Alluring Alliteration!

Melodramatic moping messages may mangle my meaningful missive.
Just sayin
And hearding cats? Meow?
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Odalesque Oneida openly opined, "Our oeuvre outperforms others' oppressive options of oral orations." Overwhelming ovations!
Randy Randi randomly ran red-lights. Responding reporters read rich reports, really reeling, rapidly roiling & ralphing. Rats! Randi’s randiness retreated rapidly.
Clarice claimed Connie’s cum, clearly controlling climactic contortions, clitoral conundrums, cerebral caregiving, causing centennial-unique climaxes.
Fraulein Fauna found Fred’s frisky fellatio friendly - Ferris found freedom from femeninization, fucking Fred’s furry face
Imogen’s illicit imagination inspired Issac into indulgent indiscretions
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