, the muse now weeps in silence.

Mae, you have touched me. I have enjoyed the dialouge that we have shared. I hope that it will not be lost as the result of this prick.

Nothing funny today, nothing witty. I am hurt. I am sure Mae's feelings are beyond comprehension at the moment.

I will be thinking of you Mae.


**weeping uncontrollably* too, i was so happy..i actually thought it was like.."all good things come to those who wait"..type teasy thread..mae is usualy soo playfull:(

OOOHHH GODDESS MAE..**HUGGY** i'm soo sorry this happened to you..but please don't deprive us of your presence forever..the pictures really are secondary..beautifull, sensual and great art though they are, inmo your greatest masterpeice is your beautifull soul..and i've only caught glimpses of it on here:(

those sad eyes are killing me**sob**
Naything i can do at all, just let me know, and btw..i may have been drunk before, but the offer still stands, you are exceptional in every way.
Short for words

Mae, no matter where you are and who you have touched, you will be the guiding light that radiates and blesses others. I think it's your inner spirit and your inner reflections that show you are beyond a body, but a heart and soul.

Words getting shorter as the slender fingers reach out to a person that is lovely and comforting. Why? Because with the few exchanges we have crossed, you moved me. I will take that along with my lover and share with her that your beauty reflects hers' as well. Grrr! I better stop before I have to PM Zoe and sob with her!


Like everyone else posting here, I'm sorry we won't be able to enjoy the beautiful form of your body anymore.

And just like everyone else here, I'm really sorry that someone who seems such a quality person is being hurt by the thoughtless actions of a lower form of life.

Missing your wit and vitality is so sad for all of us who feel we've come to know you in some small way. Best of luck in all you do.


I'm posting as unregistered only because I can't register a handle here. I'm not a troll. I'm someone with a few questions, and I would like some answers.

I am also in a position that I can not be found here in a forum such as Lit. As much as I would love to show off some of my pictures here, losing my job isn't worth it.

You knew what could happen if someone found out who you were. Why did you post pictures of your face? It is a shame that you can't post your art on here. As much as it is a shame that I can't "show my face". I love this forum, it's much more than a porn board.

I didn't see any of your pictures, I don't frequent this board much. I lurk around the general board and reading of the stories. I have never in my life posted here, and I'm very nervous doing it now.

With a registered membership of 30595 and I'm sure that number is much larger when adding in the unregistereds like myself that few this board. Why wouldn't you have thought that possibly SOMEONE would recognize you? It really is a small world, and I'm sorry that xafboy had to "out" you as he did. The small mindedness of some people is sad. If in fact he does know you, I pray he didn't save your pictures.

Please for your own safety, if you do decide to continue on at Lit, use pictures with your face (or other identifing marks) out of them.
Sorry to see you go. I am sure i spak for all of us here when I say that I have enjoyed your posts. They were of a very nice and artistic nature to me........i will truely miss them

Fair thee well
Unregistered, Your post is understandable, and is also appropriate to a degree. I have a pick up (or two ;) ) because I have or never will have anything to loose.

I can't speak for Mae, but she probably figured that those who are at lit would respect and adhere to the privacy policies they agreed to when they Registered. If an Unregistered posts personal info about another member, the member can have the post deleted, and can remove their pics and change identities as Mae has and will have to do.

Registering at a site like this shouldn't be a problem for anyone. Laurel and Manu respect the rights of others, Privacy included, and would never subject anyone to anything that would pose a threat to their station in life.

Others, who wish to remain here, should adhere to these morals too. If you want to know the truth, this idiot probably meant no harm, and he probably got a big boner over her, because she is simply fantastic, and dually, if someone recognises her that is in her line of work, here, and tried to fuck her because of it, they too would be guilty of whatever the offense is.... if being here, at a 'porn' site, is the offense.

So, in conclusion, no one made her do this, and she probably shouldn't have shown her face, but her personal information is that..... PERSONAL.

I think that you are overlooking the real problem at hand and that is the lack of respect that this one member had for Mae's privacy. Mae is going to get on with her life, and not die because she can't post her art here, but the truth is, that this place will be less of a wonderful place because of that. :(
Dear Mae:

I've came upon Lit just a couple of days ago, and have been spelunking around all of the boards since. I've not posted previously, so you wouldn't know me from Adam. Your posts are right at the top of my favorites - not because of the nudity of your body (which is quite beautiful), or the artfulness of the photography and poses (which is exceptional). It is your wonderful and generous heart that is evident....your beautiful spirit that shines through in your writing and your treatment of the people here that made me smile when I saw the name "Mae13."

I looked at your previous avatar, and wondered what I saw in your beautiful eyes - was it longing....or hope....was it a siren call to a lover, or a beautiful goodbye - I never really knew for sure, and I don't think it mattered. I looked in your eyes....and saw beauty and spirit - the eyes of a person who I believe is a truly wonderful and delightful human being that, as Thoreau once wrote, wants to "live fully, and suck all the marrow out of life." I was so shocked today to see your new avatar.....and all I see is pain....and sorrow.....and loss...... I see a person that I would love to hold and comfort...and assure them that everything is going to be alright. But I can't do any of those things. All I can do is write what I've written, and hope that it might bring a small bit of comfort.

I am but one heart of many here at Lit, Mae...that appreciates yours.....

Wishing you what you gave us here - the best always.....

Warm hugs,

I really don't know what to say... I mean... the just aren't enough words to type or say in any language to show the sorrow I feel at your loss... The pain in your eyes tares me apart everytime I see it... I hope only that you can find some way some opening for your art... so that your soul will recover... and that the pain will go away in your eyes before it tares the world apart... I would give anything to change what have to you...



I am so sorry, so very sorry!

As 100% female and straight I found your black and white photo's very artistic, erotic and beautifully done.

I am sorry that some ignorant, poor slob has violated your personal space. I have read your words in many threads, looked at your tattoos and adored your dragon ones.

I hope someone tracks him down and shoots him to flames,(words, I mean) I have tried to search for him, but can't find the words that so upset you, maybe just as well.

You have many friends here, never forget that!

From a new friend

Just came across this thread and was down hearted at it's content. I am very sorry to hear about this, as I have only been here a short time, and You were always one of my favorites to gaze upon. But the thing I shall miss most is the lively banter and insight that you seem to bring to lit. I thank you very much for what you have given. I also thank you for listening to a "virgin", and did you Windows thread. I am very sorry that this had to happen, and I will never understand your pain, but I, like so many others, will be here if you need to vent. Adios Mae, you will be sorely missed.

Heavy of heart,

I can't...

Leave for work without at least replying to 'Unregistered's question real quick...

In all honesty, the reason why I posted my face is the fact that I was already easily identifiable by my inked artwork. I guess I could have just taken lots of pictures of my legs and bum and posted those only, since it wouldn't have showed any identifiable marks (and I know Sabine wouldn't have minded that at all, lol! *tease*)

The main problem was not what I had posted. I was very careful to make sure that all references to my profession (besides nurse, which is terribly generic) were not anywhere on this board. That's where the crux of the problem lies for me. It is the blending of this sensuality/sexuality-laden place and job specifics. A moderater has kindly given me my request, and removed the entire "Insomnia" thread, so I am not sure if you knew what was posted there. Basically, someone publicly posted my branch of service, rank, and station site. This was the entrance to "Unacceptable Land", unfortunately, and it was not given to me as a choice, it was forced upon me.

I know there was a possibility of someone recognizing me, it could happen with such a large population. But I *DID* make the mistake of assuming that someone who recognized me would either keep that fact to themselves or at least have the decency to contact me privately about that. I thought they would have the decency to enjoy the artwork here, and to let others enjoy it. I honestly did not imagine someone recognizing me would have done what xafboy did. Guess I still have a bit too much optimism for that half-full glass of humanity sometimes :)

I hope this clears a few things up. And I also want to clarify that I'm not going away guys...there's no way this 'fiasco' could drive me away. It just means I have to strictly moderate what I say and do here, that's all ;) For instance, you'll still note there are a *few* pics left up, such as my Windows thread, or my contributions to the tattoo thread... I'll still be around, here and the General Board, runnin' my mouth off, hehe...

To xafboy: I do forgive you. I truly do feel your post was more of a thoughtless mistake than a malicious one (maybe I should refer myself back to my sometimes mistaken faith in humanity, lol...). I have left my previous message to you standing, and will not remove it, because I *do* want to be sure you understand the impact of your actions. We all must face consequences to our actions, and get past it and continue to live on. If you still come here and wander about and read here at all, I wanted you to know that. I do not hate you, nor did I ever. I was just very angry, very sad, and very violated.

Eeek, must run now...duty calls :)
*hugs to all*

Hrm....think it's time to ditch
<------that sad chick. The sun's out today in MaeLand!
Happy journey friend

Ignore the rubbish, just know you do have real friends!

soundslike the reason i quit posting.......
it didnt go so far as what happened to you Mae but it was close......i kinda know what you are going through:(

God be with you
Mae I'm sorry for what you've gone though, and that picture of you crying.... I can feel you through it. I looked at it after your post and my eyes started to tear up...
Starfish.................thought you stated the ideas of respect and privacy as well as could be put in words is that belief of yours in the basic goodness of people that has made you so beloved here

I am a former army medic,and during the time I was in 69-73 I was involved in something (anti-war activities) that would have had serious consequences for me but something that I believed in in my heart.You did the right have a good heart and you did and should continue to follow it

I havent been on in a while and all I have to say is that I am sorry. Your pictures will be missed. But I am happy to hear that you will still be on to talk to, (even though i haven't really talked to you much). I just kind of wish I copied them to my hard drive. That reminds me maybe I should stop making thoese audios if I want to run for public office someday. Don't worry all will be fine and I doubt anybody will do anything to your professionaly career. The people here are way to nice.